A Cry for Help

Her eyes watched silently when her father's coffin was being lowered into the ground. Never in her life, she felt this lonely. Her eyes met Adi's who was standing on the other side.

Sydney needed to ask her so many things and to tell her everything. But the moment she takes a step forward Jennifer caught her arm and held her in place. Jennifer made her wear long sleeve dress that had a collar around the neck. Perfectly hiding the marks of lashes on her body. Everybody noticed the limp in her walk but they ignored thinking she is weak in her sorrow. She was sure that she gestured Addison to talk to her but her last hope died when she saw her leaving in Caleb's arm. Is she not even gonna talk to me? Why? She thought. The whole crowd of people was there but not a single person was there to hear her inner cries for help.

And the moment she saw the very same Cherokee Jeep coming to the ground she felt so suffocated that her body collapsed to the ground.

She woke up in her room feeling dizzy. She knew she had the fever. Her back was still soaring from the lashes. She sat there for a while with her head in her hands. But when she looked up her room was haunting her. The whole incident flashed in her room. She felt his sweaty hand on her mouth muffling her screams. The sharp pain she felt between her legs. The voice of cane cutting the air and the things he told her were ringing in her ears. I am so sorry. I won't tell anyone again. I promise. Please stop. She started having a panic attack. The walls of the rooms felt so suffocated. She left her room to find the whole house in dark. The reality hit her. There was no dad in this house anymore. She gets to her father's room. The room had been cleaned. It doesn't even have the scent her father used. She gets to her father's bed and cried herself to sleep.

Her eyes shot open at the ring of phone echoing in the whole house at 4 AM. She rose from her bed with groggy eyes to get to the phone.

"Hello" She said with a very sore throat.

"Hello, kitten." The man on the other side said.

She knew who was this person. She cut the call with her shaky hands and fell on the couch. She started crying loudly and let out all the tears.

The phone rang again. This time she didn't pick up. Thinking that where Jennifer was useless. But I can call Addison. She thought. She gets to her father's room and when she found the cell phone in the drawer she dials it for Adi's cellphone. But it was Caleb who picked up.

"Hello." Caleb answered.

"I need to talk to Addison." She said. Her voice filled with anxiety.

There was a long pause on the other side. For a second Sydney thought that line might have cut. It was still silence on the other line when the phone from the living room starts ringing again.

"She is sleeping Sydney. And please never call again. We have suffered a lot because of your lies. Your mental condition is not good. You should rest too." He said and Sydney knew that he was about to cut the line when she desperately said.

"Caleb! I am alone and I need help." She said in between her sobs and tears.

"Just sleep. Sydney." He said frustrated and didn't waste any time to cut the call.

It was not the call that was cut it was her last hope. The phone from the living room was still ringing. She covered her ears and sat on the floor. But then the phone didn't ring for more than 15 mins. But instead of being at peace she was more anxious.

Getting to the living room she checked all the windows. She checked every window and door and locked herself in her father's room. She got under the covers. Her little body was shivering in fever. It was after more ten minutes when she heard an engine pulling over at her house. It can't be Jennifer. She thought. But she tightens the covers around her thinking he can't enter. But after a minute she heard someone opening the front door. She started whimpering but for not making any sound she covers her mouth with her hand. She heard the shoes going upstairs. Once he will realize I am not up there, he will come here. She thought. So, springing out of the bed she opened the window and jumped out of it. After taking more than 20 steps she turned to face her home.

A home where she was brought up. A home where she always felt safe. A home she never thought will look this horrible. She was crying while leaving her house behind and started running without knowing where she is going. She ran for 5 mins or so when she saw a car coming from ahead. It's him. She thought. She stopped in between the road and started crying hysterically.

The man stepped out of the car. The light was bright. She was not able to see the man until he was very close. It was Uncle Oliver. Her anxiety stricken nerves got relaxed in a second and she felt herself going down but her body never met the ground.

It was 6 in the evening when Sydney woke up in some room she couldn't recognize. Her fever was down but she still felt so weak to even move. Her mind starts recalling all the events. She remembers seeing Uncle Oliver. After more than half an hour a woman in her fifties entered the room. Sydney knew her. Her name was Abigail. She was a very old maid of Blake family. Abigail had served her orange juice whenever she visited Uncle Oliver's house with her dad. The thought made her sad. Those were her most carefree days.

"How are you feeling now?" Abigail asked with a small kind smile.

"I am fine." She said with some hindrance as her throat still felt sore.

But then Sydney asked herself am I fine? And a tear escaped her eye.

"Do you feel hurt somewhere?" Abigail asked with concern in her eyes.

Sydney shook her head in no. Her innocent beautiful eyes held so much fear and uncertainty. Abigail thought that she is uncomfortable because she is not at her home.

"Do you want to eat something?" Abigail asked.

Sydney again denied the offer.

"It is fine for you to not to eat something. Dr. Patrick himself came to inject you some salines and TPN. But will you like some water?" Abigail asked carefully.

This time Sydney accepted the offer. Abigail held her head and helped her to get up and take some water. After that Abigail tucked her in the bed.

"You better take some more rest. I will be around to check on you." Abigail assured her. Sydney gives her a nod in reply and drifted into sleep within minutes.

Abigail dims the lights behind her and takes a look at the kid. She was so young. She doesn't even look like a woman. What kind of bastard can do such a cruel thing to a child? She thought to herself. Abigail recalled the day she met her mother when she was pregnant with Sydney. No one had ever thought that this girl will have such a horrible fate. Oh God, help this poor soul.

It was 7 in the morning when Sydney woke up with a startle as someone removed the covers from her body.

"Get out of my house. Now!" Someone shouted.

She found a very angry lady in her 40's standing beside the bed. The face was not new to her. It was Aunt Isabella. Wife of Uncle Oliver Blake.

Sydney tried to get up but felt dizzy. She was wearing her shoes when that woman again screamed.

"You can't live under my house after blaming my brother with such grotesque crime. Get out of my house you psycho kid." She was yelling at the top of her lungs as Sydney was leaving the room.