The lady of the house

There was a screen between her and the driver's seat. She didn't know what to do but she couldn't shake away the feeling that a lot is on the way.

She noticed the passing buildings and road with so much interest. And she was intimidated by every single thing of this city. It was huge. Even if in the future she gets Noah Miller to understand that she doesn't want to live with him. What possibly she was supposed to do? Her mind keeps playing his words or his actions.

The drive went on for twenty-five minutes giving her enough time to recall her wedding or her time with him. And the uncertainty about her situation was eating her.

First, she never wants to accept him as a husband and even if she does she knew he will only saw her as a helpless and abused girl who is dependant on him. A tear escaped her eye. She found herself in a huge parking lot and the car comes to a halt.

A very bulky, and tall man, in the black suit with black shades came to open the door for her. She only stared at him and gulped hard.

"Mrs. Miller?" that man called for her attention. And she finally managed to come out of her trance and then out of the car. The person shows her the way to a lift and accompanied her in the lift. The mirror glass made her saw the man standing behind her. He looked like a statue only watching ahead. She was beyond nervous and only prayed to get out of the lift as soon as possible.

Her prayers were heard and the lift came to a stop. Showing a black woman in her fifties.

"Thank you for taking Mrs. Miller here." The woman smiled at the man behind her as Sydney stepped inside an apartment.

"Let me show you the way to your room, honey. Or we can do that after I serve you some refreshment." The woman smiled to which Sydney barely managed to curl her lips too.

She didn't know who she was and where she was. 'Does he live here? Was she supposed to live here with him?' A lot of things rang in her mind as she stepped inside a beautiful and spacious suite. And following the lead of that woman went into the living room. The woman served her some orange juice that she accepted saying a meekly, "thank you,"

"You are welcome." That woman said as she took a seat across her on another couch.

The moment that person saw Sydney resting the glass after a sip she continued, "I am Dr. Smith. But you can call me Amancia. I am the one assigned to accompany you during your stay here."

Sydney processed her words. She didn't know why she was accompanying her. So, she questioned, "And my stay here will include?"

"Normal routine check-up. I know staying at the hospital can be a little tiresome but not exactly when you are in the luxurious room." She informed her and her face dropped. She didn't have any idea what she ever did to be here. Is this why he wants to see if I am clean or not? Her throat felt constricted. It was already night and she was tired but now she fears the outcomes.

"I see you are tired, you can rest and we can take the samples tomorrow." That doctor said with the half-smile and waited for her response.

She nodded taking another sip from the glass. Amancia showed her the way afterward. "What kind of tests there will be?" Sydney asked once they stopped in front of a room. "Almost all of the tests. Will it be tiring? Yes! But they are not as scary as they sound. You will see a nutritionist as we have been asked to develop a diet routine for you. And some other specialists. But they will only be allowed whenever you feel ready....."

Sydney cut her off when she asked, "Umm, When was the appointment made?"

The doctor seemed a little skeptical but then answered with a half-smile, "Four days ago,"

Sydney tried to return the smile but failed miserably and get inside her room. She got a casual night ware and tried not to think much when she tucked herself in the bed.

Late at night in her dreams, she found herself on the roadside, again. Broken, in pain. She could feel her hand twisted and not in shape. She dare not to move it. The cold night was chilling her bones. She felt sleepy but she needs to call someone. Someone to help.

She woke up with her breathing labored and chest constricted. Her clothes were wet with profused sweating. She looked around to find Abigail but no snore could be heard and then she recalled how her life changed just in these recent days.

The next day, Mrs. Smith came in to find Sydney sitting on her bed with a magazine in her hand. Sydney looked a little tired. But Dr, ignored thinking she is not accustomed to such situations.

It was difficult than Sydney could imagine. Almost two different people came to take her blood samples. But Mrs, Smith was good and only let anyone in when Sydney permitted or said she was ready. And then there were so many other tests including the swab test. By noon, she took a bath to remove any unnecessary gel off from her body. Mrs. Smith had started giving her stares. And Sydney knew that reason was the scars she noticed on her skin. But she expected her to not talk about it. And she didn't.

