
She tried her best to get her hands free that he effortlessly secured in his one hand. She was trying her best to get away from his touch but there wasn't much place. "Please, let me go," She requested shaking but that person didn't hear and tore her shirt. "Daddy!!" She yelled so hard but was welcomed with punches one after another. She heard her bones breaking and went limp. She stopped sobbing. Even breathing hurts. She couldn't even turn her face to look at that person while her tears silently fell. She could still feel his hands or mouth wandering or hear to whatever he had to say, but was unable to move or protest. Daddy, I am here, please find me. Someone please, find me.


He woke up to his aching muscles. Finding himself sprawled on the couch wasn't something new for him. But finding his shoes off and body covered was indeed new. And this made him stare at those covers.

Fuck He hissed while rubbing his forehead that was throbbing. He needs to see her. Feel her. Her soft figure was all his body was craving for days now. She was becoming his obsession. He wanted her everywhere all the time.

"Fuck!" He threw the covers on the floor and walked to her room. It has been ages since he last took her. Even her stupid acts were not making her any less attractive in his eyes.

His head was a little dizzy. All the alcohol he consumed last night was getting back to him. Memories from last night were fresh. When he found some blonde woman hitting on him. Although he tried to ignore her but she passed out on his shoulder and he ends up calling an ambulance for her.

But the moment he came around his wife's bed everything else didn't matter. He doesn't matter. The only thing that matter was this beautiful angel lying on the bed.

He didn't even blink while getting to her side. But the moment he touched her cheeks he felt like he got his hand burnt. She was burning in high fever. He was quick to make a call to his doctor. And checked her fever. The doctor gave her some injections. And only he knew how hard it was for him to see her in this condition. Seeing her suffering wasn't something he ever wants to experience.

"Mrs. Miller will get better, her temperature has come down a bit. I would suggest her to rest." The doctor advised before leaving.

He already called his secretary to inform her about him not coming today and was taking her body temperature every fifteen minutes. Cold compress was the only thing he could do for her.

Taking his laptop and some important files he took a side in the bed in case she wakes up and needs something.

What a perfect start of the week. He thought.

"Noah,..." He heard her say. Thinking she had woke up he looked at her. His mind still occupied with something he was working on.

"Don't, please, don't go." She said the words and sobbed in her sleep.

He was frozen in his place. Was she dreaming of him leaving? Was she in love with him?

Caressing her shivering body he tried to relax her. And, she did stop shaking but her body remained tense and he couldn't help but feel guilty for ignoring her for days.

The moment was enough to tell how much of a bond they share. No matter how hard he tried to avoid this connection. But this was his moment when he realized that this girl lying here had his heart wholly. He knew he was nothing but a coward when he body-shamed her.

"Please, come back. I promise to be good this time." He whispered against her forehead deep in thoughts of his past.

Promise? His inner voice mocked.

But somewhere he knew he doesn't deserve the second chance or her.

She might be good or bad in her past. But she was just a kid without parents. I never had any right to hurt her when she never did anything against me. But I was scared. I was scared that she would leave me for someone else. He looked at her and leaned to plant a kiss on her forehead. And why she won't? She is beautiful and young. And practically I forced this marriage on her. I was scared she will run the moment I stopped looking and caged her in this house. I made her feel so suffocated, guilty and stupid while she was trying to give her best in everything she does.

I am so sorry, love. I am so sorry. He thought looking at her while his eyes become teary.

This is me, Noah Miller. A guy who was used to be the most lively and considerate person. But I can't show this side of mine to anyone, Sydney, You see, people had broken me and played me. But all I need now is you. I am so tired of playing something I am not. I promise to give my best this time.

He spent his whole day in her room holding a cold compress to her body or holding her hand. And for the first time, he wasn't pretending. He was just him trying to be there when the person he loved most needed him.

"I can't lose you. Not before I tell you how much I love you. Not before we make kids and give this whole baggage of Miller Enterprise to them. Not before I get old and live my carefree days on a desolate island with the most beautiful girl in the world." He whispered sitting beside her zoning out but then smiled over something.

She woke up after hours in the middle of the night. Her room was drowned in darkness. She stirred but find herself lying on something warm and comforting. She felt weak and so out of energy. But his cologne was enough to make her realize sooner.

Looking up she found him awake. All of the doubts in her heart were weighing her down.

