9. It's Time To Play And Redeem Myself

25th December 2018

Everyone in the whole world was celebrating Christmas, and here I am, lying down inside my gaming console with nothing on except for my sports bra, a pair of Spongebob Squarepants boxers and my pair of wrists and ankles weights.

Nevertheless, there were tens of thousand gamers on the MMORPG - The Lord Of The Red Dragon gaming platform right now, and they forgo their Christmas celebrations as they soon logged in and landed in the country of their choice.

Just as I had expected, I was only wearing a pair of cloth armour that made from a single piece of cloth material. The male counterparts would be wearing two pieces instead. All of the gamers that had logged in popped up like mushroom after the rain was similarly dressed.

In this MMORPG, there was no paper doll to change our features, skin colour or physique, as it relied entirely on our DNA. So, if you happen to meet your friend, he or she looks exact in the gaming world and real-life...!

"Dammit. Don't tell me I've got no shoes again? Those sharp stones and the brambles in the forest will cut my feet once more...!!! Let me reduce the pain threshold of this game to 10% instead. No one is going to make an issue out of this, anyways.

Since I still had mt wrists and ankles weight back in the real world, my running pace was a little bit sluggish, but it does not matter much. As I ran, I checked my system and discovered that what I had painfully gained in attributes were all wiped clean.

There was not a single shred that I had played this game before for two freaking years, and this time, I have a headstart that no one else possesses, and that would be - K N O W L E D G E...!!!

Yes, the K N O W L E D G E that I had possessed from the years of playing this MMORPG and the hidden easter eggs that could activate special missions and tasks. These missions and tasks give out special bonuses such as getting peerage titles, discounts as well as procurement of lands for business, residences as well as having a G U I L D.

But by having a G U I L D too early in the game would make people green with envy, as I would end up making more enemies than I ever did in the year 2020...!!!

I checked and made sure that the pickaxe that was bound to my account was there in the storage slot, as it had boundless durability. My storage space was paltry as currently, it had only 2x5 slots. Two minor-type healing potions, along with two minor-type mana potions and the pickaxe had already taken 50% of the spatial storage space.

"Damn...! I got to purchase one stupid pouch to add another row of storage space, and that purchase would drain all the credits that I have. This MMORPG does not have any premium packages that I could purchase or else everyone would be OP or O V E R P O W E R E D right now."

Since I had reduced the pain threshold of the game, I do not feel much pain but a miniscule degree of discomfort whenever my feet stepped on the sharp stones.

I had purchased a small cloth pouch which I had inserted into one of the sockets on my paper doll, and my spatial storage space increased to another five additional slots.

Fortunately, for this MMORPG spatial storage space, it has a limit of 250 items. Purchases such as this manner could be made on the fly, as it does not have any special requirements. I brought up the minimap as I ran towards the town as I discovered that I teleported a few miles away from the town's border.

"Heh...! Its time for me to take action once I stepped into town. Since I knew most of the tricks and loopholes, I would be hailed as a BETA TESTER by the gamers since I would be making progress by leaps and bounds. Fortunately, I had bound my in-game virtual bank account with my bank account in real-world, so I would not have to waste time to logoff to make any kinds of transactions. All I would do is to point and click as everything would be done immediately, even down to conversions between the two currencies. At this moment, there was no surcharge for any amount of transaction, and that would be ideal for me.

According to the minimap, I am only 15 miles away from the town's border, and I had run for the past half hour and had covered at least 2.5 miles already. Even with the ankle weights still attached to me in the real world, my pace did not fluctuate much either.

Placing my pickaxe within a free slot in the spatial storage space and running freely, all the C-Class and B-Class nutrients that I had consumed before had shown its advantage.

I no longer felt that tired and I could go on running for several hours non-stop without feeling fatigued. My muscles that had trained and toned up a week before the game's launch had shown its advantage. I felt as though I was reborn once more and am here to make the most of the upper hand. I met a few gamers on the way, but I do not stay there for a chat or stop to say hello to them.

All these formalities and not that important to me right now. I had set my mind the moment I realised that I had travelled back in time for no apparent reasons. I would correct all the flaws that I made, and the most crucial part would be an alliance that I would be teaming up in the later stages.

There were several incidences that I should be taking advantage of, but then the opportunity was blocked by other circumstances. I regretted not making the decisions that I had set my sights on before. However, I made a mental note on the shortcomings and ensured that I would avoid them in the future. It was for the future developments of a gamer, to form a clan, a guild and lastly an alliance.

There were so many things to do in this MMORPG world since its based on an actual world. Getting from one place to another would not cut it. There were teleportation scrolls that could be bought from the merchant or the marketplace, but at this moment the option was greyed out. Even the option to travel to another country was greyed out too.


My heart whopped with joy the moment I saw the high walls of the town's border. "Hahaha... The City of Votrieburg at last...! Only a mile out and I would enter the gates. Hopefully, there would not be too many gamers, and I should remember to cloak my name first...!" I thought to myself as I went to my system settings and cloaked my name, race and class. It was like as if I was an NPC and this MMORPG - The Lord Of The Red Dragon had thousands of them...!

The moment I entered the gates, there were quite many gamers that had arrived since they knew that the city was the only place where there's a lot of opportunities.

Most importantly, it would be a place where all the missions, tasks and quests were handed out from the Town Hall. I am heading there of course, but for another reason...!