She tried to spend her time reading a magazine that outlines almost every recent gossip about celebrities. In the evening she heard a knock followed by Dr. Smith.

"I just ordered this Mexican Pasta. Wanna join?" Dr. Smith asked.

Sydney who was feeling a little hungry nodded and followed her to the dining area. Amancia served her with a plate but somehow Sydney could sense a little tension behind her smile but she ignored.

They finished the meal in silence and Sydney got up to do the dishes.

"Uh oh, you don't need to do this. I will cover." Dr. Smith offered.

"You already treated me to a meal. It's nothing." Sydney said ignoring her futile attempts to stop her.

She was drying the plate when Dr. Smith broke the silence. "You do realize that we need to talk about,..." She trailed off and then finally said, "about your scars."

Sydney became all still. She tried to flee to her room when she found Dr. Smith saying as she chased her, "I can help you. I don't care if the opponent is as powerful as Miller but if that bastard is hurting you. I will show him hell."

This made Sydney stop in her tracks. "I don't need your help. So, if you can excuse me now,...."

"The hell with you don't need help. I am gonna cut that Miller lad into pieces. Oh my God, you are so scared of him. Aren't you?"

Sydney looked at the furious lady with her jaw dropped. Somehow, Sydney knew she was genuine. But then she knew that appearance always deceives.

"Mr. Miller doesn't have anything to do with my scars," Sydney answered not knowing what else to say.

"Then how come you look so scared, clueless and on top of that you didn't even know about your appointment?"

Sydney looked at her for a second and then lied to get out of the situation. "I didn't want to have a check-up but he insisted. And I am kind of angry at him."

"Are you sure?" She asked doubtfully.

"Yes," She answered.

A moment of silence passed before Dr. Smith said, "I am sorry for being judgmental then."

"Fine," Sydney muttered before getting in.

The next day, no one came to disturb her. Dr. Smith came to invite her for breakfast and lunch and even offered her to get out of the building but she declined humbly and only preferred orange juice over the solid meal.

"Mrs. Miller," She heard Dr. Smith said with a knock on the door. Preparing herself for talking she answered, "Yes,"

"You have been discharged and your driver is here to pick you. And,..." She said the last word joyfully. "Your husband sent a dress for you. And it's so beautiful and not to forget a very limited edition." She added with a sparkle in her eyes.

Sydney changed into a long, full sleeve light pink colored dress, with matching heels and accessories that have been sent along with the dress. She packed everything carefully even the dress she came wearing as everything looked expensive and she didn't want to lose someone else's things.

The drive home was the same as the drive to the hospital. Dr. Smith though a little aged but was such a cheerful person. She misses her the moment she gets into in the car. It was already evening and the drive went on for thirty minutes. It was getting a little dark and their car was getting into a more secluded area from the last ten minutes.

She realized that they were a little out of the city area but she tried to remain composed and noticed their car getting into an estate. It was dark. She could not tell much but she knew that she was on the driveway as it was lightened a little. The car came to a stop in front of a door. And the driver came to open the door.

She was still walking to the door when the car behind her roared and left to God knows where. She looked at the door. To say that she was confused or scared was an understatement. She planned to knock at the door but it was already ajar. Walking inside she found herself in quite a lavish anterior. The sitting area was huge. But the lights were dim. She kept on walking and passed an in-house gym and the swimming pool. The dining area wasn't so huge like that last mansion but it was of good size and looked inviting. She heard some utensils clicking and following the sound found herself in the kitchen.

And there he was. Her husband. Wearing a white apron and busy in cutting something on the board. She noticed his hair tied into a pony a little over his nape. He looked a little casual and a lot less intimidating in his black t-shirt and shorts. But one look at his hard jaw and you know he is not the person to get involved with. His broad shoulders and huge biceps just add more to his strong aura. She inhaled deeply before making any sound to let him know her presence but before she could say anything he said, "I was expecting you for the last ten minutes."

She was a little surprised at getting caught and didn't know what to do when he said, "Come on, make yourself, home. I am almost finished here." as he wrapped and get on to set the table for two.

She came and took the seat. The steak looked great. And then there was a salad, soup, and pasta too. Everything looks like it came out of a restaurant. Only if she didn't have to watch him working on the things she would never accept that he prepared all of this.

