Nervous Father part 3

The both of you started singing and instead of singing with the both of you, the armys stayed silent and listen your beautiful voices. You were looking that the armys, but Jungkook keep looking at you as if he was looking at an angel while singing with you. After the both of you sang, Jungkook gave you a back hug that made the armys scream.

"I love you, Jeon Y/n!" Jungkook shouted.

"I love you too, Jeon Jungkook!" You shouted back.

*7 months later*

You were brought to the hospital by Jungkook. Because during the photoshoot, your water broke, the staffs quickly called Jungkook and brought you there. His hands were shaking and his heart was beating so fast. He was so nervous, because one time when the boys came to your house while you were already asleep. Namjoon talks about how dangerous and scary it is in giving birth. He already knew that when the baby is coming, it's either the mother or child might die or live.

When you arrive at the hospital, Jungkook quickly call for a doctor and brought you to the delivery room and quickly prepared the tools that will be used for giving birth.

It was so hard to gave birth, the nurses called Jungkook so you can hold his hand. When he arrived, he quickly got to you and told you to push as much as you can. You were breathing heavily and you felt tired.

It took you 4 hours and you heard your baby crying for the first time.

"Congratulations, Mrs. and Mr. Jeon! You have a baby boy!" The doctor said.

They clean and remove the blood in him, then covers him in a blanket then the nurse gave him to you. You started crying when you saw and touched your baby. You look at Jungkook and he was already crying. When you hold him, he stopped crying.

"He stopped crying... maybe he felt that you were his mother, and maybe he want your presence and embrace." The nurse said with a smile.

Jungkook hug the both of you and felt so proud of you.

"I'm so proud of you, bunny. You were really brave." Jungkook said.

After a few minutes, the nurse asked for his name before taking him.

"His name is Jeongsan... Jeon Jeongsan." You said and Jungkook nodded agreeing with you.

He took Jeongsan and the doctor asked Jungkook to leave so she can finish stitching. He followed and took a glance on you before leaving.

After that, you were brought in a room. You already saw Jungkook, the boys, your unnies, bang pd-nim and manager se-jin in the room.

"Hey Y/n, how are you feeling?" Pd-nim asked.

"The stitches still hurts, but I'm fine." You said.

"I can't believe that you just gave birth, is it scary?" Soyeon (Jimin's gf/your unnie) asked.

"... at first, yes. But after I heard my son's cry and carry him, it became happiness. In those 4 hours, it was all worth it." You said with a smile.

A knock was heard in the door. It opened and it showed a nurse with your sleeping son. They died in awe as they saw how cute your son is.

"OMG, he looks like mixed of y/n and Jungkook's beautiful features!" Ha rin (Yoongi's gf/your unnie) said.

"He got y/n's beautiful eyes." Manager se-jin said.

"He got Jungkook's beautiful nose and lips." Pd-nim said.

"His skin is so soft! And milky! It's confirmed, your son is truly an angel." Jhope said.

"Shhhh! He might wake up!" You said.

"He's beautiful..." Jin said calmly as he look at Jeongsan.

"Thank you, Jin-oppa." You said with a soft smile.

A few minutes later, Jeongsan started crying while the boys were looking at him as he sleep.

"Y/n~ He's crying what do we do?" Taehyung asked in panic.

You grab and carry him and put him in you chest.

"Shhhh... it's okay... mommy is here... don't cry." You said.

They got amazed when he really stops crying and fell asleep again.

"Wow, did you became a mother before? He literally stopped crying when you told him to stop." Jin said.

"Jungkook? Come here." You said.

He came closer.

"What is it? Do you need anything?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes, I need you to hold him." You said.

"What?! Y/n, I don't know how to hold a baby!" Jungkook said.

"I'll teach you." You said.

"No way... I might just hurt him and make him cry again." Jungkook said.

"No, you're not. You just need to lean in the chair and put him in your chest. He will not cry, I promise!" You said.

"I-I c-can't." Jungkook said.

"Don't nervous. He can feel it. In that way, he will cry. So relax." You said.

He took a deep breath and sigh. He leaned and you put Jeongsan in his chest.

"Now put your hand in here and at his back." You said.

He followed what you said. Jeongsan moved and he froze. But he didn't cry.

"See? I told you that he will not cry." You said.

Jungkook look at Jeongsan and he was sleeping peacefully in his chest.

"I admit it... this is the best feeling I never had." Jungkook said.

"How does it feel to be father?" Namjoon asked Jungkook.

"Right now, I feel like I want to protect this little bean for the rest of my life. I feel like he's my everything. Him resting in my chest, made me felt a new feeling, but it was the feeling that I didn't know I needed." Jungkook explained.

You smiled as you saw Jungkook holding Jeongsan. It was the most beautiful thing, you've ever seen in your whole life.