Chapter 4 (Rudy's life)

My name is Rudy. I am blind however I was not always blind. I became blind after a terrible accident when I was seven years old. Today I would met Ashley. Ashley is a strong independent girl who hates asking for help. She is crippled and has been since she was five. Ashley became a crippled two weeks before Christmas. As a result Ashley has never celebrated Christmas since. Though most don't know why, many think Ashley hates Christmas. The truth is she doesn't hate Christmas, it just reminds her of all she's lost. What I didn't know was that after Ashley and I met we would become the best of friends. Other than Ashley there is only one I trust with my life. Her name is Bri however many know her as Littlemute. Bri has been a mute since she was eight. Though I have never seen her nor heard her, I know she has a kind and pure heart. She brings every day with a smile. She never let's people know when she's hurt or sad. She is always kind and never gets mad at others who hurt her. Instead she shows them love ten times fold. This is the thing I love most about my sweet Littlemute. She is both my eyes and my heart. Without her I don't think I'd ever be happy. Before I met her I was a very cold person. I had lost something that had ment so much to me as a result I became very cold and inconsiderate. I treated people like trash but it was when I met her that my life would change. I would never be the same person I was. I wanted to be a better man because of her who had so little yet, even in her darkest moments smile just so others would.