Approaching Christmas

"You already know the entire equation of the Philosopher's stone, Albus," said Nicholas Flamel.

He, Perenelle Flamel and Dumbledore were sitting in Dumbledore's office.

"I know, Nicholas but I am asking you a different question," said Dumbledore. "You have seen Malgino in Daily Prophet. His appearance, his well-thought plan and his less use of magic proves that —"

"— that he had made something like the Philosopher's stone but much more dark, which prevents him from using much magic," finished Nicholas. "Your guess is good as mine, Albus. I really don't understand what kind of dark magic could have done that, prevented a curse and made Malgino immortal."

Dumbledore looked at Perenelle.

"Give it a rest, Nicholas," she sighed. "No point pretending that we haven't used any dark magic in our lives, not at least in front of Albus. We have experimented every kind of magic; the problem is, we didn't understand all of them."

"I know, it's just the laws have changed over the years, Perenelle," said Nicholas. "The things we thought were harmless can create havoc considering today's situation —"

"Are you thinking that the conversation among us can reach to the Ministry, somehow?" asked Dumbledore. "Then I assure you, Nicholas, I don't think —"

"The Minister of Magic Scirmger's presence today was really unexpected then? What do you think Albus? Do we look twelve?" Nicholas said looking irritated. "I told you I don't like those Ministry-Presidency people. They were here today to discern why are we here. Now they are offering us protection on our way back. I'm not going with them, Albus."

"Of course, you are not, Nicholas," Dumbledore chuckled lightly. "I will personally go with you to Paris if you want."

"No need for that Albus," smiled Perenelle. "Now back to the matter at hand; to tell you the truth I'm a little confused but I have a guess."

"I will take your guess," replied Dumbledore turning serious.

"So I think, it could a combination of two deadly and beneficial thing: Phoenix tears and Basilisk venom," said Perenelle thoughtfully. "As you know, we have used Phoenix tears in our Philosopher Stone but what you don't know is that we have experimented with Basilisk venom too."

"But we never succeed," said Nicholas. "Because Phoenix tears and Basilisk venom always repealed each other."

"Yes," nodded Perenelle. "But Malgino had more knowledge than us about magical creatures, Nicholas. What if he found something to neutralize them and use them at the same time? It is possible. We have done this kind of things plenty of times and you know, a third catalyst can change everything."

There was a heavy silence. Dumbledore interlinked his fingers and stared at them looking in deep thought. Nicholas and Perenelle also looked thoughtful.

"Even if that is the case, he is still weak and he needs more power to enter Hogwarts," said Dumbledore after a long sigh. "And when I was putting protections around the grounds I felt the deep magic within Hogwarts which had its own protection build, which prevented Malgino from stepping inside of these walls but how long? He must have found a way to enter and —"

"Whatever it is, Albus," interrupted Perenelle gravely. "It will need something very very powerful to destroy. Only a very powerful magic can destroy what he has done to himself and —"

Someone knocked on the office door.

Nichols and Perenelle Flamel looked at each other then at Dumbledore, who looked calmed as usual and said, "Enter."

Chris walked into the Headmaster's office.

"Good evening Christina," said Dumbledore smiling.

"Good evening sir, Mr Flamel and Mrs — I mean Perenelle," Chris said and stood beside the stand where Fawkes was sleeping.

Suddenly, Dumbledore's eyes brighten.

"Christina, where are the keys?" he asked.

"With me sir," said Chris reaching for her locket.

"No need to show me," said Dumbledore. "Keep it safe, that's all. And yes, I called you now because our guests are leaving tomorrow, so if you have any questions. . ."

Chris was surprised then seeing Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel's smiling faces she smiled back.

"I'm really curious about the subject Alchemy, can you tell me about it?" she asked.

"Have you read books about Alchemy?" said Perenelle.

Chris nodded excitedly.

"Great then, have a seat young lady," said Nicholas brightly.

An armchair appeared and Chris dropped on that without waiting. Dumbledore chuckled fondly seeing Chris' enthusiasm.


The snow was swirling against the icy windows once more; Christmas was approaching fast. Hagrid had already single-handedly delivered the usual twelve Christmas trees for the Great Hall; garlands of holly and tinsel had been twisted around the bannisters of the stairs; everlasting candles glowed from inside the helmets of suits of armour and great bunches of mistletoe had been hung at intervals along the corridors.

"How is Aragog, Hagrid?" Chris asked. She, Ginny and Colin were going to dinner when they bumped into Hagrid near the stairs of the entrance hall.

"I don't think anythin' hav' left," Hagrid's voice shook. And without warning, he burst into tears.


A few passing students looked alarmed and scrambled very fast. Ginny touched Hagrid's hand sympathetically as Chris and Colin quickly led him outside. As soon as they were out on the snowy ground Hagrid sat down on a bench. It was very cold outside, Chris rubbed her hands on her arms looking around. Aragog, a gigantic talking spider, who dwelled deep in the Forbidden Forest was ill for a long time. Hagrid was helping him as he was the one who brought him here.

"He. . ." gulped Hagrid, his beetle-black eyes streaming as he pulled out his spotted handkerchief and blown his nose in it. "The tribe . . . Aragog's family . . . they're gettin' a bit funny now he's ill . . . bit restive . . ."

"Oh, Hagrid!" Ginny patted Hagrid.

"He was ageing, wasn't he?" said Chris sadly. "I know it's sad but at least you are with him."

Hagrid hiccuped but looked a little less sad at Chris' words.

They talked about other creatures a little bit and Hagrid's spirit lifted. After a while when he realized that Chris, Ginny and Colin were almost freezing he asked them to go inside.

As they went back to the entrance hall, Dean passed them without looking at them and Ginny snorted.

"Hey, everything okay between you two?" asked Chris surprised.

"No," Ginny replied shortly but the anger in her voice was audible.


"I didn't know you were this good at Ancient Runes," said Chris smiling.

"Yeah," Adrian grinned. "Thanks for noticing."

Chris rolled her eyes.

They were walking back from the Ancient Runes class together. 

"Decided yet who are you going to Slughorn's Christmas party with?" asked Adrian casually.

"Nope," shrugged Chris. "Still thinking."

"My offer still stands, you know," Adrian tilted his head smirking.

"You never get tired, do you?" laughed Chris. 

"Nah, a boy got a try," he grinned.

"You are going to get a punch on your face," said Chris giggling.

"Worth it," Adrian whispered and they both broke into a fit of a giggle.

Chris never thought she could banter like that if not for Adrian. He was a great friend. He never asked about what's serious things were going on in Chris' life or the gossips that were around the school about her. He just talked, laughed and made her feel light no matter the situation.

They reached the seventh-floor corridor and Chris stopped. She just caught a glimpse of Jason disappearing around the corner. 

What the hell is he doing on the seventh floor?

Chris was still staring at the corner when Adrian nudged her.

"What?" Chris looked up at him and he pointed up and Chris saw mistletoe hanging above them.

"Don't you start," Chris rolled her eyes smiling. "I already knocked out Dan Moon for trying to stand under the mistletoe with me."

"He is that sixth year Gryffindor, isn't he?" Adrian laughed.

"Yeah," Chris looked back at the corner where she saw Jason disappearing. "Listen, I will see you later. Just remembered a thing. Have to run. Bye."

"See you later," Adrian nodded.

Chris waved at him and ran towards the corridor where Jason was. She couldn't restrain her curiosity anymore.

What are you up to, Jason?


To be continued. . .