Danny Radd, Danny Radd

[Xtermas virus and rat specimen integration 90%]

[Xtermas virus and rat specimen integration 100%]

[Xtermas virus and rat specimen integration Complete]

[rat specimen showing enhanced Immune system and lymphatic system response]

[rat specimen showing enhanced Nervous system response]

[rat specimen heart rate normal ]

[rat specimen pulse rate normal ]

[rat specimen breathing stable and normal ]

[all scans indicate normal and stable response ]

[ all vital signs are stable and responsive ]

[serum and rat specimen integration Successful ]

" ha ha! .. finally the animal trials are successful, now all that remains is the human trails. knowing those two faced hypocrite bureaucrats and animal loving hippies i will never get the legal clearance for it."

"they said that my experiments were fantasy's and nothing more, they called me the Blasphemous Mad Chemist , they burned down my house and tried to imprison me , cut my funds. those dumb animal loving hippies wanted to rescue these rats and burn down my lab but fortunately they are too dumb to find my lab. nothing matters now that my experiments are successful , if only i could perform some human trials Ah!."

" they call me the Blasphemous Mad Chemist then i will be one by conducting the human trails on myself HA Ha ! .. . this is the only way .. this is the only way to achieve my dream while keeping my promise."

" system create new experiment Human trials with Admin as subject , subject name Danny Radd. commence experiment."

[ admin authorization confirmed, introducing Xtermas virus in subject's system]

[Xtermas virus and human specimen integration 10%]



[Xtermas virus and human specimen integration 90%]

[Xtermas virus and human specimen integration 100%]

[Xtermas virus and human specimen integration complete]

[human specimen showing enhanced Immune system and lymphatic system response]

[human specimen showing enhanced Nervous system response]

[human specimen heart rate normal ]

[human specimen pulse rate normal ]

[human specimen breathing stable and normal ]

[all scans indicate normal and stable response ]

[ all vital signs are stable and responsive ]

[serum and human specimen integration Successful ]

" ha ha moth.rfu.kers who is Blasphemous now who is the Mad Chemist now , i am the future of the man kind ha! ha! ha! " laughed Danny Radd as he saw a golden glow in the shape of a heart in the middle of his Chest.

[ Alert! Alert! ]

[Alert! cooling systems down ]

[Alert! reactor over loading by 25%]

" WTF, system switch to aux. cooling system "

[ switching to Aux. cooling system ]

[ correction Aux. cooling system not found ]

" what?! "

[ please , switch Aux. cooling system manually ]

" i remember now, since they could do nothing to stop my experiments previously they tried to blow up my lab by hacking into my system and turning down the reactor cooling system to explode my reactor with the whole lab and me due to reactor overloading. thankfully i had not connected the aux. cooling system to the main system. damn those hippies, ha ha! they are so dumb that they can not come up with something new."

[Alert! reactor overloaded by 85%, please switch on the aux. cooling system in next 45 seconds or evacuate the premises]

"damn how can the the reactor overload by 60% in few breathes, unless they hacked into the reactor but it is not possible the reactor is running on a totally different low frequency bandwidth. 45 seconds, dammit i can't make it in time. f.c.u.. they got me this time Ah!"


Danny Radd's consciousness gradually awakened.

What's going on… How is it that I'm still alive? I vividly remember that the experiment was a success but the reactor resulted in uncontrolled explosion, how can I still be alive! Somehow my body is not in pain… And I do not even feel the slightest discomfort? How is this happening? Is this afterlife ?

Danny Radd suddenly opened his eyes and quickly sat up. He found himself in a comfortably soft, cushioned bed, with a flowers and origami's hanging above him, rendering a festive atmosphere.

"Ah! Danny! You… You woke up!"

A girl's gasp of surprise was heard from his ear and the same girl appeared in his line of sight.

At a glance the girl dressed in blue looked to be fifteen to sixteen years of age. She was as fair as snow with charming rosy lips and a delicate nose. A touching look of deep surprise was expressed by eyes as clear and transparent as a pool of translucent spring water. Her face exuded a dazzling gentleness and softness. At this young age, she already exhibited such charm, so who can possibly imagine what sort of beauty she would be in the future?

Staring at the nearby girl, Danny Radd took a closer look and unconsciously let two words escape his lips, "Little Cousin?"

