What really happened Part 2

It's been 2 months since you left. You on training so you could prepare for your plan. When you suddenly felt pain on your stomach part. You cried in pain and held it hard. Your trainer got confused and scared of what was happening to you. So she called your doctor and brought you home.

"What's wrong with me, Dr. Lee?" You asked.

"Y/n... I suggest that you should stop all your plans." Dr. Lee said.

"W-what? Why?!" You shouted.

"Because you're pregnant! That's why you were feeling sick everytime! You never told me, but your trainer did! She said you always feel nauseous and go to the restroom. You were too focused on your plan and forgot about yourself. Y/n, you should not risk your child so you could end your problems. I hope you take care of yourself this time... for your future child." Dr. Lee said and left.

You couldn't believe what you just heard. You touch your belly and started crying.

"I... I'm sorry..." You said and sobs.

You couldn't believe that you almost lost your second child because of your plans and anger. You decided to stop all of your plans and took care of yourself and will continue when your child was old enough to take care of herself while you're gone. You made sure that no one will know about your child until the right time comes.

It was pretty hard to raise your daughter alone without your husband and family. Junghye was so curious about her other family members especially her father and brother. When she started to talk and study, you continued your training while she's off to school, so she could not see you. But your secret was revealed when she saw you at your gym (inside your house) with your trainer. She was not disappointed nor angry, she was amazed and got curious about it, she went inside and you were actually shocked. She got older and she started to ask and persuade you about starting her own training. But you always explain and told her that it's dangerous. Junghye told you that she won't going to use it to something but for self defense. So in the end, she started her training at 15.

The important has come and Junghye knew that you'll be going on a mission. She never left your side and even didn't go to school saying she was sick. In the afternoon, she usually take a nap, but this time, she was like a pet following you everywhere you go.

"Junghye-ah, can you stop following me?" You asked, annoyed.

"Why? Can't I miss my mom?" Junghye said.

"Junghye, I'm with you all the time, EVERYDAY!" You said.

"I miss you every second, mom." Junghye said.

"Aish... why do you have to be like your father?" You mumbled.

"What, mom?" Junghye asked.

"Nothing, just... stop following me and go take a nap, you're tired." You said.

"No, mom. I know what you're planning... about your mission." Junghye said.

"It's not-"

"What, mom? Not dangerous? MOM! Every mission you did was so dangerous! AND AS YOUR DAUGHTER, I SUGGEST THAT YOU SHOULD NOT DO IT TODAY." Junghye said.

"IF NOT TODAY, WHEN?! I'M DOING THIS FOR YOU, YOUR BROTHER, AND YOUR FATHER! I'M DOING THIS FOR OUR FAMILY! So please... if you want to end everything, you will let me finish this mission." You said.

"Brother? Father? Mom... I don't know if they really exist... you never showed me a single picture of them since the first time I asked you about them! What if you were the only one I have?" Junghye paused and started crying.

"... I don't want to lose you." Junghye said and wipe her tears while sobbing.

Those words... those words were the exact words that Jungkook used to tell you. At that very moment... you felt how much you miss him... Jeongsan... the boys... and your family.

You slowly went to Junghye to hug her, but she step back and runs to her room. As a mother, this hurts you so much. You cried and cried... but when you stopped, you went to Junghye and saw her sleeping, probably because of crying. You went closer and kiss her forehead.

"I love you..." You mumbled.

After that, you left and went to finish your fight with Jina.

*After the fight (It's so tiring of creating fighting stories/scenes, because I don't have any new ideas)*

You went home to see Junghye crying. You quickly run and hug her and she quickly responded.

"Why did you left, mom? I thought I lost you!" Junghye said, crying.

"I'm sorry, I don't want you to know because I know that I won't be able to save you and we won't be able to see your brother and father if I didn't do it. I know I made you worry but it's for the best, honey." You said.

Junghye continued to sob and hugs you tighter.

"I already called the school and told them that you'll be transferring schools." You said.

"Why?" She asked.

"We will be leaving and go back... to the place where we should be." You said.