Wedding bells

Everyone in the town was sound asleep except the person whose soul was burning on some unseen coals.

Laying on her bed she was staring at the ceiling aimlessly. Her eyes were stinging from shedding too many tears. She looked at the clock again. It was 4:20 am. No matter how much she wished that this morning never came. It came. It finally came to haunt her. Her room had all the things scattered that she packed in a little suitcase to went away with Michael. She even tore the bills she saved up in the last six years.

Tic of the needle was driving her crazy. Even Abigail was not here. She was all alone. And maybe Abigail left to avoid her nuisance about all the incidents. Well, there was not any way to find it out.

Tic of the needle was not stopping even for a moment. Clutching her blanket in her hands her eyes flickered. Like she recalled something. Her mind went to the incident that changed her whole life while a tear escaped her eye to get soaked in the pillow below.

*It was all my fault. All my fault to ever sit in that jeep. But he.... That man said. He had a cure. For my father. I couldn't bring myself to refuse to listen. My one stupid move. One stupid move took my everything. Took my father's life eventually. Why the hell I ran to my father's room when I knew he can't save me. And the thought of living with that person. Being his wife. I can't. I just can't.*


The moment I went into the jeep I could smell something weird. Alcohol. I guessed. But the smell was still a little weird. I secured my seat belt when he started the engine. I didn't waste any time to grab a notebook and a pencil from my bag. Now that I was on a vehicle, my place was less than two minutes away.

"What this for?" He asked more like slurred. I looked at him to find his eyes red. He looked frustrated. And it made me look away.

"That's for writing the-the remedy. My-my mind is not that sharp." I answered looking at the dashboard. It looked amazing. It was nothing like my father's truck.

With my pencil in my hand, I waited for him to speak but he said nothing. And next, I saw him taking the right turn instead of left.

"Mr. Hunt, my, Home." I said more like a whisper. A wave of panic consumed me.

He looked at me while licking his lips. "You are a very bad girl. Who sits in some stranger's ride? You need punishment." He slurred the words and I felt the car speeding up.

I started sweating. I couldn't say anything. I just hug my bag. I couldn't understand why he said what he said. I know him. He is not a stranger.

"I want to go home," I said in a very low voice. But he looks like he couldn't hear me. He sped the car more. So, I hugged my bag more tightly and try to muster my voice to said a little loud. "Mr. Hunt I want to...." I was cut off with a slap on my cheek.

It stung badly. My left hand came onto my cheek in a reflex. But my mind felt so numb that I couldn't feel my face. For a moment I couldn't think straight. Never in my life, anyone raised a hand on me.

I was beyond terrified. I didn't care if the car was running. I got my seat belt off and tried to open the door. My attempt was followed by a laugh behind me. But I didn't care to look back. I was banging on the window as tears were rolling down my cheeks.

Next, I feel a hand lifting up my skirt. The moment he grabbed my behind, all the things Mrs. Court told us about assault and inappropriate acts came into my mind. He was a bad person if he was touching me here.

She told us to say no to the person. But if you are lonely with him you should call for help or call for your family. And this is what I did. I didn't look back instead I screamed for Adi and Papa. I knew they can't hear me. But at that moment...At that moment I was so scared and didn't know what else to do. I rub my eyes to focus on where I was. Fields were the only thing that I could see. The car stopped followed by a loud shriek from my mouth when that person's hand digs his fingers on my waist to pull me towards him.

/Flashback ends/

A loud whimper escaped her throat and got her back to reality. She ends up crying again. There was no much difference between the person who has been given the death sentence and her.

The clock struck 5 in the morning. She got out of bed. It was not like she didn't remember it's her birthday today. She once used to be a girl who would make a list with her father about how she wants her birthday to be like months ago. But after her father, she realized that every color in her life was with her father. She was nothing without him. He protected her from this cruel world. Without him, there was just an endless loop of never-ending miseries. And only if he was alive today, things were going to be so different. Only if....

The moment she went into bathroom her lifeless green eyes did notice that her whole face was a mess. With her thick hairs entangled badly, she doesn't look like someone who has her wedding today. She remembers people calling her a cute girl and she would look at the person with a shy smile while hiding her face in her father's shoulder but now she knows nothing in her left was cute.

