Chapter 7: The New Beginning, Part 1

Closing his eyes Kiel felt a deep satisfaction like never before. He felt that he had overcome the thing that always haunted him. Now he felt refreshed. Kiel didn't mind even if he disappeared now.

Kiel slowly closed his eyes and as his consciousness blanked out slowly, he felt like he understood what the trials stood by for. The Samsara Trials were just a means for letting go of every desire that still attached the soul to its previous world. Those that pass can achieve the so-called Nirvana from their previous world. They have not bound to their world plane anymore. They are free. They can transmigrate to a new world and start a new life.

Those that fail the trials, still can't let go of their lingering attachment. Hence, they are given a chance back at their life or in the same worldly plane to fulfil their lingering desires.

Understanding this, he felt like his soul being sublimed. Like being washed away from any stains and attaining purity. Kiel seemed to be in an otherworldly state where he understood the karma, its causes and effects, but he felt like even now there was a lot to it. But the more he started to comprehend, the more he felt he didn't understand anything. And as he began to fail to understand more and more, his soul seems to lose contact to the wonderful realm more and more, finally until it returned back completely from the tranquil state he was in and awakened by a familiar ethereal like voice.

"Well well didn't think you would face three of the top ten trials. The Black Dharmic wheeled gate really lives up to its name. And you my dear little soul did a really great job"

Hearing the ethereal voice full of attraction, Kiel woke up from his reverie and opened his eyes. He had a big smile on his face, so big, if he really had his original body, two cute dimples would have been seen by others.

"Thank you!"

Hearing his heartfelt gratitude, Hide smiled his usual amicable smile.

"Well, it seems you have received a lot of benefits too. I can see your soul has sublimed even more to the higher level. How do you feel??"

Inspecting himself for a bit, Kiel replied, "I feel… I feel totally refreshed… like no more nothing holding me back. No guilty feelings anymore. No more burdens to overcome. A … Genuine warm feeling!! Ya, that's how I feel now!!"

"Well, it had to be, after all, you have faced so many challenges. First The Gate of Bhaya(Fear). Followed by The Gate of Karunya(Kindness). And lastly one of the top three trials The Gate of Iccha(Desire). "

Pausing for a bit he continued.

"Strange thing is you even passed your Desire Trials. Most fail in this trial because not everyone can let go of there while still being human. Seeing your initial performance, it seemed you would fail too. But impressively you accepted your desires and acted on them. Not many can do this. So I have a lot of hope in you. Don't disappoint me little one."

With a cheeky grin, Kiel replied, "Yup I will. After all, I'm K I E L"

Ignoring the remark, Hide asked...

"Now that the Samsara Trials is over, you are sure to get some luxurious gifts. But before that, I have some qualms about your previous life. Do you mind clarifying some things for me before we begin the next stage??"

" Sure… But wait were you spying on me??"

These words only earned him a death glare.

Learning from his mistake, Kiel could only nod and ask Hide to continue.

"Well, your adventures seemed intriguing. So I peered into your past karma before it gets reset." looking into Kiel's eyes once, he continued...

" I saw all of your actions. Everything seemed logical. But still, something seemed missing. I know you didn't tell your investigators the real truth behind your actions. So before you depart can you tell me what did you truly mean to do?? Although I have some guesses and I could peer into your memories for more more information, it would leave some sequela behind. So I would not prefer it"

Although Hide requested him and asked whether he could inform him about his actions, from the way he presented it, Kiel knew more than anything that it was not a request but an order. If his answers didn't satisfy Hide, then he had to be prepared for a memory scan. Kiel didn't want it. And it was not like it was something he had to protect with his life. So, he didn't mind telling Hide about it to earn some favourable points.

Thinking that it had nothing for him to lose, Kiel started narrating his experiences. He told Hide whatever he said to his investigators until discovering the reality particles was true. And how even the creation off-particles was only an accident, with how the E-Domes played a major role in his preparations.

The creation of Environment Domes for purification of environment and supplying enough nutrient to the soil to enrich it from the environment wastes, for better crop yield was not the real reason. It was just a side effect, more like a guise to prevent others from knowing the reality behind the setting up of E-Domes. The E-Domes were created really to purify the atmosphere and soil enough so that they could assist the core in the development of false energy.

The E-Domes was a mass project centred around the world for 6 years between 2179-2185. Kiel added that E-Domes was a necessity to bring the world to a threshold. Otherwise, false energy could not spread around, as they would create a resonance with other false waves and help in the development of the new form of energy. He further added that the E-Domes would serve as a base for humanity in the upcoming era, as they would harden and could be used as shelter towns. The greater the concentration off-particles, the stronger the E-Domes would become.