She stared at him as he finished with wrapping things and hold her breath the moment he took the seat beside her. She waited until he started eating and poured herself orange juice, first. She chooses to start with a salad and prayed that he realizes that she doesn't belong here.

"How was your stay at the hospital?" He asked.

It could be a little less awkward if you could have told me that I was taken to the hospital. She thought but didn't choose to voice her thoughts.

"It was fine," She answered.

"No, it wasn't." He replied.

What does he mean? She thought.

"Your reports are bad." He said and looked at her.

She remained silent and look into his eyes. But inside, her heart was thumping loud. She was so anxious to know what was so wrong about her tests.

"You are so underweight. You are to get at least ten kg's to have your BMI near to normal." He added. She got the things about her being underweight but not the unfamiliar term.

Pressing her lips hard she continued on her food.

"Wow! Did you just ignore me?" He asked flatly.

"I don't know what to say," She said and pressed her lips hard.

"But I know what to say. There are tons of nutritional supplements that your nutritionist had prescribed and you are gonna take it exactly they had advised." He said and she nodded not knowing what else to do. But somewhere she knew that she had to stop being so clueless.

'He looks a lot relaxed and normal right now. Maybe I can make him talk about my interests now. Come on, Sydney, it's now or never.' She thought.

"umm, I need to say something." She said. He just nodded in reply and continued with his food.

"I know that I asked you for help. But I didn't have this,...." she stopped when he stopped eating and look at her intently but she continued, ".... in my mind." Her voice came out so scared this time. Her throat feels constricted when she looked at his hard jaw.

The silence followed as he stared at her with his heated gaze.

"Enlighten me, my dear little wife. What you had in your mind?"

She heard him but couldn't look for words to answer him. She always has this difficulty to voice her opinion or thoughts except for her father. But collecting every drop of conscience that she could collect she started, "I thought that maybe you could help me to get out of my town or drop me somewhere safe. And I would try to look for a job and start over my life."

He heard her clear. But was disappointed. Was she really so blind to ignore his every favor? She was here with him, dining. And still, choose not to be thankful.

"What kind of jobs you would look for?" He asked and her eyes widen in surprise. Her eyes couldn't hide a little ray of hope that she could feel now. Was he really asking her this question? Has he already decided to let her go? Does he want to offer her a job?

Preparing herself mentally she listed down everything she knew. "I know a lot of things. I can cook, clean, do laundry, arrange the little parties and events." She stopped to think of something more and then continued, "I can do makeup and know a range of hairstyles. I can do manicures, pedicures and give massages. I am also familiar with a lot of designs for knitting pr stitching....." She stopped looking at his hard expression.

"Have I said something wrong?" She said her thoughts.

"No," He answered.

"It's just I have a very perfect post for you." He continued.

She looked at him with so much hope. For a moment he felt bad for breaking this to her but then he thought that she earned it when he said, "My wife," and continued eating.

His voice resonated loud and clear. She could feel the lump in her throat and lost her appetite altogether as her feet felt cold. "And it doesn't include you doing all of the chores, so, relax. It's just cooking, warming my bed and giving me my heir."

He cuts a piece of steak and drops it in her plate as he said, "but for that, you need to get your weight to normal, first."

"I,... I didn't mean,....." She tried to say something but a sob gets the best of her.

"Oh, yea, about your salary. You can buy anything you want but remember there is no resignation or retirement."

He got up from his place to get things to the dishwasher. "Consider today's dinner as your welcome here, Sydney. I hope you liked it." He said looking at her frozen state. And she too didn't miss the sarcasm in his tone.

She didn't dare to look at him. And for a moment she regrets ever meeting him but then a sudden pang of reality hit her. If it wasn't for him she would be sitting with that horrible person who might have killed her by now. Just like he killed her father. Even the mere thought made her shiver. She looked at the person in front of her. She knew she didn't deserve to be in this situation too. But as much as she hated to accept he was the better option.

In the past, I had put up with a number of people and their attitudes. It is just one man. How hard could it be? And he never raised his hand at me.

Not yet, A voice in her mind echoed.