"Are you leaving me?" She asked the moment her eyes met his. Her voice was enough to reflect her inner fears.

Looking at her glassy eyes he even feels more guilty.

"No, I won't, I would never leave you." He replied and kissed her forehead and she soon, lying on her chest went into her slumber again.

The next day, she woke up in her bed alone. Doing her morning hygienes she went into the kitchen to make something for him. But found Noah there already making some juice and bacon.

Not knowing she had lost a day in between she still worried over that stain, convinced that he was going to leave her soon.

And, even if he don't there is no difference between him and Jennifer. People who would indulge in extra-marital affairs are all same. She thought

"I will do it," She offered.

"It's almost done, love." He replied with a smile and she turns to move but then froze and turned back.

Love? Is he smiling? He never smiles. Her heart started thumping. But then he looked at her with a smile so bright she could swear she hasn't seen a person this handsome. Don't, Don't fall for his charms, Sydney.

A very beautiful small pineapple cake was adorning their table. She was looking at it with admiration when he said setting the table, "It's from my favorite bakery."

She did notice that it was his first time when he was talking to her like a normal person but it was worrying her. She was doubting his intentions. What is he upto?

"Tell me how's it?" Noah asked holding the spoon for her.

She hesitantly accepted his offer and agreed with him, "It's tasty."

"I told you," He replied,

"I would love to have it every morning." He added,

"I think I can manage something similar," She replied,

"No, let's try it together this Sunday." He replied with a smile again.

Sydney nodded not knowing what else to say.

He left at his usual time but didn't forget to kiss her knuckles before leaving. She wanted to make sense of his behavior but couldn't and once again got busy thinking about him cheating on her.

What possibly I can do about it? Nothing! She thought.

After an hour one of the servants came knocking at the door. She saw one of the maids receiving some packet but before she could ask that maid handed her that bag saying, "It's for you, Mrs. Miller".

Sitting on the couch she opened the packet revealing an all-white box. Removing the cover she found a cell-phone. Who would send me this? She thought. There was no greeting card so she switched it on. Not a second later a message popped by Noah.

The message read, "missing you,"

She didn't want but red crept to her cheeks. Not sure either she should reply or not she typed, "Have a good time,"

She looked at the screen again. My reply looked normal. Right? This is when she realized that she didn't thank for the cellphone so she typed before he could respond,

"Thank you for the cell-phone,"

No response came even after five minutes and she started biting her lower lip.

"Don't chew that sweet little thing. My replies can be late sometimes." She read the message and froze. After making sure that there was no camera around she replied,

"How do you know?"

"I know a lot about you," He was smiling as he typed that reply. Though he didn't want to spy, his tech skills were itching him to hack her camera the moment he realized he can see her face.

She rolled her eyes looking at the reply. "You know nothing about me." She said, not knowing the mic of her cell phone was hacked too. She put the cell-phone on the table and get to read her magazine.

He, on the other side, find it cute and annoying at the same time. He didn't want her to know that he knows about her activities but at the same time wanted to prove his point.

Her cell-phone vibrated and she picked it to read,

"Like, I know pink is your fav. color."

And there was another one that read,

"Your undies are always pink."

She hurriedly looks around her to make sure nobody was looking at her and get to her room.

"Sir, your meeting is in two minutes." His secretary gave him a reminder.

"Reschedule, These files are far more important," He replied not breaking the eye contact from his laptop where he was looking at her red cheeks. He saw her typing and waited anxiously.

"Yours' must be black then?"

He looked at the screen shocked.

She looked at the screen with her hand on her mouth. "Omg, What I just did? Can I unsend it? Oh no!" She looked panic looking at the phone.

"Oh goodness, you are such an evil little thing." She growled at the cell phone. And, he laughed harder.

Goodness? who cursed like that anymore. He wondered and started typing.

"No, pink is my favorite color nowadays. The color looks great on someone I know."

"I am busy," Her reply came. but all he saw her doing was staring at the cellphone.

He decided to come home early that day as he ended up rescheduling his two meetings already while she was busy checking out the apps Noah already downloaded on her cell phone. She liked downloading her favorite songs. And downloaded the apps she had been reading about in the magazines. Amazon became her favorite. Noah already had his account attached so it never asked about paying whenever she ordered something.

She didn't notice when he passed the hallway or get to his room. But the moment her nostrils hit the aroma of fried fish she walked into her kitchen.

