The two of you were making out, but it made you two stop when you heard some whispers behind the door.
"Yah! Be quiet!" He whispered.
"Hyung! Stop moving! I can't hear them." He whispered.
Jungkook was going to the door, but you stop him. So you could go and open it yourself. When you open the door, the boys fell.
"So... spying on us, huh?" Jungkook said.
"J-jungkook... don't get the wrong idea. We... were... um... going to tell you that manager-nim was calling you." Jin said.
"Yeah... yeah... manager-nim was calling me. But when I ask him and he said no, all of you were dead meat." Jungkook said glaring at them.
You were trying your best not to laugh. But they look so scared. Jungkook was walking out of the room.
"Kook! Sorry... we thought that when something happened, we can help you." Namjoon said.
"But instead of helping me, you disturbed and ruin the mood!" Jungkook shouted in anger.
"S-sorry..." They said.
"It's okay... don't be angry, bunny." You said.
You came closer to his ear and whisper something.
"We can continue this later... after your concert." You said seductively.
He blushed and froze. You giggle as you walk out of the room. Jungkook's face was so red and his hyung noticed it.
"My goodness... Kids these days are not innocent." Jin said.
"What did she told you? Are you planning something, kook? Answer me!" Jimin said.
"They will have a session later. Can't you see it through his reaction?" Taehyung said.
"Don't forget to use protection, kook." Namjoon said.
"What the f*ck? You're encouraging him to do it, instead of stopping him?" Yoongi said.
"It's okay, kook. Just be careful." Hoseok said.
Yoongi was angry. But the other boys pull him out of the room.
"What just happened? Did my hyungs just agreed?" Jungkook asked himself.
He try to forget about it and go downstairs.
"It's boring... We don't have anything to do." One staff said.
You think of an idea.
"What do you want to do? I have movies, game room, bar, studios... anything." You said.
"What? Is this even a house?" Yoongi asked.
"Come on, oppa. I'll show you something." You said and grab his hand, pulling him.
You bring him to a door. He was confused, but when you open the door, his face turn into a smiley one.
"Oh... yey~ It's hyung's world." Taehyung said with a lazy tone.
"Thank you, y/n. Can I use the piano and record?" He asked.
"Sure, anything you want. I know that you're careful and responsible." You said.
He quickly run to the chair and started playing the piano.
You show them the game room and they all chose to go there. Because it's like an arcade and a gaming room.
"I didn't know you like these stuff." Jungkook said.
"You're my boyfriend, yet you didn't know? I'm actually born to become a professional gamer." You said.
"Really? Then I have an enemy then." Jungkook said.
"Ready to fight?" You asked with a smirk.
"Game." Jungkook said.
The two of you played. You win, then him, you win again, then him again. The game was on and off. But the good thing is that the two of you were having fun.
"Aish!" You said.
"Ha! I'm gonna win this time, bunny." Jungkook said.
"No! No! No! Nooooooo!" You said and you lose.
"Yes!" Jungkook said.
The staffs were watching and amazed. Because the two of you always beat the highest scores.
"Those couple are dangerous. No one can stop them." Taehyung said staring to the two of you.
It was so fun. But a single call, made you forget it all.
"Bunny-" Jungkook got cut off when you answer the call.
"Hello? Any news?" You asked.
"Miss... there's a bad news." He said.
"What is it?" You asked worriedly.
"Jayson was planning to come there in japan. And he was planning to ambush you. He was getting ready to attack the boys during concert. Many fans might get injured." He said.
"What?" You said.
"He was bringing bombs and guns. He used his connections to some officers in the government in japan to bring those without any problem." He said.
"My gosh... we don't have any weapons with us." You said.
"We can contact and ask permission to your uncle, since he's in japan. We bring some weapons for you, miss." He said.
"But I don't think he will believe... we had a fight last time. And he was not the one who will decide, it will be the Prime Minister's decision." You said.
