His Family

She went inside. And tried to tell herself that she had more autonomy after him and she should be cheering. But the day felt so long. And this is when it struck. I can use his T.V all day long. For seven days.

And she did pass her time watching T.V. or sketching something. Until now she had a sketch of that broken fountain, their own home, her old playground, her old home, her father and her mother. She didn't have any pictures to keep them alive in her memories. And she read the magazine totally forgetting about the dinner. But when she finally felt hungry she only opted for simple orange juice and called it a day.

But in her dreams at night she could hear Isabella's voice. She was talking about punishing her. A day that she can mark as one of the worst was being lived all over again. Having more than a 100 fever was making her shiver even more. She knew she can't take it. But at this point, she knew that pleading won't do. Her ankle was bleeding with the piece of glass that she just broke. After getting some hits she had stopped counting, she didn't have in her to utter any more word but only pleads with her eyes but next felt her crop landing at her back again.

Waking up she found herself sobbing. It took her some time to realize that it was just a dream. She walked out of her room but the house looks so creepy. Getting into the living room she started reading the magazine. But her mind was occupied with every kind of worst scenario. She could swear that she heard someone walking or standing behind her. Waking up staff at this hour doesn't seem good or decent. She tried to suppose that he is in his study, working but it wasn't helping. She didn't know why but she walked to his room.

Though it was dark but she was welcomed by his scent the moment she set the foot in his room. The sense of belonging came rushing back. She didn't waste a single minute to get into his bed and tried to sleep. A part of her knew that he was different and weird. Though he had not hurt her this long she can't trust him enough to let her guards down around him. Not yet. But there was one thing she was sure about and that was as long as he was with her no one else was going to hurt her.

I wish I had met him in some other circumstances. This was her last thought before getting into slumber.

In the morning, she stayed in bed even until after 11 in the morning. Walking down she said her greetings to her maids and went inside the kitchen to make something for her. But decided to only have coffee and that too she took to his room. The view from his room was even more spectacular.

"Where is my prince?" She asked her dad.

"Somewhere doing really great in school." Her Father replied and six-year-old Sydney pouted.

"Why does he have to go to school? He is a prince. No prince goes to school. Not my prince."

Her words got her father laughing as he made her favorite pancakes.

"Your prince goes to school because he knows I won't let him take you if he is not able enough." Her father replied.

"Yup, he has to be able enough. Does he has a horse?"

"Yes, he has a horse, Sydney." His father replied busy making his coffee because they both were getting late.

"A palace?" She asked.

"Yes, didn't we talk about not eating chocolates all the time." Her father reminded her.

"I am sorry." She giggled looking at her father's face, with her lips smeared with chocolate that she had hidden in her bag.

Still standing in the balcony she reminisces about one mundane day that seems like nothing less than a gem now. Life was easier back then. Her husband indeed has a palace or might have horses. She doesn't know about it. But he wasn't a prince. Not even close. She pouted without her knowing.

She walked to her room to have a relaxing long bath as she read some magazines. She started watching T.V. It was a little close to lunchtime when her intercom buzzes.

"Mrs. Miller. We have Mrs. Carol Nicholas here. She is insisting to see you." Her driver/guard, Daniel was on the line.

"Who is she?" Sydney asked.

The driver was a little taken aback with Sydney's reply but answered, "Mr. Miller's cousin."

"Oh, please, let her in," Sydney replied but her voice had a little surprise. Only she knew how fast her heart was beating.

"But,....." The driver trailed off.

"... Mr. Miller never let anyone to his this house. He had a very strict order regarding this. I suggest you talk to him first." He continued.

"No, she is a guest. Let her in. I will deal." Sydney assured him.

"Ok, Mrs. Miller. I am letting her in. And I am sending some maids too." He replied.

"No, it's fine. I can deal." She replied humbly and thankfully.

