Fire vs Shadow!


Despite the fight starting, they were standing still. Looking for weaknesses, they were not dumb at all.

Number 342 just stood still while he's aura was becoming larger and thicker. It was starting to ooze out, it looks like a really black flame.

"Lady Tutorial, what magic is he using?" Alpheus thought to Lady

"Answer: Shadow Magic!" Lady replied.

Shadow magic was reportedly hard to control. For such a guy like him to control such monstrous magic, he must have suffered a lot. Shadow magic requires one to be in deep depression, to feel sadness and despair... just what did this guy go through.

Number 43's patience was getting lower. It looks like he'll be the first to attack.

43's hands then started to flame like crazy, "Arrogant brat." said number 43. He touched the ground by both hands and flames started to move into where Number 342 is standing.

The flame looked like it's following a pattern. It formed a weird magic circle and the flame started to get bigger and bigger, circling 342 like a giant tornado, "Red Dragon Tornado!" shouted number 43.

It got so hot that we had to back away, even I was warned by Lady tutorial to get back. Though it was a lethal magic, the elders observing from afar was not moving at all.

"Just standing in the middle of the fight is your lose!" 43 shouted arrogantly.

When the flames started to disappeared, the stage melted but there was no sign of any body. There was a huge, black cocoon, covering something.

342 was safe...

The huge cocoon started to dissipate and the eye's of 342 clearly sent out a killing intent. The cocoon started to change forms into a hand, a huge one at that. It became as large as a small car and started to slam towards 43, "Shadow Palm!" 342 shouted

43 started to glow hotter until he himself got on fire. When the shadow palm started to slam onto 43, it collapsed like a pile of sand slamming into a hard concrete.

342 was shock to have his strongest technique disappearing in an instant.

"Did you know?" Alpheus said in a straight face, "Light always takes over the shadow?"

342 trembled and fell over by his weakening knees. 43's fire armor then cocentrated in one spot and went into his hands. It got smaller and smaller until it was compressed into a grape's size and ate it.

"This will finish you!", he gurgled. 43 then took a huge breath and released the small fire from his mouth, "Greater Fire Breath!", and the small fire ball that has the size of a grape suddenly because a huge fire breath.

342 who trembled in fear, smiled and stood up. The fire covered 43's body and when the flame extinguish, he was fine.

He was covered in his shadow, he was entirely ungrazed. "What happened?" Alpheus asked, "His Shadow got stronger because he got scared." Lady tutorial replied.

"What does that have to do with shadow-... ohh.." Alpheus was starting to ask but he realized. Shadow is the embodiment of fear, the more 342 fears, the stronger he gets.

Looks like we have the winner...

342's shadow then started to form into a hand again, but this time, it's 2 times larger. The shadow palm clenched into a fist and went towards 43, "Great Shadow Fist!", 342 shouted.

43 who was full of pride said with a straight face, "I surrender" and just before the Shadow Fist started to hit 43, it stopped just by an inch.

"I can't defeat your shadow. Looks like you've won." 43 said, "And besides, hurting me wasn't really in your mind."

"H-how did you know? I clearly sent out killing intent!", 342 shouted in confusion.

43 then walked slowly 342 and pats his shoulder and said, "Good luck in here bro, you'll pass." and walked out of the ring.

"Wasn't there clearly killing intent?" Alpheus asked.

"Yes. 342 can clearly control killing intent since he uses shadow magic." Lady tutorial replied..

"Winner! Number 342 - Taylor Dumain!" shouted the great elder.


"The next fight is Number 87 vs Number 132!"

"Oh.." Alpheus showed a slight smile, "Looks like it's my turn."

Alpheus looked at number 132. Looks like a thug, looks like a complete deliquent. He has 3 piercing in his right ear and a weird black hair, it was kinda braided.

The two then started to stand on the opposite ends of the ring.

"Hey punk, just because your pretty doesn't mean your strong!" shouted number 132 with a thuggy expression, really boastful, "I'll defeat you in 3 moves!"

"Prove it." Alpheus said in a straight face, complete fearless but on the inside, he's nervous as hell. He has a pop star's face so he has to act like it.





132 ran directly onto Alpheus. He's hand comeplete knuckled out to punch Alpheus. Just as the punch went to Alpheus face, he dodged it and said, "Too slow." in a straight face.

'Oh my God, that was so close! I thought I was gonna die!' Alpheus was complete nervous.


Alpheus widened his eyes to feel a sharp pain on his face. He got wounded a little but he was sure he didn't got hit by 132's punch, "You!"

"What? Got scared that your face is ruined?" 132 boastly said.

"Master, he's using wind magic." Lady tutorial said.

"I see, so you're using wind magic. Really amusing!" Alpheus then sent out a fierce look

Number 132 backed out a litte, "Y-you, how did you know?" he said.

Alpheus was then circled by his fire and said, "Too obvious." and the fire started to push out smaller fire that was behind Alpheus, circling him like a bullet of a machine gun, getting ready to be fired.

'Thank God Lady Tutorial told me. It would have been hard to know if Lady didn't tell me'

Alpheus then reached out his hands in a stop position and said, "Fire Split" and the fire that was circling behind Alpheus got fired out like a speeding bullet.

132's reaction time got delayed and only sets up a wind barrier...


The fire went through the wind barrier and hits Number 132 multiple times, blowing him off the ring. It was an easy victory for Alpheus.

"Winner! Number 87 - Alpheus Lucy!" The elder shouted