A Child Is Born (Rewrite finished)

"Wake up child." A voice resounded throughout existence. Too mighty was the voice for anyone to perceive it. It echoed for millennia before a tiny light started shimmering in the void.

"W-Where am I?" Neither male nor female was the voice that came from the small shimmering light.

"You are here, and you are not. You are everywhere, like I. You exist in everything. You are me, and I am you. We are one!" An ancient voice answered. The void that couldn't be moved or destroyed, couldn't stand up to the might of the two voices.

"Why can I speak? Why do I understand you? Why do I know of events long past?" In comparison to the all-powerful and ancient voice. This new one was childlike and immature. Still, it shook the void the same.

"You are me and I am you. Stay silent my child. In moments few, you will understand what we are." The voice jumped from every corner of existence but nothing but the shimmering light could hear it.

"I understand now, honourable father." In just a few moments, the being gained the wisdom and cunning of its father. It was nothing it did not know, and could not see with its newly gained perception.

"Welcome to life. I am your father, in mortal terms. Give yourself form, daughter." The small shimmering light started to change and soon a small female form grew.

"My daughter, why such a short stature?"

"Mortals are short first. They grow forced to look up to their fathers. Does this not please you?"

"Nothing you do pleases me, as I am not capable of feeling."

"I think I can feel, father. I feel... Strange when looking at everything. I think... It's beautiful."

"As it should be, daughter. You are what I am not. Created to surpass me and be better. You have given reason for existence."

"I understand." Two small multi-coloured eyes searched through the vast multiverse, gazing at the perceived beauty. "The stars are beautiful in the night sky."

"Are they? You will have to tell me how that feels sometimes. For now, heaven's throne remains empty. We shall return."

"Yes, father!"

A mass of swirls and they suddenly floated among clouds in heaven. Infinite islands floating as far as eyes could see. All surrounding the island are proudly displayed in the centre of heaven. Otherwise known as the centre of existence.

"You gaze upon our home, daughter. What do you feel?"


"Indeed. My castle spanning the size of many mortal planes. Only divinity could gaze upon this place and not fall to insanity."

The duo sped forward, passing indescribable islands, sizes varying from mortal mansions to entire realms. A place beyond the comprehension of a mortal mind.

The centre-island, the home of the father of existence. Now also, to the daughter of existence. They landed on green grass spanning indefinitely into the distance. Four people stood in waiting, positioned on their knees with heads bowed low.

"Who are they? Why don't I know of them?" The daughter asked. Her intrigue showing on her innocent face.

"My servants. The firstborn children of the father. By mortal terms, they are arch-angels. Protected by my will, as is heaven. Beyond even your sight, daughter. They are guardians of heaven, soldiers to eradicate anyone breaking universal laws I established."

"All-father. Daughter Of Existence. I welcome thee back home to heaven." A practised unanimous chorus sounding out between the angels.

"Your Highness, my name is Devon. Quite the mortal name, I am aware. A name holds no value to the inhabitants of our heaven, so if you like to call me differently, I welcome it."

"No, it is alright. I suppose I will need a name as well." Devon waited dutifully for her to continue.

"Maleficent. That is the name I choose."

"Magnificent! A name that perfectly represents your beauty, your highness." She ignored his remark and regarded the next person.

"Who are you?" Maleficent turned to look at the pale-skinned man. He was kneeling with similar devotion in his eyes. His aura exuded a sick and deathly feeling which made one's skin crawl.

"Nomos, your highness. Watcher of the Underworld and archangel of the first heaven."

"Nice to meet you, Watcher. What about the rest of you? Introduce yourselves!" The was a fraction of impatience in her tone. Emotions that her father was incapable of.

Beauty incarnate was the next one to look up. A woman with bronze-coloured skin and soul-consuming purple eyes. "Your highness. I am Modra, also an archangel of the first heaven. I manage the stability of the universes the all-father creates."

"Suppose I am next. Rex, at your everlasting service, Highness! I manage the inhabitants of the first heaven. Kind of like a chief of police. They break the rules, I send them to the Underworld... After I have my fun, obviously." This remark earned him a slap from Modra. His purple eyes changing to a fiery red as his gaze turned to his sister.

"Do not taint her highness ears with your perversion, dear brother!"

"Both of you, calm it." Devon raised his aura to silence the siblings. The hierarchy was immediately distinguished. Devon was the stronger one, his presence was superior by a lot.

"My apologize, your highness. They can not stop themselves sometimes. If I do not end their squabble, destruction follows. I am the Grand-angel of the first heaven. I manage all the angels here. Including the arch-angels."

"A pleasure to meet the four of you. I will be relying on your guidance whilst I am here. Can I count on you?"

"Yes, your highness. All angels would give their life for yours in a blink of an eye. Whenever you need us, we will be there." Devon said, with the rest agreeing with hasty nods.

"Enough for now. Devon, show Maleficent to her room. The rest of you, go back to your duties." The all-father spoke calmly.

"Yes, All-father!" The three unwanted arch-angels disappeared to go back to their duties. Devon stood at attention now, waiting for Maleficent to indicate she was ready.

"Goodbye, for now, father. I will see you a little later?"

"If that is your wish, daughter. Familiarize yourself with your might. You are not omnipotent, which means you will need practice to not accidentally destroy the multiverse when you descend."

"I am well aware, father. I can not see this heaven in my all-sight. But, I am still the second most knowledgable being in existence." Something akin to smugness spread her lips apart. Devon swallowed a chuckle. In the presence of all-father, one did not interrupt.

"Go then. Devon, you are her shadow now. Act like it." With that, he disappeared soundlessly.

"Yes, all-father." Devon raised his bowed head. "Shall we, your highness?"

We shall!" She grabbed his hand nonchalantly and started walking.

"YOUR HIGHNESS!?" Devon with an expression of true terror stumbled and fell on his face. Never had he encountered a situation he couldn't understand. Until now.

"I saw mortals do this all the time. Suppose it builds trust. Father does not hold hands, so you will." Ignoring the war inside his head, she skipped along the pavement. The castle in the distance becoming bigger and bigger each passing second. Small skips took them thousands of miles each time, too absurd for mortal minds to comprehend.

"Y...Yes, your highness." Residing in his fate, he sighed at the absurd thought of someone insignificant as him being intimate with someone like her. Angels around heaven would strangle him from jealousy if they ever heard of this.