I hope he is not poisoning me for another woman. She thought but took her chair. He talks about the origin of that fish and how in Mexico every food is so similar but only required some tricks.

What is changed? Is he trying to be good because he is cheating on me? She thought as he set the table for her.

"Let me do it," She requested getting the dishes from his hands when she noticed that he was trying to clear the table after lunch.

"Fine," He replied,

She was about to do the dishes when she felt two arms around her, making her jump in surprise. "I gotta talk to you," She felt his hard chest rumbling against her back but his hands wandering on her body and his bulge against her was telling her what exactly they were gonna talk about.

She didn't resist. Feelings or no feelings she knew she was required to do this. She was supposed to be there for him always. But knowing that she wasn't the only one was making things harder for her. Lifting her off the floor, he took her to his room all the time looking at her sweet lips.

Once on his bed, she became stiff. "You are so beautiful to be real". He whispered in her ear and she did relax under him. Her eyes got close the moment he started planting his warm thin lips on her jawline. Her breathing accelerated. His beard tickled like it always did but she resisted the urge to moan. She arched and shivered the moment his teeth worked on nibbling her.

"I hope you are wearing pink, today." He whispered. This made her open her eyes just to see his dark blue ocean eyes. But then her eyes went to his lips that were coming down to taste her again.

"I love you, I love you so much, Sydney." He said and she became stiff. The moment he came to kiss her lips she jerked her face away. Noah kissing that girl was all she could think.

"What happened? You good?" He asked,

"I am fine." She answered hurriedly trying hard to cover her mistake.

"No, you are not," He replied scanning her face.

"Is this what I just said?" He asked when she didn't reply.

"No, I am sorry," was her reply.

"No, you are not sorry. I want to know what is it that you really want to say?" He asked against her lips while his face hovered over hers.

Silence prevailed. But then not being able to take it, she finally said, "I would prefer if you don't say things you,..." She stopped not knowing if she was really asked to voice her emotion or was just being tested for another trial,".....don't mean." She finally let it go,

"I always mean what I say, Sydney." He said, And this made her look into his eyes with a lot of complaints and he did get what she meant.

Rolling to the side he stared at the ceiling for a while before saying, "I didn't know about you before, I thought, I thought if I opened up to you, you will take advantage of me, but I know it was very wrong of me,..." He stopped and turn to look at her.

"But you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. And I really love you. Not only because you are beautiful and have a soft nature." He didn't know how to make her believe him but he knew he had to try.

"Remember when I saw you in that blue dress that was the moment when I knew that my whole life was meaningless if it wasn't with you. I really need you."

He waited for her answer. But all he got was, "I am not someone to be loved. You are bound to realize it sooner or later."

"Do you love me?" He asked,

"If you want me to say yes, I will say yes," She looked scared and wanted to get over with talking. The last thing she wanted was for him to get mad at her again.

"Don't say it then, now, I will earn it." This made her look at him. He tried to read her face but couldn't. What's in her heart? He only wondered.

After hours she looked at his sleeping figure. What he said was replaying after every few minutes. "I can wait for you my whole life."

No, Sydney, he is just passing through a phase. Just take your time. Her brain suggested, but she couldn't help but feel safe with him. They didn't get physical because Noah suggested he can wait until he wins her heart. With her head on his chest, she went to sleep wondering how she was supposed to tell him that she buried her heart somewhere a long time ago. She didn't have anything to give him.

The days were different. He was always home before four. She would never start a conversation but getting comfortable in listening to him about his adventures in the lands far away. Now, she won't feel alarmed in his presence either it was their time in the kitchen or in the living room when they would simply do their own things. She didn't know why the weather was good every day or the sky seems bright without any failure. She was a lot bolder in her texts so he would always wait when he can text her.

"Missing you," the text read,

"You do realize that we just said our farewell a moment ago, you are practically at home." She replied,

":-(" The text popped.

"Someone doesn't like his job." She replied.

"Someone likes his wife more," Reply came and she blushed, biting her lip hard.

"Wife doesn't agree," She replied.

"Why?" The reply came.

"The husband forgot to play the guitar for her, yesterday." She complained,

She waited but no reply came. Goodness, She hissed getting to the door and a minute later his car approached in front of her. She guessed it right. He wanted to get inside but she blocked her way.