Less than a minute after she heard an engine roaring at the front. She came out to receive the guest. And found a very tall lady in her late twenties. She had the very same chilling aura. Removing her shades she looked at the house like she was looking at the place for the very first time but had a very monotonous expression. Walking to the door she noticed a girl with Auburn hair. But the moment she looked at her dress and ring finger she figured this much already about who was she? But still asked proudly.

"I am here to see Mrs. Miller. Ask her to receive me."

Her voice actually made Sydney a lot nervous. But she knew it was the matter of her husband's reputation so she tried to reply without stammering.

"I am Mrs. Miller." And was successful.

Little did Sydney knew that the woman she was talking with was the tigress of the business world. She could see through her body language. And she wondered, How the hell on the earth he chose this good for nothing, girl. But, isn't it good? He will be slowed down.

'You don't have time, Carol. Just do for what you are here.' Carol thought and bent down to took Sydney in a hug.

"Finally,!" She said, showing Sydney her perfect pair of teeth.

Sydney showed her the way to the living room. And collected her magazines to place them neatly on the table saying, "I am sorry for the mess." while Carol took notice of her height and mentally prepare herself for a long call with granny. Even the mere thought made her lips curled up when she replied.

"It's fine, it was rude of me to come without any notice." And took a seat.

"What would you like to take?" Sydney asked with a little smile. Her smile was way too humble.

"Anything love, I am here for lunch." She replied.

"You are most welcome," Sydney replied though she was a little surprised over her confidence, then she was Noah's cousin what else could be expected from her.

"But just sit for now. And tell me about you." Carol pressed. And this made Sydney a little uncomfortable.

"What about me?" She asked, a little nervous as she took the seat.

"Like, your name."

"Sydney, Sydney Miller." She replied.

"What's your maiden name?" Carol asked.

"Sydney Brown."

"Oh, Where are you from?" Carol asked.

This made Sydney a lot uncomfortable but thinking it won't hurt she answered, "Huntsville."

'Relax, Sydney, it's not like she is going to pry on your life. Just look at her. She is far more successful than you. What gain she could ever have from you?'

"So, you completed your high school from your county?" Carol asked hoping the answer to be yes. But noticed how Sydney's face was a little pale when she tried to utter her answer. "I am not a high school graduate."


"Oh, It's really rude of me to keep asking such questions. Why don't you set the lunch for us." She asked hoping that she goes in person to make the lunch so she could do for what she really was here. All this spicy information was just a little extra icing.

And Sydney did get into the kitchen with Carol following her.

"I would prefer some Thai food. Take your time I have some important emails to send. So, relax I can wait." She said and made her way to the living room again.

Making sure that Sydney is busy in her kitchen Carol started looking for his study. It only took her twenty minutes to finally locate the room. She started looking for the files she was here for. Taking pictures of the whole file she came down. She could still hear Sydney working in the kitchen when she went to her and apologized.

"I am sorry. I have something going on at my workplace. Let's do it some other day."

Sydney, looked at her with a little smile as she replied. "I am almost done." She had started working on two different dishes in the last forty minutes and even appetizers were ready.

"I am sorry, honey. Maybe some other time." She again came to hug her and Sydney was all still. For a second she could feel how fake her actions and smiles were but she ignored thinking it shouldn't matter to her.

After this incident, her whole day went normal until 9 pm. Because it was when she heard her land-line ringing. Thinking it must be Noah, made her breathing a little restless. But she picked up and tried to say her greeting without showing her excitement.

"Hello," Sydney spoke in a very soft manner.

"Is this Mrs. Miller, I am talking to?" A woman's voice came from the other side.

"Yes," Sydney replied.

"I am Noah's grandaunt. Miss Miller. I hope you liked my gifts."

She was a little surprised. But soon composed herself before replying, "Y-yes, thank you."

She didn't know what to talk about or expect.

"I heard Carol was here, today?" That woman asked. Her voice was so cold and sharp that it almost made Sydney flinch.

"Yes," Sydney replied.

"I heard that you are not even a high school graduate. Is it true?" The woman asked.