But I can take all of this as my job. A job of being a wife. I don't know anything about how things work outside. Instead of ending up with another Hunt or Isabella, it is far better to stay here, hidden. You can do it, Sydney. You can do it.

She looked at her ring around her finger. And for some unknown reason, it gave her a little strength.

Not every woman gets the person she likes. If they can do this, you can at least try.

"Come," He said as he passed her and got out of the kitchen. She followed him to the stairs and stopped there. Not detecting her presence behind him he turned around.

He extended his hand for her to take. She looked at his hand. She knew what it meant to take this hand now. Am I ready for it? She didn't know the answer yet. But she found herself taking his hand. She knew at that moment that her life is not going to be the same ever.

He caressed the back of her hand with his thumb, sending electric shivers to her whole being before showing her the way to their bedroom. It was spacious. Not as spacious as the bedroom they had in their last mansion but it had enough space having large curtains over the windows. A huge bed was the only thing present in the room.

She could feel his heated gaze on her and this only made her shiver even more. She didn't dare look in his direction and tried to be more interested in looking at the blank wall.

The moment he saw her in that dress, all he wanted was to get her out of it. This color was indeed made for her. Her docile, shy and humble nature even makes her more desirable. And the moment she took his hand he knew she will be a perfect wife. He could feel her shivering through her hand in his hold. But he wanted her to be relaxed first. So, he continued just for the sake of a conversation.

"Here is the closet." He said as he took her to another door. The room was long and spacious. Encasing all kinds of men wares at one side and beautiful dresses on the other. She could notice that all of the dresses were of her size. And then there were many gift boxes placed neatly in one of the racks.

"My grandma sent these all for you. Check them whenever you find the time." He said, and she nodded.

Does he have a family? Of course, he has. She said in her brain as she pressed her lips. But next, she felt his hand running over her arm before it came to rest on her shoulder to turn her to him. She followed without any resistance. You can do this, Sydney. You can do this. She ranted in her brain until he pulled her in his arms.

Because the second she found herself caged with his left arm snaked around her waist, her brain lost the ability to process anything. No voice could be heard in her mind. But her zip being undone was all she could hear before her dress came undone to gather around her feet. She looked in his blue eyes which look a lot darker now.

He leaned over her to give a warm peck on her honey lips before he carried her bridal style back to where the bed was. Her breathing was erratic as she shivered in pure fear. She knew she shouldn't be trusting him with her body. But there was no other option in the sight.

He switched off the lights after placing her on the bed. She saw his silhouette getting out of his t-shirt and then shorts. Her hands clutch the sheet beneath her when she found him coming over her.

She covered herself with her hands that he removed and secured above her head without an effort. She gasped and shivered when he pulled her hair to tilt her neck and started nibbling. His mouth sent the shivers to her whole being. He unclasped her bra as his mouth traveled a little to south on her bust. His hands were almost everywhere touching and discovering her skin when she started hyperventilating.

"Noah," She called him but he didn't listen. Or ignored she didn't know because he was devouring and sucking the soul out of her nipple. All she could imagine was that bad man. She was sane enough to know that it wasn't him but she hated being touched.

She tried to get her hand free or get up when she called him again, "Noah,". Helplessness was so evident in her voice as she spilled the tears but next his mouth came to attack her mouth again. She was beyond scared when she attacked him by biting his lip so hard that it retrieved a groan from his mouth. Fearing the consequences she jumped out of the bed but fell with her face straight to the floor. Catching his t-shirt from the floor she sprints out of the door while he didn't make a single effort to follow her.

She ran out of the door without looking back. And ran until she ends up in the kitchen. Because it was the only place she could think of at that time. Hot tears spilled to her cheeks as she sat on the floor in the darkest corner. She feared his outburst but tried to stop shivering as she hugged her legs to her chest. Unlike, she expected he didn't follow her. After an hour or two, she stopped waiting and dozed off.

In the morning, he woke up groaning to the alarm clock. It was 5:30 am just as his routine demands. The night event flashed in his mind and the surge of anger was back. Not letting him be affected by her reaction he gets into his tracksuit. Her dress there was just another unwanted reminder. She was indeed not thankful. But where she was? A question popped but he shook away the thought. It shouldn't matter to me, not after the last night. He replied to his thoughts.