"You do remember you have a very important meeting today." She tried to make him go.

"Not when you want to listen to my guitar." He tried to get inside but she pushed him back.

"Money comes first, Noah." She tried the very same words he advised her some days ago,

"New lesson wife comes first." He tried to get inside but she tried hardest and he stopped.

"I don't have a wife." She replied still pushing him not realizing he wasn't trying anymore.

"But I have one," He said and leaned in to take her lips in a kiss. She wasn't pushing him anymore and kissed him back.

"What about you make up to me with all the money you make from this meeting?" She replied to his lips. "Now go, I want you to do great like you always do,"

They parted their ways on this note. She waited for her gift all day long while Noah came home at eight in the evening.

"What took you so long? Did it go well?" She asked without letting him come inside.

"Oh, sorry, come in," She said but catching her hand he took her out.

"Let's go," He said making her surprise.

"Ok, let me change." She resisted pointing to her white and black polka dress.

"You don't need to," He said lifting her up and made her get into the car.

"I hate how easy it is for you to lift me." She complained,

Ignoring her he came to sit beside her and once settled he ordered their driver to continue the drive.

"I am thinking to be fat so you can't lift me up." She shared her plan with him.

"Try getting pregnant." He joked.

Listening to him her stomach dropped, it was the first time he suggested this in a long time. How much she wished that he would forget about this? "Uhh, where are we going?" She tried to change the topic and he too decided not to pry.

"You will know," He replied,

She didn't look at him after that as she was so absorbed in looking at the city at night time. And he was busy looking at her. I wish one day I can be courageous enough to allow you to go anywhere you want to go, but not now, Sydney.

When their car stopped she got awed by looking at the beach. She had never been to the beach before. He watched her looking at the ocean with admiration.

"Let's go," He said and this is when she noticed a cruise ship. Though she didn't say anything, she seems to be excited by all of the things.

"It is beautiful," She complimented once she gets onto the cruise ship. It was big and beautiful. The moonlight was great.

"A swimming pool on the boat," She asked in surprise,

Stupid wife alert, His mind echoed but he answered calmly,

"It's a luxury cruise ship, so, it is supposed to have everything," He answered,

"But why do you need a swimming pool when you have it at your place, you can just swim at the beach." she reasoned and though it was a stupid conversation but with her lately all he discusses are the things that are unimportant and it always made him feel less tired.

"You are right, but let's just say any of my friends wants a swimming pool." He answered opening a vine. She noticed a table set for two when she casually answered,

"You sure are rich, when you can make a swimming pool for friends that you don't even have,"

He looked at her shock and looking at his expression made her laugh so hard. She laughed until her stomach hurt while he just looked at her. It was the first time when he found her laughing and her laugh was beautiful music. He was happy he didn't let anyone board this ship with him. He didn't want to share this music with anyone. They had their dinner while she believed that this night out was her gift.

The boat stopped at an island. He was trying to steer it to the beach when she asked, "Where are we?"

"At an island," He answered.

"Wow, I have never been to an island," She told him once they started walking at the sand.

"Well, now you own one," He replied making her stop in her tracks.

"What?" She asked shocked,

"Well, you asked me to buy you something from today's meeting. So, I gifted you this island."

"Island can be bought?" She asked,

"Umm, yes, Sydney." He tried to reply with calm,

"Where do I live here?" She asked,

"Not only you, but we will live here once I retire." He shared his dream.

He showed her a huge mansion on the other side. "Noah! is this also ours?" She asked,

"Well, on papers it's yours." He reminded her.

"It is so beautiful and lonely." She commented.

What? He thought,

"Lets' see it," She suggested and they took a whole round in an hour and tried all the wings.

"This will be our room." He said,

"Thank you, It is beautiful, but,.." She trailed off.

"But?" He asked, worrying something is not to her taste.

"You forgot about guitar," She made him recall,

"Or maybe I didn't," He replied and her face light up.

With their future home at their right side and beach at the left, she listens to him playing his guitar. Snuggled against his arm and deep in her thoughts, she looked at the fire near them.

I love you, She mouthed when he wasn't looking at her. But once he stopped playing he looked at her to find her sleeping. He tried to lift her to take her inside but she woke up. He looked at her beautiful eyes but the moment her eyes went to his lips he couldn't resist and took her mouth in a passionate kiss that she returned with equal passion.