The fair girl lifted her jade-like hands onto Danny's forehead and relaxed soon after. With a joyful expression, she spoke, "How delightful, your temperature is almost back to normal. You nearly scared me to death. Danny, are you okay? Tell me if you feel uncomfortable anywhere."

In the face of the girl's eyes that filled with deep concern, Danny woodenly shook his head. He stared openly into space with a vacant gaze.

"Rest here for a while, I'll go and tell our grandpa that you're awake. Today is your day! When you fainted, our grandfather almost went crazy and personally went to find Doctor Roy for you."

The girl was in such a rush that she did not notice the abnormality of Danny's current state. She pushed Danny's shoulders, signaling him to lie back on the bed and hurriedly left.

As the door shut Danny sat up on the bed, hands clutching his head.

This was one of the cities in the far east located in one of the Thirteen Empires of the Profound Stillwater Continent—Floating Stone City. And he was the only grandson of the head of the Radd Family—Danny Radd! He had just turned sixteen this year.

That was his current identity.

Suddenly, his memory overlapped with the Earth's twenty or so years of memory and he burst into confusion.

If I am Danny Radd… Then why do I have memories of the Earth?

Is it because I traveled to this body after I died in the Earth?

No! I am obviously Danny Radd! This entire room is familiar to me and I clearly remember all the events of my childhood. Everything from my memory was from personal experience and there is no way I would steal others memory!

Then was everything from the Earth all just a dream? Was it only after I died from the explosion that I truly woke up?

But the memories of living in Earth are as clear as day. How could those twenty-four years of struggle and achievements be only just a dream!

What the hell is going on?

Danny Radd… The current Danny Radd was motionless for a long time as he slowly calmed down and settled his thoughts.

It was still early in the morning and the sky had not fully brightened. Today was his and Ross family's big wedding day. Two hours ago he was woken up by his Little Cousin and put on his Black wedding Tux. He ate the toast and omelet his Little Cousin personally made and lost all the strength in his body. He did not remember anything that happened after that.

He did not wake up until now.

A strange smell came from his lips and Danny's lips tucked slightly. His expression darkened as the smell was of bitter almond-like odor.

This is… Cyanide commonly known as Murdering Almond Powder!! in Profound Stillwater Continent

In those years that he lived on the Earth, as a world renowned chemical scientist Danny Radd learned about all the poisons present in the entire world and it could be said that there was no poison he was not familiar with. He could identify a poison's name and effect with just a whiff. At the same time, because of his experimental studies, he was impervious.

Murdering Almond Powder was what we call Cyanide on earth, due to the government controlling the illegal drugs on earth Cyanide was hard to come by there but here it was a different story any chump with money and little knowledge of poison could get his hands on it. A person would lose his life ten seconds after the poison entered the body and no one would know the cause of death for it was also a trace less poison in Stillwater continent but on earth it was a total different story.

Danny's eyes shone over and instantly understood what had happened.

In fact, he did not really faint. Instead, he ate the omelet containing the Murdering Almond Powder and was poisoned to death! He was born in the Earth but after his death by explosion…. he was actually reincarnated in this world inside a dead body!

If one were to hear this, it would sound like it was a fantastical story, but that was the only reasoning Danny Radd could up with!

Wait a minute…. if it really was like that, then this body should have no antitoxin ability. How come he was safe from the Murdering Almond Powder on his lips when the previous body's owner died not too long ago?


A slightly strange feeling came from the center of his chest where his heart was located .Danny Radd lifted his shirt and was surprised to find that there was a golden glow in the center of his chest.

This …. was clearly the same as the Xtremas virus!

Before the reactor exploded , he had desperately ingested the Xtremas virus but he did not actually know what would happen to him. This golden glow over his heart was unexpectedly the Xtremas virus and it actually crossed over with him to this world!

As if in a trance, Danny Radd stared at the Xtremas virus and subconsciously whispered. "Xtremas virus…."

Staring at the faint golden glow on his chest, Danny Radd slowly smiled… Even though it was not known why this ridiculous event occurred, not only had he reincarnated, but also retained memories from both lives. Maybe, even the gods couldn't watch his suffering of the two lives, took pity, and gave him a chance to live again!

Danny Radd was the victim of persecution from Earth's countless strongest individuals, as he was deemed as the Mad Chemist. Although he died in the end, he was able to achieve his dream at the last movements of his life; how awe-inspiring and astonishing was that! However, his body right now according to the standards of Stillwater continent, was only average… no, speaking without restraints, it could be considered the epitome of weakness.