Leader said "then as I think you're not a bold person right?"
who said "I am a person who is meaning for brave opposite to fear" argued mouriya.
Okay then come, can we go to visit the prison said leader.
"you came here to visit this place not for my test right ? asked mouriya in a worried manner.
Laughed leader and said "Are you serious? I had prank you that's all ,okay. First, understand no one will put hope on anyone within one day, it will take more time. Specially for you it even takes an eternity also.
"Enough I too have feelings don't underestimate it ,come we will go" sadly said mouriya .
They gave their attendance in the secret prison.
While mouriya went to that place for the second time he found the mirror room locked.
He approached near to it but leader stopped him and said "Are you mad, don't go near to it unless you're an heir of any dynasty if you go, it will kill. Keep a distance from it. Okay.
Understood mouriya pretended he was an normal human and said " I'll be careful next time okay."
When they signed mouriya asked to a senior guardian "can you allow me to work here ".
The senior guardian "hey rookie, I really like your intention of being curious to know everything but senior officers who're experienced more than five years are only allowed to work here.
Mouriya thought "but I don't have more time to learn experiences".
Leader and mouriya headed out of the palace and went to their guardian work on moon no.5.
Still mouriya's intention of being curious hasn't reduced.