Going deeper in the keep we are hear fighting we rushed down and attacked and The imperials there was for four prisoners storm cloaks that were alive.
Ralof: "Was Jarl Ulfric with you?"
Stormcloak: "No, I haven't seen him since the dragon showed up."
Regardless of the battle's outcome, Ralof will then look around the room.
Ralof: "[walks up to the center cage] Wait a second. It looks like there's something in this cage. [pause] Ah, its locked. See if you can get it open with some picks. We'll need that gold when we get out."
Ralof gives 12 picks to pick open the cage, which contains a dead mage who is wearing a novice hood and robes. Along with this, he has 25 GoldIcon.png and two potions of minor magicka. Next to him are a few septims and a Sparks spell tome.
Putting everything in the bag I put over my shoulder and check the room finding another bag to put all over my shoulder. Grab a iron shield. We had down the hall through the wall we hear imperials with an attack them only me and Ralof was left. Grabbing the arrows and a bow we make our way cross the bridge. I didn't hear rumbling noise then the bridge collapses thankfully we got just passed it.