She looked at her reflection with questions in her eyes. What she has ever done wrong to endure all of this?

Any other girl lives for the day she will get married. Have so many plans or wishes in her heart but for her, it wasn't her wedding day. Nothing in her was like other girls.

She never dreams about the love of a man. In fact, she was afraid of the word man. She heard the girls talk about their dream wedding or the person she would want to marry. She even heard them what they wanna name their kids. But for her, she never dreams about any prince coming for her. She used to pray for the angel but now she thinks that even angels don't see her worthy enough to be saved. And unlike any other girl, she would never want to bring any soul in this cruel world. In the past six years, all she ever cared about or think about is how to avoid the beatings or why she gets beaten.

But today she was going to have her last hit. She opened the cupboard just beside the mirror. Taking out a little amber color bottle she inhaled deeply. Just a gulp and she will put an end to her all miseries. She has thought about it through. Even if she pleads Isabella it is not gonna work. Even if she says no at the chapel Isabella will beat her to death once she is home.

Leaving the Huntsville on her own was not an option. As she doesn't have any idea about transport and she was so easy to be caught by cops. And even she got lucky enough to avoid cops, everywhere it is gonna be people and people hurts.

Her hands were shaking badly as she bows her head down on the sink. She tried her best to drink the content but she couldn't. Her hands were shaking too badly that she even spilled some content on her hands. She was afraid that the bottle will slip out of her hand so she hurriedly placed it on the sink.

It wasn't for the first time. In these past years, she tried to cut herself many times but couldn't muster up enough courage. Think about to jump off the window but couldn't. But not today. She can't lose today. All she need was a push. Some stimuli.

Sydney, if not today you will still be murdered by that man in the coming future. But then they will write Mrs. Hunt on your tombstone. Do you want that? Do you want to leave this world having any more nightmares? Having any more scars. These were her thoughts when she stripped out of her clothes.

Taking a deep breath she looked at the mirror. Her face was all bones. Her eyes had deep dark circles. She had a very thin waist. Her body that was once fair, soft and unmarked was now filled with scars. Scars of lashes. Some of them were so bad that she even remember when she got them. She tried to recall the beatings she could recall. Canning from Mariah and Isabella were always worst.

She recalled the day when Isabella threw the lashes on her back and arms without telling her what she had done wrong. Thinking all of this she went under the shower. She recalled how Isabella stomped on her once. Her hand traveled to her back. Tracing the fresh-cut she recalled the night some days ago. When she was all alone at the mercy of some cruel men. She remembered all too well. How much she felt helpless in their stronghold. And if she doesn't kill her today. She will only welcome more suffering. There were no dreams and no hope to hold on. There was none.

But then a name echoed in her brain. Michael. She never once recalled Michael since last evening. But now she realized that his note had no worth. He was just taking his revenge for framing him. And he was indeed successful. She really let her hopes get high. She knew she had no right to accuse him because she was on the wrong first but her only complaint was that why he ever saved her from drowning that day. Only if she was dead already. It could be so perfect.

With this, her mind gets to the morning when she woke up in Michael's arm. The moment she snatched that coat from his sleeping self. The moment his blue eyes were looking right through her. The moment she peeked out of the camp to see him wrapping his things. The angel wing tattoos on his shoulders flashed in her mind.

What if I am losing hope too early? What if he came just in time? I know it might not be true. But what if it's true. Then I don't have to take my life. I might get out of Huntsville. I might have a life. A thought echoed in her brain.

Getting out of the shower she dried herself in seconds and hurriedly wore the clothes. Slipping the amber-colored bottle in her jeans pocket she made her way to the kitchen. Tonight she will either be out of the Huntsville or in her grave. There was no other option. No other thought.

She didn't take the turn but she could hear the utensils clattering. She carefully peeked to see Jasper working there. From that day she tried to avoid Jasper at all costs. And today was no exception. It was for the first time that Jasper was making breakfast. Before that, he only made lunch and dinner.