Sydney felt her throat constricted. She really hoped that she had not caused any problems for Noah by revealing such information about her.

"Are you still there?" That woman took her back to reality.

"Yes, yes," She replied.

"So, it's true?" She asked again.

To which Sydney replied a meekly, "yes,"

"Are you two planning a family soon or not?" She threw another bombshell on Sydney.

She didn't have any idea about how to answer her question. But something told her that she shouldn't be replying to this.

"I think Noah can tell you better." All she wanted was this phone call to end.

"Why? you don't have a tongue or what." She sneered.

"We didn't talk about it yet." She replied startled without much thought. There was something in that woman's voice that was controlling Sydney.

"You didn't talk about it yet? For God's sake, you people are married for more than six months now. Carol, was right. You are good for nothing." The woman on the line bursts. Her breathing seems labored with anger.

"Are you fine?" Sydney asked very scaredly.

"I am fine. I am sure you have an IQ of a two-year-old. What girl in her right mind will not plan a kid even after this long?" That woman screamed and the line got cut.

Sydney could literally feel her ear ringing for that woman's loud voice. It was indeed a lot to process. She gets to her bed and thinks about what that woman has said. And think about it for so long.

I don't want kids. I don't want kids ever. No one should be living in this world. How can I make someone live here when I, myself is not able enough to protect my very own self. He is with me today. But who knows what the future holds.

But somehow she knew Noah will never be able to understand her point or his grandmother. So, it was in vain to even attempt to make them understand. All she needs to do is have her pills safely hidden. And she knew she can do it. But she was unable to sleep on her bed. So, just like last night she sneaked into her husband's bedroom and wonder when he will ask her to move here. With her long wavy hair spread to his pillow, she dreams about his strong arms. And of him coming back.

The next day, she prayed to don't have any unexpected calls or visits and her prayers were answered. She spent her day doing her little hobbies and treating herself to a hair mask and waxing.

But the next day she didn't pray. And her living room once again echoed with the phone ringing. Thinking it must be Noah, she almost ran to the phone but then took her time to relax her breathing.

"Hello," She spoke into the receiver.

"Hello, Sydney," A woman spoke and she knew in an instant who she was.

"Good evening, Miss Miller," Sydney said her greeting and prepared herself for any rude comment. The woman indeed had issues.

"I haven't called to exchange the pleasantries. You are signed up for a maths competition from three weeks now. It's only a high school level so it must not be a bother."

"But,...." She tried to say something.

"Listen, you little!....." She wanted to curse Sydney so bad but refrained.

"... You win this competition. You stay in the house. If not, I will see you out myself."

"But,..." Sydney again tried to say something when that woman cuts her off with, "Bye,"

Wow, she at least said, bye this time. But how the hell on the earth I am supposed to pass this competition?

She thought about it a lot. And there was no answer. So, she decided to present the matter before Noah. Am I causing a rift between his family and him? She wondered.

Next day, she went outside to the mart. And got a lot of things with of course birth control pills. She was expecting her husband in two days from now so she bought a lot of groceries and ready-made sauces that she guess would make the process a lot easier. And this is when she noticed a rack full of books on maths. Different titled named 'make it easy' or much more was there. She picked almost five guides for high school maths just in case. It was 3 pm when she returned.

After arranging things to their places she feels like having a bath. And went to her husband's room that she was enjoying with quite a freedom nowadays. But she planned to pick her things by tomorrow evening that didn't have much but a lot of magazines and other little necessities.

The shower in his bathroom was much more amazing. And had sensors. All you need to do is step inside and voila! The water comes from all of the sides. Getting out she picked his shirt from his closet and decided to let her hair air dry. She was still checking out how his shirt look at her when she recalled that she should collect her dirty laundry from his bathroom but forgetting to switch off the shower sensors had her wet again.