Hearing up to this point Hide had a strange look as a mortal could think so much into the future. But what Kiel told him next astounded him even more.

"And as the core's concentration off-particles increased and reached a certain threshold, the terrestrial radiation of photons given out by the core would be superimposed with f-waves. When these f-waves containing f-particles would reach the sun, they would get their ideal conditions and propagate in the sun, converting the sun into a giant factory off-particles and may even present the conditions to maker-particles. Then the r-waves would reach the earth. The chain reaction would continue transforming earth into a world full of reality particles which would lead to global evolution.

This was my actual plan. I couldn't make the r-waves, so I gave the responsibility to the sun. Even if it could not producer-particles, when f-waves from it reached a neutron star, it is bound to occur. Then those rays when coming back to the sun would do the conversion. The final result is earth will evolve, but depending on the circumstances, the time may be delayed. "

Hearing all these Hides was really shocked by a mortal for the first time.

"Well to think I was still underestimating you. You not only played with your planet, but you even dared to play with your universe. Sigh! I'm truly impressed. And even your death doesn't change anything. Your kin would be thinking that's all, but they would never realize what is really coming for them"

"Well, I would call them challenges. And also I still left some of my lesser legacies that would open in another 50-80 years. Those could help mankind if they still can't help themselves until then"

"To think that you even thought about that!! I'm expecting a lot more from you now".

"Well, after all, I'm Kiel" Kiel replied with a cheeky grin.

Obviously not fazed by it, Hide said, "Now that everything is clear, let's discuss your rewards. You will receive a much luxurious reward. And seeing as you are my little soul friend, I will also give you a gift."

Curiously Kiel asked, "Gift??"

"Yes, it is something I received from one of my friends because of aiding him in his endeavour. It is not really helpful to me, but it may help you in the new world."

Taking out an orb he gave it to Kiel

As Kiel held onto it, it actually vanished inside him.

Surprised Kiel asked, "What was that??"

"You will know about it when you reach to the new world".

"Oh! will it be heaven or hell?"

"You will know when you get there. Hehe..."

Pausing for a bit, Hide added, "I have a proposal for you. Well, consider it a challenge from me. So what say you?"

Hearing the word challenge, Kiel immediately replied "I'm ready for every challenge"

"Good. So it's like this. You would originally have received an Auxiliary Assist to aid you in your new world. But seeing that you love challenges so much, how about I seal it, and when you complete the main quest for you, only then can you unlock it! And for your reward... Oh, I know! I will change it from an Auxiliary to a Core Assist" Hide said with a mischievous smile.

Seemingly not noticing it, Kiel asked, "Quests?? Like in games??"

"Well, something like that. So how about it. Would you consider it?? And don't worry, I won't seal my gift. And when you unlock your assist, you will receive even better rewards."

Kiel had already accepted the challenge, so his pride didn't allow him to back out.

"I'm in"

Just as he affirmed it, Kiel felt a bluish light passed through him and restraint something in him. Kiel only felt it for a moment, and then the feeling vanished.

"It's done. now that everything here is done, I should send you to your new world. Cause your time here is almost finished.

I wish you good luck for your new journey. Remember I have my hopes on you. Then until we meet again!"

Saying this he didn't even give Kiel a chance to say goodbye and waved his hand on Kiel and he lost his consciousness immediately and vanished.

"Well let's see what surprises will that little soul give me more. Isn't that right Cleo."

Hide turned to his right and spoke. But there was no response.


As Kiel opened his eyes he found himself somewhere totally dark. Not a single ounce of light. But suddenly he felt a pleasant sensation overcame him. It seemed to nourish him and also rejuvenate him.

'Is this heaven', Kiel thought.

It felt so pleasant Kiel didn't mind spending all his time there.

As he thought so, Kiel gave into a pleasant feeling and slipped into his dreams.

[Beep host soul detected. Merging Host's soul to the current body.

The merging process initiated. Merging in progress … 0%... 10% … 50%... 90%... 97%… 98%...99%..]

[Beep... merging failed.

Checking core data.

Failure cause recognized- Core System Dormant

Auxiliary system with low energy.

Rechecking variables.

Beep… Recheck complete…

Further merging possible only after activation of the system.

Checking system status.

Beep… ❕ Host's core energy critically low.

Further protocols couldn't be initiated.

Initiating energy-saving state...]