A Feast

Chris felt exhausted as she slowly opened her eyes. She almost anticipated seeing Madam Pomfrey and Ginny, Luna, Colin, or Harry on her bedside in the hospital wing of Hogwarts, where she had woken up countless times. But then two tall figures came into her hazy view. As her eyes focused Chris realized what had woken her up. Oziyat and Gweneth were talking in a hushed voice, in the corner of her room. Chris caught a fraction of their conversation.

". . . no, I still think we need some time before you tell her about this," Gweneth whispered looking uncomfortable.

"I know what I am doing Gweneth. We have doubted her a lot . . . I have doubted her too but she has proven herself again and again. In my eyes, she is perfect for this and you know it too," Oziyat muttered with determination in his voice. "She is the only one. She can help me. Help us."

"But your plan can backfire, Prince Oziyat," Gweneth said raising her voice higher. Then realizing what she had done she quickly looked back at Chris.

Chris blinked a couple of times to look like she had just woken up.

"What's going on?" She asked innocently.

"Sorry," Gweneth mumbled at Chris then glanced at Oziyat apologetically.

"Christina, how long are you awake and how are you feeling?" Oziyat asked striding over Chris's bed and taking a sit on a chair beside the bed.

"Just now. Why did you scream, Gweneth? What happened? How am I here?" Chris tried to move but her body felt as if it was too much work. "And why do I feel so exhausted?"

"Gweneth was just worried about you. Nothing much." Oziyat gave Gweneth a look and she lowered her head looking a little angry. Oziyat turned back to Chris. "Do you remember what happened at the arena?"

"Er . . . yeah, Princess Rosaline and I were fighting, she cut through my arm," Chris checked her arm and it looked normal except for a small black scar. "It's healed. What the hell she used on me?"

"Something, only she should explain, sorry," Oziyat shrugged. "Anyway, after that you knocked her out and then . . ."

Oziyat and Gweneth exchanged a look.

"Then . . . the sword appeared!" As soon as the thought came to Chris's mind, she sat up and winced. Her body was still tired but she didn't care. "Where is the sword?"

Chris looked around the room hastily. Seeing her panicked expression Gweneth moved aside to show the sword sitting on the table.

"Here it is, Christina."

Seeing the sword Chris almost dashed towards it but Oziyat held her arm to stop her.

"Christina you need rest."

"I need to see the sword," Chris snapped.

Oziyat looked surprised but then released Chris and walked over to the table. He handed the sword to Chris delicately. Chris touched the sword and examine it carefully. Yes, it was the Sword of Gryffindor and it came to her in the moment of need. She smiled and then she realized.

Harry. He needs this sword to destroy Horcruxes. But now it's here . . .

Frowning at the thought Chris looked up from the sword and saw Oziyat and Gweneth watching her curiously. Chris cleared her throat recalling she still had questions for the vampires.

"Yeah, so what happened after that? I remember Rosaline dropping her dagger then . . ." Chris trailed off.

"You don't remember what the First Princess said to you?" Gweneth asked looking displeased.

Chris looked at Gweneth in confusion. Gweneth was acting strange all of a sudden.

"My sister, Princess Rosaline," Oziyat began with a smile. "She pledged her loyalty to you."

"What? Why? I mean. . . oh!" Chris remembered the First Princess's words.

Great Protector, I pledge my loyalty to you.

"She called me Great Protector or something, right?" Chris asked Oziyat.

"Yes, she did." Oziyat's smile widened, showing her sharp fangs. This was the first time Chris had seen him so happy and smiling so widely that even his fangs were visible. Usually, whenever he smiled he kept his mouth carefully shut. But right now he looked carefree and his eyes were full of hope as he looked at Chris. Though Chris felt a little weird.

"After that, you fainted," Gweneth injected.

"Yeah, because of the injury and exhaustion. But you will be fine," Oziyat said reassuringly and answered Chris's unasked question. "One of the healers in town has worked with wizards. So we called him to check on you. He already checked you once but he is probably going to come back before the feast."

"Thanks . . ." Chris nodded. "Er -- the feast?"

"Oh yes, forgot to mention, Mother has called a feast to celebrate your victory. You will be dining with the entire Royal Family tonight," Oziyat said looking very enthusiastic. "But you can rest now, the feast will be late at night. In the evening Gweneth will bring all the things you will need to get ready for the feast and of course, I will come to escort you to the dining room."

"Feast for me? Wasn't the Queen hoping that your sister wins?" Chris asked perplexed. The situation was getting more and more bizarre.

"Maybe she did," Oziyat got up giving a mysterious smirk. "But, now, things have changed. Christina, I will see you tonight."

With that, he motioned Gweneth and went out of the room. Gweneth threw Chris an odd look before following Oziyat out. Chris sat there with the sword in her hands, feeling very very confused.

True to Oziyat's words, in the evening a kind-looking vampire appeared and checked on Chris. She was feeling much better by then. She had taken one of her own potions to feel less exhausted, which helped. The healer vampire, whose name was Nolan, was very impressed to see Chris's healing potion collection and they talked about different kinds of healing, medicines, and stuff. Even though the vampire and wizard body were different on many levels, Chris found out that the vampires used many of the same potions as the wizards. Chris felt nice talking about potions and normal wizarding things with Nolan, as he was equally nice and kind and saw the wizarding world very differently. Chris was still talking to him when two servants came to her room with a lot of clothes and accessories. They said Gweneth was busy so she sent those stuff for Chris to wear for the feast.

After a while, Nolan left and Chris started to look through the clothes. There were only gowns, capes and cloaks and all looked very bright and sparkly. Chris specially grimaced at a particular sequin pink gown. Finally, after a while of looking for a less frilly dress, Chris found a midnight blue long off-shoulder dress that didn't have any cape attached to it ('Unless I want to look like Superman').

The dress fit Chris perfectly. Too perfectly if she was being honest. The cape sleeves fluttered as she moved her hands around. To go with the dress Chris tied her hair up in a bun and for the sake of wearing some accessory, she put on the smallest blue pendant around her neck. She looked at the mirror and gave a satisfied nod.

Presentable for a feast. A feast for her.

'I just hope now I get some answers.'

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To be continued. . .