After Chris finished eating dinner, she went to put down her plate and found herself beside Kingsley.
"Molly always knows how to feed so many people even in times like these," Kingsley mused. "I always admired that about her."
"Yeah," Chris nodded, knowing full well that Kingsley was trying to start a conversation.
"Chris, I was trying to discuss with you something, if you don't mind," Kingsley asked.
"I wasn't going to say anything today but since McGonagall did, I think I should too. Just so you know your options."
"What do you mean?" Chris asked confused.
"I mean about your future. I am guessing you already know about the work Harry, Colin, Ron, Ginny and Luna are doing with me and the ministry? Hermione was also helping us, and she would continue to do so after she comes back from Australia and also finishes her school, though I have told her she can work for ministry even without completing her school," Kingsley explained. "That's what I wanted to tell you. Chris, if you want you can work with the ministry or work in the ministry, whichever you like however you like. And you do not have to finish school for that if you don't want to. Every student who has fought in the battle is qualified for the Aurors position. I have already told this to the rest of the students and I personally wanted to tell you this because I think you would be an extremely valued member of our new ministry if you decide to join. Just like Hermione, you would be a great asset in each and every field of ministry you want to join."
"Sir, I –" Chris tried to remain calm but her heart started racing in panic as Kingsley kept going.
"However, I was hoping, you would be in my inner circle, the minister's most trusted, if you may. You can do that even as an Auror. All you have to do is go through the training after you decide which department you want to apply for, but I'm sure you would pass the training without a sweat."
"Kingsley, I am honored," Chris finally forced a smile and spoke up. "But–"
"I know this is too soon and you don't want to make a decision now and you don't need to. I just wanted you to know you would be helping a lot of people. People trust you and Harry, they have faith in you two, so they would rest easy and the state of panic and grief would subsidies if they see you helping them. So take as much time you need to consider but think about it, that's all," Kingsley smiled at Chris and she realized despite saying almost the same words as the previous minister trying to recruit Harry, Kingsley's motives were different. He was a different minister. He genuinely cared about his people and only wanted capable and honest wizards to join the ministry.
Before Chris could say anything else, Kingsley walked away. Chris sighed and almost walked into Aurelia.
"Hey, how are you doing?" Aurelia asked looking at Chris with concerned eyes.
"I am . . ." Chris took a deep breath. "Ok. What about you?"
"I am ok too," Aurelia gave a sad smile like she knew what Chris's ok meant and Chris knew if she didn't change the subject and Aurelia probed any further she would start crying, so she changed the subject.
"How is Sirius?" Chris asked looking over at Sirius, who was talking to Cedric and Bill. But mostly he was listening to Cedric and Bill talk, absently staring at his wine glass.
"He is . . ." Aurelia looked over at Sirius and sighed in defeat. "He is not ok and I don't know . . . how to help him. When Lily died, I . . . just disappeared, buried myself in work and whatnot. I don't know how to cope with grief myself, how am I supposed to help him?"
Aurelia looked close to tears herself and Chris regretted her subject change.
"Maybe you being here is help enough," Mr. Norton said coming up beside Chris. "Sorry to intrude."
"It's alright, Mr. Norton," Aurelia tried to pull herself together.
"I heard about Mr. Lupin," Mr. Norton sighed. "Among the all wizards and witches I have met over the last few years, he was one of the most genuine people I have met. He was a kind person. He always treated normal people like us with kindness and friendliness. Losing him is devastating and there is no cure for grief. But what I think we can do is be there for each other so everyone doesn't have to carry their grief alone."
"I see your point," Aurelia smiled and nodded. "I would try. Thank you, Mr. Norton."
Mr. Norton nodded back with a small smile.
"And before I forget," Aurelia pulled out a white envelope from her pocket and handed it to Chris. "This is for you."
Chris hesitantly took the envelope and turned it over. There were only four letters written on top of it IWSP.
"IWSP . . . it's the secret organization you work for!" Chris suddenly remembered.
"Yes, and they are offering you a job," Aurelia sighed like she didn't want to do this. "I told my bosses that it was too soon. You are still a kid. . . a teenager, not to mention the war, but since they knew Kingsley would try to recruit you, they almost forced me to give you this today. They don't like ministry people but that is not for you to worry. Please don't open it or think about it if you don't feel like it. I'm not going to tell you the details or anything about this either. Recover first. Rest, take your time. Just focus on yourself right now. I will be here, okay?"
Aurelia looked at Chris and Chris nodded. Aurelia hugged her and after a moment left. Chris stared at the envelope in her hand.
"Not even completely out of school and already getting job offers left and right, huh Eagle?" Mr. Norton smiled, trying to cheer Chris up. "I still remember the day Professor McGonagall showed up at our doorstep to tell me that my daughter is a witch, not that I needed someone to tell me that my daughter was special, I always knew that."
"Dad, I have to –" Chris began, her heart racing again. She had to tell him. She couldn't act like she was a witch.
"So proud of you, my little Eagle," Mr. Norton said patting Chris's head with so much love and pride in his eyes that Chris's shoulders shagged.
"I — Dad, listen –" Chris shakily started again but another voice interrupted them.
"Mr. Norton, hello," Harry appeared.
"Hello again, Harry," Mr. Norton smiled warmly at him.
"I wanted to talk to Chris for a moment," Harry said giving a small smile back.
"Yes, yes, of course," Mr. Norton smiled at Chris and then looked back at Harry like he knew about them.
But Harry wasn't looking at Mr. Norton, he was looking at Chris. He looked back at Burrow's kitchen door and Chris followed him. They silently walked into the house and climbed upstairs. Harry didn't stop until they were on the top floor in Ron's room.
As soon as Chris walked inside the room, Harry hugged her as tightly as he could.
"Whatever it is, we can face it together, Chris."
[To be continued]