He trailed the kisses down to her neck while she wandered her hands on his shoulders. Where ever his mouth would touch was sending waves of pleasures to her core. He was hers. Only hers. She knew that. And under him, she was away from all the cruel things in this world.

She felt his hand lifting her dress up and hurriedly blocked his hand saying,

"Let's go inside,"

"Shh," He denied her request.

"Not here, Noa..."She wanted to resist but trailed off the moment he slipped his fingers in her. Her breathing accelerated.

He removed his clothing first. She looked at his impatient erection and blushed. She looked at him without blinking when he came onto his knees and started removing her panties.

"Come here," He leads her holding her hand. When he secured her legs around his torso she lifted herself up to kiss on his lips and slowly adjusted herself on his length. He let her take her time as he kissed her back.

The more she felt himself sliding in her, the more she rubbed her hands and heals over his back. He felt hard, strong and hers. Leaving his mouth she trailed her kisses over his beard and reached her earlobe to suck.

She started moving over him and he hugged her saying, "I can't,"

"Then don't", she replied. It was the first time when she talked to him during sex.

And he took the lead grabbing her a*s as he started ramming himself in her fast.

"Oh, Noah, OH," She moaned and cried out his name hiding her face against his neck. She came over his shaft once, twice, or many other times while he wasn't still satiated.

It was after months that they were having each other. If she previously believed that he had an extramarital affair that doubt was beaten out of her throbbing v card.

When she was convinced he can go on for his whole life he finally let it go. She hugged his body to her even more as she felt the bliss. Her insides were hot, even burning when she felt his burning fluid shooting her insides. Making her hotter than before.

With her home in her view and his chest at her back, she went into sleep. She heard him whisper I love you but didn't reply. A lone tear escapes her eye to fell on his arm under her head. And, she knew she loves this man more than anything in this world.


He left to his office when she was looking at her love marks. She stared at the tablet for two long minutes.

I hope you can forgive me for this, Noah. She whispered before taking her medicine.


"Umm, best of luck," She replied when he informed her about him leaving for a meeting in New York. It was 11 pm and they were high from their intense session. Their rooms were still different as they never talk about it. But she was only in her room to change her clothes, to get ready or have her secret medicine. Apart from such events, she was always in his room or more in his arms.

"You are coming with me," He informed her,

"No, I can wait," She replied kissing his chest where she was drawing lines with her finger.

"Fine," He said but she knew he was disappointed.

She didn't have any other way but to break his heart. His birthday was in two weeks and their anniversary was coming in next month. She came to know about his birthday from his grandma.

Yes, lately Noah allowed her to talk to his grandma after teaching her to never agreed to any of the things she suggests. He had told her many small events where she manipulates him to chose the things she wanted him to chose.

She didn't have much in her mind. But was working on a portrait that she wanted to get framed. And was planning to say I love you. Three big words that she still hadn't tell him.

"I hate you," the message came.

It's been three days since he left. And always messaged her when he was free.

"missing you too," She replied with a smile and got busy on her canvas.

He saw her working on something but couldn't tell as she hadn't completed it yet.

Days passed and his birthday was in two days. He was supposed to come soon but something was taking long. He told him that it will take five more days and she was sad thinking she must have accompanied him. But now she couldn't do anything.

"Send me your pic," His message came.

It was the first time that he demanded such a thing so she wears a pink dress and earrings before asking a maid to click her pic as she sat on a chair for a perfect picture.

After sending the picture she patiently waited.

He was in his meeting when his mobile vibrated.

Opening his cellphone he saw her picture. A smile adorn his lips when he replied,

"Without your top,"

She was mortified looking at the screen. She knew she can't ask anyone to do this. So, hiding in her walk-in closet she removed her top before clicking her pic for him.

She again waited for his reply. But the message read, "Without this lingerie,"

"Come home, if you want it."

He read the message when he was sitting in his car and getting back to his penthouse.

He didn't reply, knowing good things only comes to those who wait. But he knew all she is thinking is him and that was indeed the goal.

At night his cellphone chimed. Opening the message he found the picture with a heart and two tongue emoji.

She waited for his reply with her cold hands. But when she saw the message she was beyond mortified finding her picture without any emoji.

Before she could think of anything else he called.

"Hello, love," He said once she picked up the phone.

"You are so bad." She complained.

