Haunted House

Leader, for your kind information for exam and me the distance is about infinity miles. So, involving me here. Its impossible to pass. OMG!! said Mouriya with exam fear.

Leader slightly smiled and said "Oh! for My handsome boy, feared of nothing in this world but for small test getting scared. It's unbelievable !

Mouriya : Yeah! But if it in very serious matter I can. Note only if it is serious.

Hey , My poor boy I know you're not worth so much to write. It was practical test- said leader.

Then ok ! said mouriya.

Now listen carefully when I was small and till now I am noticing a one house… so, you want me to buy and give to you ? do you think money is friendship ? mouriya interrupted the leader's words.

Leader : Oh! mouriya you and your poor calculations, first of all you should have be patience for listening and leaving others to complete their sentence understood ?

Mouriya : ok. Then now I know my mistakes now you can say your house story to know me.

Leader control his anger in mind and replied "ok now I'll come to the point , till now I feel very mysterious about that house, because in that house only one is staying , but he didn't come out for more than a years and everyone are feeling that house is haunted"

Mouriya without nervous asked " so, you wish me to go there and face that person right ?"

"Right ! if you come back than I believe on you" said leader seriously.

"Okay then I will accept this challenge or test with one condition" mouriya said with a meaningful smile.

And he continued his condition to Leader that "if I will win you should say why that Sarah become serious, when she see you ? will you say the answer" asked mouriya .

Leader : Mr.Mouriya is always inserted in others matter right? Okay , if it say, first you go and comeback.

After a big conversation with mouriya leader take him to that haunted house and he warned "Even me went to that house entrance only. How about you my boy?"

What!!! You itself went only that much ? asked mouriya with fear.

Why are you scared asked leader.

"No ! why should I ? you know in our world loving and marrying a ghost is a new trend and even having friendship with ghost a proud moment " hiding his fear in his heart mouriya replied coolly.

"Mouriya , I really like your scared management" said leader with smile.

"So, you found out ? see you can easily find-out my all and every moments then why are want to keep the nonsense test for me " asked mouriya with shame.

This friendship test not for me for you. So My boy, are you going to continue to speak, or prove your friendship?