With her right hand, she tried to feel the bottle under her fabric as she made her way for the cleaning supplies. Just like every other day she started her work from the hallways as the family was still asleep. But with her thoughts everywhere she almost tripped twice.

One thing was for sure that she was cleaning these hallways for the last time. With her hands still on the mop stick, she was about to pass Mariah's room when something caught her attention. Someone was crying. And it was weird because no one ever cries in this house except her. She peeps inside to find Mariah.

Yea, Sydney did notice that Mariah was off nowadays because she didn't even beat her or humiliate her. Sydney was still watching the scene when she noticed that someone throw some dress on the bed. And with this Isabella came into the view.

"Just wear this one. You will look most beautiful." Isabella said cheerfully.

"How can you do this mom? How?" Mariah asked while throwing that dress on the floor and hiccuping loudly.

"We already talk about this. Didn't we? It's not like I am leaving your Dad. Do not act like two years old. And don't you dare to disrespect Jasper." Isabella sneered in a warning tone.

Until now Sydney figured it out what they were talking about. She was about to move when she heard Isabella saying.

"Not too many people are coming. Arthur said he doesn't want many people. Besides Wilson's, only five other families are coming. I don't know how I am gonna bear that Jennifer's face. Jennifer was Psycho's stepmother. But now that Psycho will be her sister in law." Isabella stopped to huff in frustration and then continued." I don't know what my brothers are doing with their lives. I wish that Psycho gives us an heir soon. So, my family finally has someone to pass on all this heritage. Otherwise, I don't know what I am gonna do." Saying this she went to pick that dress from the floor. "Everything is already too complex and you whining here about something so stupid is the last thing I want." She said as she walked towards the door. Sydney resumed her work before she could open the door.

Though Sydney was looking at the floor she could feel a stare drilling her skull. She was all too alert for any assault but nothing came. And the moment she heard Isabella heels going away, closing her eyes she let her breath go.

After one and a half hours, she was done with all the cleaning. She felt tired and dizzy. She couldn't recall when she last ate. But it doesn't matter. It would be perfect if she just passes out. While passing the dining hall though she didn't stop to look inside, she could hear the family talking about getting ready for the ceremony.

The moment she reached her room she held her head in her hands while walking to her bed. Everything felt so unreal. The storm inside was shaking her hopes. "Please Michael, I don't have time. Please get me out of here." She whispered under her breath. But with her shaky hands, she again taps on the little bottle. Like she wanted to make sure that it was there.


After half an hour Jasper came knocking at Sydney's door. His hands were carefully holding a tray having her breakfast.

She looked at her doorframe to found a six feet tall figure. His white beard was shinning more today. And he was wearing a suit. Why the hell on the earth he was ready too? Is he too excited to see me getting married? She thought.

Though he never gave Sydney weird looks whatever she witnessed some days ago made her uneasy whenever she saw Jasper. She shifted her gaze to her palms, ignoring Jasper altogether.

Like every other day, he just placed the tray on the table and said. "Your breakfast, your Highness." and it cringed Sydney badly. But when he didn't leave like any other day she looked at him.

"Mrs. Isabella has asked me to drop you to the chapel. Please be ready. I am waiting outside." Jasper announced with much respect. This made Sydney look at him in surprise but then she recalled that Isabella told her about 12. And it was only 8 in the morning.

"But... They said I am gonna leave at 12." She asked without thinking much.

"I think there is some change in the plans now." Jasper tried to answer nonchalantly.

She looked at her hands in panic. Getting to the grave was looking like a more apparent fate. What if I couldn't muster enough energy and end up marrying instead. A thought echoed. But then she noticed that Jasper was still here.

"I-I am coming. You go first." She said more like whisper the words but Jasper heard anyways and complied.

Making his way through the hallways he once again made sure by getting into everyone's room that they are tucked in their beds comfortably. He might have doubled the dose but it just makes sure that they won't wake up before the next morning. He knew they will suffer from dehydration once they are awake so he was decent enough to place the flasks beside their beds.

He started the engine and waited for like 20 mins before he saw the future Mrs. Miller making her way out of the Blake mansion.