"We still need to try, miss. Weapons can help us to fight them without the people knowing during the concert. We can locate and stop the bombs. But it'll be harder since his men might be guarding the locations." He said.
"Let me think about it first." You said.
"Well, make it faster, miss. We don't have time. At 5 pm, jayson will go to japan." He said.
You hung up and look at jungkook.
"Why? Did something happened?" He asked.
"Yes, jayson was making a move. And armys might get injured during his attack." You said.
"What?!" Jungkook said.
"Yes, and we don't have any weapons to fight. Jayson brought bombs and guns with him. He used his connections to bring them all here safely without any problems." You said.
"Then what are you going to do? Stop the concert?" Jungkook asked.
"No, we can continue the concert and stop them at the same time. We can also save the armys from injuries. But the problem is... we need the Prime Minister's permission to bring the weapons in." You said.
"Then talk to him, he will understand." Jungkook said.
"It'll be hard. I need a proof that there will be death threats during the concert." You said.
"How stupid is that?!" Jungkook shouted.
"Jungkook! Bringing weapons in different country is hard! They might think of us as terrorists! And if that happens, you might not see me ever again! I can't just rebuke the law!" You shouted.
It was silence... they heard the two of you suddenly fighting.
"Hey... are you guys okay?" Jimin asked.
"Do we look like we're okay?" You said with an annoyed tone.
They got surprised by your answer. Because you just became cold.
"I'm sorry... enjoy playing. I'll be in my office to start planning." You said while glaring at jungkook.
"Y/n..." Jungkook said.
He grab your hand, but you let go softly. And walk to your office. Jungkook followed you secretly without you knowing. He was so angry at himself for shouting at you in the first place and never think of what might happened if you follow his decision. He knows that choosing a decision is hard and he was sorry for what he had said.
"Okay... this plan will work." You said and call someone.
"Hello, miss y/n?" He said.
"Hi... I'm making a decision. First, contact the Prime Minister, not my uncle, understand? And tell him that a mafia gang was planning to attack the concert and ask a permission to let us bring the weapons in. If there's any problem, call me anytime and I'll talk to him." You said.
"Understood, miss." He said.
"Second, I'm requesting to add more guards, bring them as much as possible right before the concert. Bring the best ones." You said.
"Okay, miss." He said.
"Also, I'm ordering you to come here to locate all the bombs and stop them before it explode." You said.
"No problem." He said.
"Okay... bye." You said and hung up.
"Argh!" You said and massage your forehead.
"She's working too much. She has no time for herself." Jungkook said to himself.
"What are you doing?" Ae-cha asked jungkook.
He got startled and made a noise that call your attention. Your eyes widened when you saw jungkook.
"A-ae-cha... I was... ummm..." Jungkook was nervous.
"Spying on y/n? Okay..." She said.
"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked.
"Y/n called me." She said and goes inside.
"Hey y/n..." Ae-cha said.
"Hey~" You said in a tired tone.
"Jungkook was out-" You cut her off.
"Yes, I know now, thank you." You said.
"Why did you called me?" She asked.
"We have a fight tonight. Jayson was planning to attack during concert." You said.
"What?! Then the fans might get injured!" She said.
"That's why we need to be careful. Stop them and bring them into jail this time." You said.
"So, what's your plan?" She asked.
"Kill him..." You said.
"Oh~ Sounds fun." She said.
"I need you to lead some guards in south." You said.
"What about you? You can't monitor the west, east and north by yourself." She said.
"I have a plan..." You said.
"Wait... are you?..." She said.
"Yes, I'm inviting them." You said.
"You know that jungkook will get mad if he knew that Clyde-" You cover her mouth.
"Shut up, ae-cha... I invited him too, because I need his help, nothing else." You said.
"Who's Clyde?" Jungkook asked.
Your eyes widened when you heard jungkook. You turn around and face him.
"J-jungkook..." You said.