There were no towels around so she came out to the closet to have some towels. But what she saw made her lungs squeezed out of breath. There stood her husband in a black suit jacket as he stopped removing his tie looking at her. His blue eyes looked at her like he was looking at his prey. Looking right through her. Her red bra was so visible underneath his white shirt. While her legs were on display.

"I,..." She trailed off. Because, there were no words in which she could explain to him that what she was doing in his room, in his shirt and that too, wet. She had a little pool of water around her feet. Courtesy of her long dripping hair. So, she just looked at him with her big eyes as she pressed her lips.

She found him coming to her so she blurted. "I will clean your room just give me a min....." But he cuts her when he tugged her hair down and took her lips in a long kiss while Sydney caught his collar with her both hands to have her balance.

"I want my shirt back." He said against her lips and walked a step back. She started leaving when he stopped her saying, "now." This is when she gets his meaning.

He didn't even blink when her hands work on the buttons revealing her skin bit after bit before she dropped it on the floor. He noticed how she was still and scared with her head low. But he still could notice her cheeks red.

She prayed in her heart that her husband doesn't find her ugly or detest her. She inhaled sharply when he started caressing her arm with his one hand and her left bosom with the other.

"Your face looks so young that you can pass for a little girl. It is only when I look at your fully grown bust that I realize that you are a woman."

She was still in her defensive mode ready for his any harsh word when he lifted her chin with his finger and was disappointed looking at her eyes still down but said, "My woman," And this indeed made her look at him. Giving him the view of those big green eyes that he had missed for the last five days.

Picking her up he took her to his bed and was about to place her when she said, "No! I am wet." but he still dropped her anyway and replied, "I can take care of that,"

Just imaging the Noah changing the sheet afterward made her lips curled as she thought why he would do that.

But her every other thought stopped when she found herself pinned to the bed next moment. Her small hands were clasped to his and pinned as he nuzzled the skin over her neck. She could feel his bulge on her thighs as she was trying to keep her breathing normally.

"Remember Sydney, you only belong to me." He said before parting her legs, with his face dead serious. Like he will kill the person who dares to defy to these words.

He kept her in his bed for hours. Spending his time taking her or making out with her. Even now she had her head leaned to his chest while he ran his hand over her bareback. But her stomach growled with hunger and she felt his chest rumbling with laughter.

"I guess I can use a heavy meal too. I totally earned it." He said, and she nodding her head silently left.

For a moment he felt bad for her as she made her way to the door with a little limping. Thought of letting her rest and made some maid cook the meal crossed his mind. But, no, it was necessary. Cooking was the only thing he made her do since the day she was here. Because somewhere she might think about him while cooking.

It was even more ideal that she cooks for him with her tired body that was too her reminder of him in her life. A smile reached his mouth when he route for his bathroom to took a very long bath. Coming down he made his way to the kitchen. He noticed her still busy in cooking while she looked freshly bathed with her hair enclosed in a long cloth piece and a silk black robe around her body. All the vegetables were cut. And the steak was in the oven. She was making pasta too. And was about to start when he said, "You go and set the table."

A smile was adorning her lips when she came into the dining hall to set the table. He was the most perfect husband. Even the thought that he was working for five days straight and helping her out in the kitchen was able to make her swoon over him. After setting the table she went inside the kitchen. Making her way beside him she took out the steak and got out to the dining hall again.

They had their dinner in silence. For a second she wanted to tell him about his cousin's visit and grandma's call but thinking that this is their moment she kept her silence and enjoyed his company. She did steal some glances and feel blessed for this time. And wished for all the days to be the same when his phone buzzed. But he cuts the call.

When they finished and she started cleaning the table she saw him making the call. After getting the dishes to the dishwasher she came out to pick other things but startled when he swears, "Fu*k!"

"I am coming right away. And I want every person working on the designs to be in the HQ BEFORE I REACH THERE.

She could understand that something went really bad at his workplace but only prayed for everything to be alright.

Oh, God, please make everything right at his office. He works so hard for it. She said under her breath as she watched him get into the car at 10 pm.