He looked at his watch. He still had an hour and a half left until Mr. Miller's arrival. But his assistant Jeff told him that their people had arrived already and things were going with the plan.

She was taking her steps slowly. He got out of the driver's seat to hold the backseat door before she could make her way to the car. He looked at her eyes to find she was in some other world. He hurriedly lowered his gaze. He was not allowed to look or comment on her emotional state. Well, it was good that she doesn't know about it yet.

Once she was all settled in, he closed the door and hopped in the car to start the engine.

In less than a minute she was out of the Blake mansion. And in less than 5 minutes the Blake estate was out of the sight. Her breathing became erratic. Holding the bottle more tightly she made herself realized that she still has an option if Michael doesn't show up. It just requires more courage. Somewhere in her heart, she knew Michael won't come. If he was coming he might already have.

She looked out of the window. It was a beautiful day. Sun was bright and it was warm. She always liked sunny days. Not so bad for being my last day. She thought. She saw chapel coming into the view. But her eyes were busy noticing something else. The chapel had so many cars parked. There were so many cars that there was auxiliary parking too. Never in her life, she ever noticed these many cars parked somewhere in their town.

And it wasn't the only thing that was out of place. All of the cars were expensive. She was sure about one thing that her whole county can't have these many luxury cars. It only means one thing. Whatever Isabella talked about in the morning wasn't true. There were going to be a lot of people at the ceremony. Not just the people from the county but also the people from outside. Walking down the aisle for that bad man in front of so many people. It just might be one of the push if she had to gulp down the bottle.

Jasper took the car behind the chapel and escorted her from the back door to a small room on the backside. He didn't stay there and left to God knows where. The only thing that she could see out of the room was a white long narrow corridor that had large glass windows on one side letting the beautiful sunshine seep through. Her shoulders slumped forward as she sighed heavily. It might be her last day. Though she was not noticing anything with much interest, the moment she turned around her eyes fell on the dress in the room and she was beyond shocked. The dress was too long and large that it's fabric was carefully settled on the wall behind.

That can't be my dress. Because my dress was a maxi with lacey sleeves and that was too in my closet right now. Is there some other wedding too. She thought to herself.

She was still mesmerized by the dress when two women in her 30's came into her room.

"Morning! Miss Brown. We are sent here to get you ready." One with the short height and brown orbs said. She couldn't help but notice that they were not from her town. Living at Blake's she almost knew her whole town. It relaxed her a little because these girls might don't know her past. But then no matter who came into their town. They always end up knowing about her. It's just a matter of time.

But there is one thing that shocked her. They didn't say anything about her condition. She knew she looks like a bag of bones and has deep dark circles. And she was used to of people giving her weird looks when they saw her for the first time. But they didn't make any face and somehow it made her relaxed around them. She took her time to nod her head in yes as she said in her heart. "I know you will come. Micheal."

Jasper, on the other hand, was talking to Jeff. But after a minute he gave a glance to the person who was struggling against his restraints. It was no one other than the priest of the Church. He felt bad that he have to do it. So, once again he lowered his mouth to his ear and said.

"Do not struggle. You and your staff will be free to go in two hours. I know you're totally eligible for conducting a wedding ceremony but I can't risk telling you the name of the groom." He tried to make this as reasonable as he could and didn't waste any further time to lock the door.

After an hour Jasper welcomed a figure with soft features and clad in white clothes. He was also the person who observed Noah's parent's and grandparent's wedding. He was so old and took his time to cross the aisle and finally be seated on the chair over the Apse. The person was still breathing heavily when a white Rolls-Royce was pulled over right beside that Chapel. The person inside was wearing a tux while his hairs were gelled back giving him a more mature look. He was busy working on his laptop while one of his managers was setting him off. Once there he closed his laptop and throw it on the other side of the car. But the moment his chauffeur opened the door for him he looked outside. His eyes were in some deep thoughts when he got out of the car. On the door, he was welcomed and congratulated by Jasper. He didn't say thank you but the moment his eyes fell on the priest he gave Jasper a look.