"Answer me, y/n. Who is he?" He asked.
You sighed before you answer.
"Clyde is my bestfriend. Before... he likes me... more than a friend. We tried to date and sadly, it didn't work out. But ae-cha said that he still likes me. But I don't believe her." You said.
"He did!" Ae cha said.
"Shut up." You said glaring at her.
"Thank you for being honest with me." Jungkook said.
"I can't lie, because I'm not good at it. Remember that." You said.
"But first, why are you spying on me?" You asked glaring at him.
"W-what?? Me? Spying? Of course not! I was just going to talk to you, but ae-cha came and thought that I was spying." Jungkook said.
You came closer and check him.
"Wet hands, check. Stuttering, check..." You paused and listen to his heartbeat.
"Nervous, check. Are you really telling the truth? Because I'm bad at lying, but I'm good at knowing if a person is lying." You said.
"Fine, you're right... And I'm so sorry for shouting at you earlier, I wasn't thinking before I speak." Jungkook said pouting and blushing.
"It's okay, but next time, don't shout." You said and started leaving.
"Hmmm... you made her angry that much?" Ae-cha asked.
"I think so. But I'm expecting that she will be like this. Actually, I'm expecting more worse than this." Jungkook said.
"But do you know how to make her soft and cheerful again?" Ae cha asked.
"How?" Jungkook asked.
Ae cha whispered something to jungkook.
"That's it?" Jungkook asked.
"Yes. Y/n is a simple girl, even though she's rich, her personality is like a common girl." Ae cha said.
"Thank you for telling me. Well, I'll be leaving, I need to solve my problem." Jungkook said and leave.
He was searching for you and found you reading a book in the living room alone. He grab your wrist and pull you.
"Y-yah! Where are we going?" You asked.
"To your favorite place." Jungkook said.
"What favorite place?" You asked.
"Just close your eyes and follow me." Jungkook said.
So you followed him and close your eyes. He suddenly stops and let sit down.
"Can I open my eyes now?" You asked.
"Yes, you may." Jungkook said.
You open your eyes and you were at your garden.
"H-how did you know that I love this place?" You asked.
"Ae cha told me." Jungkook said.
You look around as if you didn't saw it before.
"She also told me that you love music?" He said.
"Yes..." You said.
He put one airpod to your ear and one to him. He choose "they don't know about us" by one direction. You smiled as the music started and it also made jungkook smile. You started singing and you made jungkook amazed by your voice.
And when the music ended, you're in a good mood already. You look at jungkook while smiling. And he suddenly kisses you, he broke the kiss and look at you.
"I love you, Y/n Anderson." Jungkook said.
"I love you more, Jeon Jungkook!" You shouted and the both of you laughed.
"Aigoo..." Jungkook said as he pinches your cheeks and you pout.
"Y/n!" He suddenly shouts and turns he face to the other side.
"Why?~" You asked.
"Why do you need to be fucking cute?! Please remind me before you do aegyo!" He shouted and it made you giggle.
"Awww... are you blushing? Did I made the Jeon Jungkook blush??? Wah..." You said teasing him.
"S-stop..." He said.
Then a call bothered the two of you again.
"What is it?" Jungkook asked.
"About jayson." You said.
You answer the call.
"Hello?" You asked.
"Miss y/n? The prime minister doesn't approve. What do we do?" He asked.
"Is he here in japan?" You asked.
"Yes, miss." He said.
"Okay, I'll go to him. And prepare to go here." You said.
"But, miss... what if the prime minister doesn't-" You cut him off.
"Listen to me! I SAID PREPARE TO GO." You said.
"Understood, miss." He said and you hung up.
"What happened?" Jungkook asked.
"The prime minister didn't approve... he didn't believe them. I need to go to him." You said.
"Let me come with you. I don't trust him, I don't care if you can fight. Just let me come with you." Jungkook said.
"Fine." You said.
