Yugyeom invited Jungkook to eat to their favorite restaurant.
"What did you said in your interview? You didn't know the girl? You can fool them but not me, kook. I know that the girl you were talking about was my sister." Yugyeom said.
"You got me. But I did that to hide her. It's been 3 years since that day..." Jungkook said.
"You miss her, do you?" Yugyeom asked.
"A little." Jungkook said.
"Really? A little?" Yugyeom asked.
"Yes- No- Maybe- Argh! Fine! I do miss her... a lot." Jungkook said.
"I always knew that you still love each other until today." Yugyeom said.
"How do you know? She didn't even remember me." Jungkook said.
"Let me share a secret... when Tori saw her phone again, did you know that after she saw your picture with her, she started talking again? She asked who was the guy with her. I wanted to say it was you, but Mom grabbed her phone away from her and bought her a new one. That's when I understand everything, why you acted weird when I asked if you could take care of her." Yugyeom said.
Jungkook just drank his beer in one shot.
"Woah, easy... but I got some good news for you." Yugyeom said with a smirk.
Jungkook just look at him in a confused look.
"She's back here in korea." Yugyeom said.
"Who?" Jungkook asked.
"My sister... she's been our topic since earlier, duh." Yugyeom said.
Jungkook froze.
"She's coming back?" Jungkook asked again.
"Yup, and probably staying here because she's assigned to handle the hotel and company." Yugyeom said.
"When?" Jungkook asked.
"Umm... next week." Yugyeom said.
"N-next week?" Jungkook asked.
"Yeah." Yugyeom said.
'We will fly to america for our tour then- Don't tell me... Impossible. They are too many planes, we will not be in the same plane, right?' Jungkook thought.
But fate is always on his side. When you and your mom arrived at the airport, Jungkook already noticed you. You heard fans screaming and look at his direction. Jungkook quickly look away and started waving to Armys.
"Oh... BTS is here." You said and kept on looking at them.
"Y/n!" Your mom shouted to get your attention.
"Coming!" You said and took a last glance to them before you follow to your mom.
Jungkook was surprised when he saw you in the plane. You were listening to their music at that time and your eyes were close so you didn't notice him and the boys.
'Out of all planes-' Jungkook thought.
He was still looking at you as he went to his seat. He was trying not to look at you, but the fact that you were breathing on the same air as him and that you were so close was bothering him so much. Jungkook decided to go to the lavatory, but when he was going back to his seat, he didn't notice you.
"Sorry, miss." Jungkook said.
When your eyes met, Jungkook felt his heart beat goes faster. He didn't know what to do. But to avoid any conflicts, he decided to pretend like he never knew you. He was really hurt because of the fact that you don't remember him, but he thinks it was meant to happen.
Jungkook went to the hotel to meet you. He was excited to see you again, but there's something in him that tells him to stop and forget about you. But heart is more powerful than it.
He talked to Yugyeom and told him to pretend also. So when he saw Jungkook coming, he acted surprise and become mad at him when you started crying on the balcony.
Jungkook left your house worried and sad. He wanted stay, to make sure that you're okay. But when your parents came, he knew that he needed to go.
Later that night, your parents talked to yugyeom about letting Jungkook to come and meet you.
"Why did you let Jungkook see Y/n?" Your dad asked, mad.
"What's wrong with it, dad? Jungkook is my friend, and for me, he's the right man for my sister-"
"So what are we going to do? Lie and hide her from the truth? Do you think Y/n will be happy if she knew that her whole family are lying to her? Is that what you want, dad?" Yugyeom asked.
"I don't care if she gets mad or not. As long as she's safe, I'll do everything-"
"Don't forget that you made her kill herself before-"
Your father slapped Yugyeom.
"Honey!" Your mom shouted and stopped your father.
"Fine... slap me all you want, I can pretend these things never happened, but I won't let you ruin her this time." Yugyeom said.
"Stay away from me when y/n's not around." Yugyeom said and went to his room.
After half an hour, your mom told Yugyeom that they'll come back. When you woke up, Yugyeom let you go without your parents consent. But when they knew about it, they can't be angry at Yugyeom after what happened. Yugyeom and your dad were not in good terms for so many years, without you knowing. It became their habit to act like a normal father and son when you're around and act like total strangers when you were gone.
When you remembered everything, starting from your earlier years when you met Jungkook until now, you knew that they're lying and acting. You expected things like this since when you have amnesia. You might have an amnesia, but they might have forgot that you're smart and they can't fool you. They continued acting like this until you decided to end the big show.