"Your Grandaunt arranged this for you." Jasper kept his answer short.

Noah's face expression was stoic. He wanted to be done with this already as he had to leave for Australia in five hours and the person in front of him was the one who is famous for making things almost never-ending. And not to forget his humor. Noah once loved the way he would use his corny jokes but not now. And if this person dared to call him pumpkin he knew he will lose. He felt impatient and disappointed just by looking at that priest.

"Jasper! Make sure that his mic doesn't work. And yes make it finish as soon as possible." Noah almost whispered the words while rubbing his chin. Almost fifty people who were organizing the things and carry out any action under Jasper's order were there.

Jasper gestured the photographer to take some of his shots when a woman came to whisper something in his ear. His expression changed and he made his way to the small room in the backside. The moment he entered the room he saw the most beautiful bride he had ever seen. Her makeup and hairs were done and she was looking like a fragile doll in her perfectly tailored dress with a long veil behind. But her eyes were sad. Her long eyelashes were down as her lips trembled and legs shook.

He gestured the women to leave the room. Once they were alone he carefully placed the little amber bottle on the table in front of her.

"You can take it." He said and this made Sydney lift her heavy eyelashes to look at him. The moment he realized he had her full attention he continued. "But I think you need to know that there is some little change in the plan. You are not marrying the person you think you are marrying. It is one of my friends. All you need to say is yes and we will take you out of this town safely. It's necessary. This way no one will try to find you." He did notice how his words affected Sydney. Her eyes were looking at him now in disbelief.

"If you don't wanna believe. Don't. You can take this if I am proved wrong." He said and was about to leave the room when he found her saying. "Why I should believe you?"

He turned and said. "You don't have much of a choice." Saying this he left. But she broke into tears again. She knows she shouldn't believe his words. Trusting always left her wounded. And plus he was too a bad guy. With her shaky hands, she grabbed the bottle and open the lid.

In the meantime, Noah was getting bothered by the priest's corny jokes. His manager came forward to give him his cell phone. It was his secretary from the tech company. So, he knew that it was important.

Because of poor signals, he made his way to the corridors on the right side and was looking out of the windows when his secretary was telling him that their plane will be delayed for one more hour.

Sydney was taking in deep breaths while her chest was heaving badly when she took the bottle to her lips with her shaky hand. Her hand was closing the gap between her mouth and eternal peace when her eyes caught some movement in the corridor. She looked at the man. The man she has been waiting all this time. She couldn't believe her eyes. The shock was too real that it made her hand drop that bottle.

Getting her very big dress in her hands she wasted not a single second to make her way to that man. And before she could reach him, he too had his eyes on her. And the moment he laid his eyes on her he was still. He wasn't listening to his secretary anymore.

He could swear that he had never seen a girl this beautiful in his whole life. Her face was a sight that he knew, he can never get enough of it. It was too perfect that he might never be interested in any other sight. His anger became volatile. He feels like a fish who was out of the water for so long but finally it was home. She was still three steps away from him when she tripped in her dress and he too wasted not a single second to hold her in his hands.

The moment she felt his arms around her she too caught his suit and didn't show any intention to let go. She knew that if she let go he will disappear. Her breathing was still too labored when he held her more tightly.

No one knows for how long they stayed there like this but her breathing was normal and her cheeks were wet with tears when they heard a throat clearing behind them. Both turned to find Jasper there. This is when Sydney noticed what she's been doing and distanced herself from Michael. She gave a pleading look towards Jasper. Like she was telling him to let her go with this man while Jasper had his whole attention on Noah.

"Take her out. I don't have much time." Noah said while switching off his phone and made his way back to the Aspe.

She looked at Jasper in disbelief. She couldn't comprehend what just happened when Jasper did the courtesy. "That's my friend I was talking about."

She does realize that something was really off but if it is an option besides marrying that person and death then she was gonna do it. She kept on thinking why it's necessary for her to get married even when Jasper motioned her to take his arm.

She was too afraid to believe this man but if this person is Michael's friend she can take chances. She placed her hand on Jasper's elbow while taking a deep breath.