You and jungkook told the boys that you'll come back. You drove to the prime minister and arrive to his office. The two of you bowed and showed respect.
"What do you need, Miss y/n?" The prime minister said.
"Prime minister, please approve... I need those to protect their concert. They can't stop the show, because it's already planned. I can't do anything, but protect them during the concert. Please..." You said begging.
"Do you have any proof that you're telling the truth?" The prime minister asked.
"Yes, sir." You said and show him the voice records, video and even text of jayson with an government official.
"H-how did you get this? Are you sure this is all true?" The prime minister asked.
"Yes, we are sure. So please, can you let us? Or if you can't can you stop the concert and help us?" You asked.
"I can't help you... I have too much work to do. So I'll approve, but promise me that no one will get hurt." The prime minister said.
"I will, thank you. Mr. Prime Minister." You said.
He smiled and the two of you left to go back to the house. You saw the staffs preparing to leave.
"Ready to leave?" You asked.
"Of course, and are you ready?" The manager asked worriedly.
"I'm born ready, manager-nim." You said.
"But y/n, promise us to be careful. If something happens to you, we didn't know what to do now." Namjoon said.
"Well... I can't promise. But I'll do my very best." You said.
"Time to leave, the cars are here." Manager-nim said.
They all put the bags and go inside, but jungkook doesn't want to let go of your arm.
"Bunny, time to leave." You said.
"But how can you not promise? What if this the last time we will meet! Y/n! Please don't leave me~" Jungkook said as he started crying.
"Bunny... I will not leave you. Never." You said.
"Promise me that you'll be safe." Jungkook said.
"Okay, fine. I promise." You said.
"You promised! Don't ever break it!" Jungkook said.
"I will. Now leave." You said trying your best not to cry.
He let go and slowly walks to the car. But he stops and run back to you. And he kisses you passionately. You kiss back and your tears can't hold back anymore.
"I'm so sorry for breaking my promise, kook. I need to leave for you. I have to stop this fight." You thought to yourself.
He broke the kiss and started crying again.
"Let's see each other later, bunny." Jungkook said.
"See you..." You said while crying.
"I love you, Jeon Jungkook." You added.
"I love you, Y/n Anderson!" He shouted and made everyone in the car laugh.
Then he walks inside the car. The door closes and he waves at you. You wave back until you can't see them. His hyungs comfort jungkook, because he was crying so much. They know that it hurts to leave you for a moment, but they didn't know how much jungkook got hurt, because he needs to leave you to fight.
The time of the concert came. The fans can be heard. The boys were scared and nervous of what will happen, so did the staffs who knew about the attack. You prepared and with your gang at a room.
"Have you track any bombs?" You asked.
"Yes, and as we expected. It was hidden to small and crowded places." He said.
"Are they activated?" You asked.
"Not yet. But let's prepare." He said.
"Okay, as we planned. We will stop the bombs and the others will be with me fighting jayson's gang. Be alert and focus on the job I gave you." You said.
"Yes, miss." They all said.
"Is the fake corpse here?" You asked.
"Yes, miss." He said.
"Okay, go to your places and prepare to fight." You said.
They all go to their places.
"Oh, when they finished placing the bombs. Secretly stop and get it one by one. I left some guards to protect you." You said.
"Okay, miss." He said.
While you're on your way to your place in the north which was the entrance. You started to thought of bad things. Like, how will jungkook react? What if the plan was not successful? What if the boys got hurt, because of you? What if you can't protect everyone? Those questions keeps bothering you. But you shrugged it off your mind and try to focus on your plan. Some fans started to recognized you and glares at you. You even heard some whispers.
"What is she doing here?" One fan whispered.
"What a bitch, after leaving our oppa, she has a nerve to come here?" One fan said.
You bit your lip trying not to try in humiliation.
The concert started and no one was outside except you and your group. It was quiet. Too quiet. You have a feeling that something bad is happening.