He went inside the kitchen to get a bottle of water. And in all of the places in his home, there was his wife. Leaning to the refrigerator, sleeping. She looked peaceful. But a bruise on her left cheekbone was so much visible on her pale skin. And the last thing he wanted was for her to look like this and risk anyone thinking that he is responsible for this mark.

Getting down he tried to get her up when she woke up startled. "Don't hurt me, please, I am sorry." She said, without even looking as he lifted her up.

"Don't worry, I won't bite." He replied as he took her to his bedroom and let her fall over it and left.

She waited for him for half an hour before she let herself under the covers. The bed smells like him. The last night was all too clear in her head. She couldn't make herself do it.

I am good for nothing. I am just a broken shell of a girl. I can't do this. I don't have anything to give him. She thought as a tear escaped her eye to get soaked in the pillow beneath her head.

After more than half an hour she heard his footsteps in the room but they disappeared in the closet. She heard him getting out afterward. Though wide awake, she didn't dare to move a muscle. But then she heard the whole house resonating when he almost screamed her name, "Sydney!"

She was jerked to her core. Getting out of the bed she made her way to the downstairs and then to the kitchen in no time. The table was set for two.

He was already taking his breakfast and was almost finished. The T.V was running at the maximum volume and for a moment she wanted to cover her ears but she behaved as she slowly made her way to the table.

"I am really sorry," She said, looking at his lower lip that had a red mark on the right side now.

He didn't say anything and she didn't take the seat. "I would prefer my dinner ready at seven. And you better get your stuff out of my room before I return." He said as he made his way to his living room with a cup of coffee in his right hand and started working on a laptop there. She followed him, confused at his words.

"Where I am supposed to take my stuff?" She asked carefully. No matter how much she tried to not feel guilty, she couldn't. But can she offer herself to make it up to him? No!

"There are so many rooms." He answered not lifting his eyes from the screen.

She turned to get out of the room when he said, "Stop!"

She looked at him and he continued, "Remember two things. First, you are not to go to the south wing of the house. Second, always be professional dealing with staff. They are no one."

"Staff?" She asked because she didn't saw anyone except him in the house.

"They come between 9 and 12. Or when we call for them. And from now on you will be responsible for anything not being done perfectly,...." He said giving her a stoic look and then added, "...After all, you are the lady of the house." She noticed the sarcasm in his tone but stayed quite partly because she didn't know what to say.

He left after fifteen minutes more. She had lost her appetite and skipped breakfast. She started with moving or taking out everything from the closet. She looked for rooms on the same floor but then choose the one on the ground floor.

The staff did come at 9 am sharp and only included two women in their mid-forties. And they had the very same uniform the maids used to wear at the mansion. After normal greetings, they started with their work and really were not a bother. She didn't ask for any help from any maid for her moving the stuff. They left at 12 and she did take notice of every corner of the house. She only took the bath when she was finished with the packing and moving her things. It was after 5 pm. The number of dresses, shoes, and accessories was insane. She doubted if she will ever try all of these. The only thing she missed was the lack of t-shirts or jeans.

She chooses to wear a chiffon maxi skirt having a floral pattern and get to the kitchen to prepare the dinner. She let her wavy hair, air dry and loosely bind them with a pony. At 6:30 pm she heard the door being unlocked and he appeared in the foyer. She came out to look at him but he took the stairs without sparing her a glance.

It's fine. It's not like I was expecting him to greet me. I totally deserve this. She let out a sigh before preparing the table for two but this time in the dining area. It was still five minutes to 7 when he entered the hall only wearing a t-shirt and shorts. Just like tomorrow. But this time his wet hair was not into a pony. But they were not so long like she had imagined. They barely reached his shoulders.

She prayed silently in her mind for the dinner to be of his taste. He started eating and didn't utter a single word. She barely touched the food but sat silently until he finished.

He looked at her plate before she started cleaning the table. She was washing the dishes when she got startled with him saying, "Did you take your supplements?

She wasn't expecting him in the kitchen. She turned to stare at his bareback as he was taking a water bottle out and drinking the content afterward.