"And you are so stupid, I own a tech company. Removing those emojis was easier than blinking." He laughed saying this.

"I don't wanna talk to you," She whined,

"Are you sure?" He asked,

"Please, come soon. I promise, next time I won't turn you down."

"I think, am coming the day after tomorrow." She squealed looking at the screen.

It was his 27th birthday. At least, she would be able to spend some time with him that day.

She was excited but then a long list hanged in front of her. The things that have to be done for his birthday.

She listens to about his day, before sleeping. The next day, she got ready to go out. Today, she had three places to go. His favorite bakery, picking the portrait that she sent to be framed and mart to get candles and many other things.

Like any other time, her driver accompanied her to carry things for her. She was looking at the things on racks and never saw when a kid came running and fell getting hit into her. She leaned down to pick him up. He started crying so she looked around to look for his parents.

A woman came apologizing while Sydney tried her hardest to make her believe that it was nothing.

Something moved in her. She imagined having a kid of her own until his next birthday. A sweet little boy just like Noah. And this made her look at the item listed at the end of her paper. Pills. There was none at home. This is when she noticed a frame for three. And she could see herself with Noah with a picture of a baby in the middle.

Can I really be a mother? I don't know about me but Noah can be a good father. Who am I to devoid of him from such a blessing?

She weighed her options all the time in the mart. She forgot her cellphone at home and wondered if he would have left a message for her. She didn't forget to pick the mug she had ordered for him with writing saying 'I love my husband and nothing else'.

After buying gift papers and party pooper she decided to call it a day. Her feet were killing her. Her mind still knocked her conscious to get back and purchase the pills but she didn't.

I will do it. It was never about being eighteen or young. When the person is the one I love most my age is just a number. In fact, if nothing goes wrong in the first child I will make a lot for him. Then our house will be full. She thought.

It was getting dark. And she had to get home to set a lot of things for his surprise. Though his driver always informed her that she doesn't need to wait in the long line to clear their bills and can use their VIP card she always chose to wait in the line like normal people. His driver didn't remind her this time knowing all too well about her choices.

"Thank you," She replied to the cashier getting her change and picking her last bag said, "I will carry this one. The rest of the things are the usual grocery hand it to Jenna."

"What happened?" She asked when her driver stopped driving.

"It is jam ahead. I think someone got into an accident." It took them more than an hour to get home. Once inside, she noticed something amiss.

The whole house was drowned in darkness. Clutching her bag in her hands she was about to switch on the light when she noticed a silhouette sitting in the kitchen as the kitchen was the only place lighted.

It didn't take long for her to realize that he is back and she almost ran to the kitchen. "You!" She exclaimed and run to hug him. She didn't notice his stiff body or cold expression in her excitement. Still having her arms around his body she inhaled his scent and looked up to see his face she has been missing.

"What happened?" She asked looking at his hard jaw and disheveled hair. Her smile disappeared and concern took place.

"Is it about the office?" She asked worriedly. His red eyes and alcohol on his breath were worrying her.

"Who is he?" He gritted.

"Who?" She asked back,

"The one you are whoring around with." He hissed the words on her face making her let go of him. She wanted to ask something but words seem to fail her.

Before she could take a single step back he caught her and pulled her to him. "I need a fucking answer," He yelled jerking her body.

"I-I was at the mart," She replied with her teeth clattering. This is not happening. It can't happen. She thought.

"With who's permission?" He growled digging his fingers in her flesh so hard that her hands turned white. She didn't have any reply to his question so she started sobbing.

"I-I wanted to buy something." She answered but started crying now. He is not my Noah.

"Don't lie, you fu*king bitch if you want to live, don't you fucking dare to lie. I know everything." His words were cutting her deep. But she worried more about her skin at that time so tried to clarify. "I was buying things for your birthday, Noah. I don't know what are you talking about."

All she wanted him to do was to let her go out of his murderous grip because it was killing her. And he did leave her with a push. She hardly manages not to fall by holding one of the chairs. The bag fell from her hand.

"You bought me this?" He growled and this made Sydney look at him. But before she could say anything he threw something at her face.

Catching the leather wallet she noticed Ronald inscribed on it. This made her get to that bag to notice there is a pack of condoms and a bracelet that said my love, Ronald, There was a key chain and many other things she couldn't recognize.

