Chapter 2 : "Old Guardian friends"

Mouriya was scared when he saw the knife near, the drunkard said " How can you be still young, you punk gangorki". mouriya said " acutually i am not Gangorki he is died, i am his son Mouriya". Hearing this drunkard 'Ausbebell' cried like a little kid , and shouted his friend's name

"Gangorki you old crack , you promised me to take with you anywhere you go, how can you leave me again and go". Mouriya asked "Are you both friends?". Ausbebell replied " yes we was thick and bold friends", okay then i have a person now to believe mouriya said to himself and asked to Ausbebell " Do you know about the last heir of the Maccan Kingodm". Ausebell laughed and said "You are that and asking me who is that ?, very funny". Mouriya was shocked and said " Okay then say about me who i am ?, what is the need for protecting me, who is my father ? where is he? what do you mean iam the lost hope of Catalica people ?" "hey stop, young boy, if you go on, how can i say" said Ausbebell.

"Listen Catalica was ruled by Maccan kingdom in loyal way and people was wealthier and healthier that time but it didn't lost longer Maccan Kingdom was defeated by Arghana Kingdom in a cheating way. And Arghana being ruling Catlician for the past 15 years. In a terrible and horrible way.

Arghana Kingdom is 'Togomali' who is most dangerous person in the universe.

He loves to destroy each and everything in a terrible way. He aimed to destroy the Maccan Kingdom without stain. And he wished to not see any Heir of Maccan. So,your parents sacrificed their lives to protect you because they thought the last heir of Maccan will save the Catalica people from Togomali. So, they left you to Gangorki to protect you. Until you reach 16 , then Don't ask again How is your father , When you show your identity you will know about your father."

Hearing this Mouriya decided to kill Togomali and save his Catalica people from him.