Though he wasn't looking at her, she knew he was waiting for her answer."I forgot."

He didn't react to her answer and she finally let her breath go she was holding without her knowing when she noticed him going out. "I dare you to forget next time." He replied in the warning tone as he threw the bottle in the bin.

She barely finished when the intercom buzzes and he ordered a cup of coffee to be served to him in his study. Finding his study wasn't hard. She already knew where it was from her little hunt for finding a room for herself.

She knocked at his door that was followed by a "come in."

The smoke of the cigarettes welcomed her. He was busy working on something on his screen on a very big table. Almost three files were open on the right side. And a bottle of the vine at his left with a glass. The bottle was still untouched. But it was the first time that she noticed him wearing specs.

"Coffee?" She whispered, and he looked at her for two good minutes before gesturing her to place it on the table. She placed the cup on the table and left. She went to her room and the whole night went without any incident.

And then it became a routine. She would wake up to make breakfast for them while the T.V would run at the maximum volume. She intentionally took her supplements without any delay in his presence so he won't ask for it. He would exactly come back at 6:30 sharp. Every day without any delay. They will have their dinner in silence and she served him a cup of coffee afterward. And she always noticed an empty bottle in his study, in the morning.

There was only one source of entertainment and that was reading magazines. She always collects a day older magazine from the living room and read it to her sleep at night. He didn't make any move at her and she was more than happy about it. The only problem she had so far was her nightmares.

But she was thankful for not being hit. No one was there to demean her and slowly she started relaxing. She wouldn't startle anymore if any maid makes a sudden appearance behind her to ask something. She started taking a walk around the pool area whenever she gets a little bored and looking at the sky relaxes her.

But with not having much to do often took her to her bad places. Places she doesn't want to visit in her memory lane. A beautiful fountain made of stone was her favorite place. But it was old, broke and asking for service. Only if she was on talking terms with her husband she might have asked him to repair it.

A month passed. She actually gained one and a half kg. And not even this, the supplements were found to be quite helpful with the muscle and backaches she had got quite accustomed to.

Her husband never gave her a second glance. And she was worried. Not on the lack of interest of her husband. But she worried her own indifference on this matter. She worried that why it doesn't matter to her if he is not interested in her. But then somewhere she knew the answer. But didn't want to voice or think about it.

Everything was mundane and perfect until one day he didn't return at 6:30 sharp. She was staying here for the last two and a half month and he always returned at 6:30. She was surprised at first but start getting worried when the clock strikes 8:00. Every worst scenario starts banging her head. But the worst of all was his death in an accident. She doesn't want to imagine a life without him. She worries about her being homeless and vulnerable once again. She shivered with the thought of being caught or coming across Hunt or Isabella without Noah by her side. At 10, she was a sobbing mess and her ears yearn to hear the door being unlocked. But nothing came and her eyes watched the clock blankly.

But then at 11°Clock, she heard the very same sound of the car at the front. She didn't wait and ran to unlock the door and stand there until she saw him getting out of the car safe and sound.

He looked tired but was on his legs. There was no bandage anywhere. She let out a sigh of relief but then found herself in an awkward moment when he looked at her messy face with brows raised.

It took her a moment to realize that she was blocking his way. He didn't say anything and went to his room. She starts setting the table for two after making her presentable but he never came. But then the intercom buzzed with his order for a coffee. She hurriedly made a coffee and took it in his study but there was no smoke today. Even the lights were dim.

His chair was empty but then she found him sprawled on the huge couch. He was in his casual wearing and seemed to be sleeping already. She carefully placed the coffee on the table without making a sound. She felt bad for him that he had to work so much. She got out and returned with some covers in her hand. When she came back she found the cup of coffee untouched.

She was quite careful when she covered his body and took a last glance at his sleeping face. She was about to turn when she found her wrist in his hand and her whole body came to a still. "Don't leave." He said, with his eyes still closed.

"You want something," She asked mustering up her courage.

"You," He said before pulling her over him and then in a swift move, she was under him. She had her eyes close when she felt his mouth dominating hers. She recalled how she was so scared not finding him at home and for the slightest moment she was thankful for him being here right now. And this somehow made her return his kiss with equal fervor.