"This is not my bag, Noah, this,..." But she trailed off looking at his murderous expression. The vein poping over his temple was making her step back as she said,

"Believe me, Noah, I don't know any Ronald. These,.." She pointed at the bag and started sobbing. "I don't kn,..." She wanted to continue but seeing him coming at her she tried to get away but he pulled her and hit her against the wall before he started choking her all the while lifting her up against the wall. She tried her hardest to make him lose that grip. She struggled to breathe but couldn't. She begged with her pleading eyes while her hot tears fell on his hand fisted around her neck.

"How many are your whoring with?" He slammed her head against the wall.

She tried to kick him but couldn't, her feet were hitting nothing in particular.

This is how my life is gonna end. By the person, I loved the most.

The moment when she was convinced it was the end, he let her go and she sank to the floor trying hard to get gulps of air. Her neck hurt as it will break at any moment. It hurt so much that even breathing was painful.

She looked up to find blood in his eyes. The moment she noticed his hand coming forward she ran out of the kitchen. Stupified with all of the recent event she runs like a madwoman to the living hall drowned in darkness. Getting out of here was the only thing on her mind when she hit the couch on her way.

Stumbled she looked at her back to find nothing and walked for the door sobbing. Anger, disappointment, and pain was the only thing she felt.

How stupid of me? I will never live with him. She hiccups. How can he,....

A loud cry escaped her throat when she felt her scalp burning. "Going to your fucking lover, sweetheart?" He gritted the words in her ear as he appeared from somewhere ahead. She didn't hear what he said, but only tried to get herself free from his grip on her hair.

"Noah! Ah!" She tried to hit his chest but her small lame punches were nothing against his hard body. It wasn't in her to hurt someone.

"Let me go, please, please," She cried profusely. Her eyes begged for mercy. But the moment she noticed tears in his eyes too, she hugged him. "I have done nothing, Noah. Believe me," She sobbed against his chest. She couldn't see him hurt. And it did work for a time. He let her go to hug her tenderly.

She cried against her chest audibly. She was emotionally drained and disappointed.

Before she could say anything she felt her chest being crushed in his arms. She tried to getaway. Slapped his arms. "Let me go, Noah!"

"Why? You don't like being here." He said crushing her even more as she coughed and slapped him.

"Tell me, sweets, are they better than me?" He hissed the words.

"You aren't in your senses. Noah, You need help." She was sobbing the words in pain or in anger. As she was disgusted by his words and didn't care. Of all people how could he say such things?

A laugh escaped his lips when he replied, "It's you who need help." She was confused but not for long as a punch landing on her jaw made her collapse to the floor.

It was all that took her to know that he was past talking. It was light in one second and dark in another. But she tried to crawl away without looking at him.

She felt herself being lifted and loaded on his shoulder. And next, on his bed. She tried to focus on his words, on his mouth speaking something but couldn't. All she wanted was to get away from him. He was yelling standing beside her bed while she cowered away. She noticed her dress tore from her left side revealing her pink bra and tried to hide it. And felt the darkness wrapping her.

"I want you to tell me, yes, tell me," She heard him say as he tried to wake her up.

She didn't gather what exactly he was talking but could feel him tapping her cheeks to wake her up.

"What?" She managed to ask,

"Slut! Tell me, for how long it was going on?" This time she heard him and cried. It wasn't a dream. It was happening. Her curse was back

"I didn't," She said trying to get up. But felt a punch in her stomach fully waking her up.

She winced in pain. "I didn't, I swear I didn't," She cried out holding her stomach. Hoping he would listen this time.

"One more lie and I will kill you." She heard him growl. She turned to look at him and said, "I didn't,... ." She winced hoping he will believe her this time.

"LIES, LIES, LIES!!!", All she was given the very familiar blows on her face. And was taken to that place again. It was that backseat again. She couldn't feel her head, wasn't able to turn her face even a little bit and only hugged herself with her hands tight.

Tears fell but she wasn't sobbing anymore. Daddy, Her mind echoed. I am here, please, help. She hears her clothes being torn off when she tried to resist with her legs and managed a weak whisper, "no," only to take one more punch on her face. All of her strength was drained while she lay there still and limp over his mercy.

His hands and mouth wandering on her body were all she could feel while her whole battered body, screamed in pain. Her brain was unable to differentiate between reality or dream. She was in that jeep but hands on her body seemed familiar.