"Allow me to set your veil back," Jasper said and hide her face behind a delicate fabric. The moment the doors opened she noticed two twin girls round about three years old carrying the flower basket. She stopped for a moment to look at the girls when Jasper whispered. "That's my adorable granddaughters."

The girls spread the flowers while skipping a step or two on the way. Sydney lifted her eyes to look at the people there. There were people but no one was looked familiar. They were suited in the same black suits and look more like some security guards. But then she looked at the man who was patiently waiting for her. A tall handsome man wearing a tux was doing nothing but looking at her. He held her gaze for a few seconds. But then she realized that nothing about the setting look like it was some fake marriage. And this thought made her a little unsettled. She walked on the aisle looking down but she could feel Michael's stare at her all the time.

On the other side, he watches her coming into her life. It wasn't the first time that he met a girl who can control his anger. Who can control his emotions! Everything that he was feeling for this little redhead was all too familiar. But this time he was gonna play this game with his brain. He will never let her know that she has control over him. He will keep this girl hidden from the world. So, her innocent and sacred heart is never tainted with greed. He will never let her have a life of her own. He will never trust her. This time he will cage her to never let go. If she can't love him it's fine but he won't let her love anyone else.

The moment Sydney was standing beside him, he gave his full attention to the priest ahead. The Priest was all ready to start with the ceremony.

The priest started with his announcement for what they were gathered here. After being done with his fifteen-minute long speech on the importance and purity of the wedding he asked the bride first.

"Miss. Brown, Do you take Noah Miller, as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

But Sydney's brain was stuck on the one word. Noah Miller. He is not Noah Miller. She has seen that person. But then a sigh of relief escaped her mouth.

It was a sign that it was really not a true wedding. So, the moment their priest completed his sentence she only took a second and then said the words without thinking much. "Yes, I do."

Her words were without any stammer but were a little breathy. A little panic was evident. Fear lingered in her body. She feared that her escaped plan with Micheal will be busted at any time. Her answer was followed by another question. But this time it was from Noah Miller.

Mr. Noah Miller, Do you take Sydney Brown, as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

A silence followed. And this made Sydney look at him, just to find his gaze only on her. She was still confused when he caught her left hand in his and said the words without breaking the eye contact.

I, Noah Miller, do take Sydney Brown, as my lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do us part?"

There was something about the way he said those words that Sydney too couldn't look away. His voice was too deep that it made her still but she came back to reality when she felt Micheal's thumb grazing on the back of her hand.

She was about to take her hand away when he slipped a ring on her ring finger. She looked at the ring. She didn't know much about the rings but it was heavy and look expensive. This is an imitation Sydney. This has to be. She thought but the moment she heard Jasper throat-clearing she looked at him to found that he was passing her a ring too. She took the ring from his hand while Jasper's eyes were complimenting the 3 carats Marquise-Cut Diamond ring on Sydney's finger.

She took the ring from Jasper but it felt so wrong. So wrong and real.

Her hands were shivering when she found Micheals hand waiting for the ring to be put on. Gulping hard she forwards the ring to his very long finger. The feeling was so foreign. It was getting too awkward. She was really feeling that she just got married to this person. But yea, it was just a stupid feeling because she knew that it was just a part of the escaping plan.

The moment they were done with vows and exchanging rings the old guy ahead started with the pronouncement of the marriage.

"BRIDE and GROOM, through their words today, have joined together in holy wedlock.

Because they have exchanged their vows before God and these witnesses, have pledged their commitment to each other, and have declared the same by joining hands and by exchanging rings, it is my pleasure to now pronounce them as husband and wife.

You may now kiss your bride!"

The moment Sydney heard the words her eyes flickered. She looked at Micheal who wasted no time in lifting her veil up and claiming her lips. Her palms came forward to Micheal's tux to make some distance but with his hands on the back of her waist, she found herself in iron like hold. His eyes were closed as he savored the taste of her lips while her eyes were open as big as some saucer. The moment he bit her lower lip she gasped giving him the way to her mouth and also closing her eyes with the impact. Though her every sense was occupied she could still hear the wedding bells ringing on the chapel.