Chapter 7: All too quickly, we need to rush to yet another class

Before I knew it, the mathematics lesson had come to an end.

Our math teacher quickly left the room and thus, we quickly packed up our things. Next up, is biology. I used to be able to get by just memorising the textbook wholesale in secondary school. Now, things have changed. For the worse.

With the introduction of application questions, things have become a whole different story. You do not just need to have the brain capacity to memorise large amounts of information. You also need to have the capability to understand the fundamentals well enough to apply them to real life. It makes me want to kick myself for the countless times I complained that nothing I learnt in secondary school would actually be applicable to my life in the future... Making things relevant to life just makes it that much more difficult.

Frankly speaking though, I actually have no use for biology in the future. I mean, realistically speaking, if I'm interested in getting into programming in the future, biology is not exactly all that essential. But it is essential, that I get to biology class on time.

I rush to make my way out of class before there is a bottleneck at the door.

Whoops, I left Randy behind. Well whatever, he has Celeste anyways. I daresay that he has way much more fun spending time with Celeste than with me. Though I could say that about any of his friends. Objectively speaking of course.

As I walk along the corridors and look out at the scenery, the lush greenery just reminds me of how plants are needlessly complex beings. Also, I'm jealous that they can photosynthesise and yet I cannot. I mean, human beings are supposed to be the superior beings on earth. Wouldn't it make sense to give us the ability to make our own food? Look at how much effort we have to go through just to obtain food!

People around the world are starving because there is insufficient food in the world. Or rather, there are distribution problems. Actually, both have led to the problem of starvation of many. Though I'm not someone who can exactly be talking about issues like these since I'm generally one of those horribly apathetic people who doesn't care much for what they can't see.

Back to my point though, if we could photosynthesise, at least no one would have to starve! The rich can splurge on the creating food of different robust flavours while the poor can make do with self-produced glucose. There will still be inequality. However, no one would have to die or suffer because of it! In terms of food at least.

Damn, I'm sure walking pass a ton of vegetation just to get to my biology classroom. Today I seem to be noticing and thinking about many more things than usual. Usually, I'd be in a daze just going through the motions as I live life. I guess I'm in a good mood for some critical thinking today. Must be because of the light novels I read recently that has a main character that thinks rather deeply about the things around him.

Finally, I reach my classroom. It's empty and honestly just like any other classroom with no special features. Thankfully, our biology teacher is not too particular about the seating arrangement. So naturally, I pick the seat nearest the front door. Why? It is easiest to see the whiteboard with my poor eyesight and get out of class once the bell rings. Our second break starts after this after all.

As I start taking out my things, my biology teacher walks in with some books in hand. I bow and greet her as she enters. We don't really have to bow, but it's a natural reflex ingrained in me. I bow to anyone who is of higher authority. Even if it's only a few degrees.

"Where is the rest of the class?"

"On their way from our previous class. Some of them needed to clarify some questions with the teacher and others are waiting for them."

Even though I do not particularly care about the rest of the class, there is no reason for me to sabotage them or get them in trouble. Lying is part of my daily routine, so it doesn't bother me to just tell a simple lie like that to the teacher. Even if she catches on, she may assume they asked me to cover for them or something. For better or for worse, my teachers' impression of me is that I actually have relatively good relationships with my classmates. Because I'm usually willing to help them with whatever I can handle. Simple things like explaining a concept that can be found in the notes or notifying them of what they missed in class when they were absent.

I take out my notes and start looking through them briefly to help digestion of the lecture she was going to give during class. It is easier to digest the topic if I have a little understanding of what is going to be taught before the lesson after all.

Just as I was finishing up my quick scanning of the notes and highlighting of parts that I didn't quite understand and would need to pay closer attention to, I heard loud chatter and footsteps nearing. As I put down my pen and lifted my head, I was just in time to witness my class streaming in like a bunch of brats who had no sense of urgency. They strolled in talking to each other loudly with no care in the world. They even completely ignored the teacher's presence. Or perhaps they were just oblivious and caught up in their own little world.

"Quickly get to your seats so I can begin the lesson."

I love how our biology teacher doesn't shout as most teachers do. She speaks at such a low volume but effectively forces everyone to obey. She's basically like those anime characters dubbed as "ice-queen" with her voice that sends chills down your spine.

Although if you think about it, thanks to homeostasis, the regulation of internal conditions which includes temperature to maintain a stable equilibrium, the chill won't last long. Soon enough, the effect disappears, and students will become their usual rowdy self. Well, that's why she has to just keep calming the class down by activating her skill at regular intervals. Kind of like a negative feedback control system.

Must be tough being a teacher.

I'd hate having to deal with students too. Unless they were all like me. Easy to control and always on-task unless truly incapable due to time constraints or ability. Even I can sing myself praises when compliments are due. Although I would never proclaim it out loud. Saying it out loud would make me want to puke.

I just would not be able to stomach it.

Compliments are not so easy to digest because I don't have the right enzymes in me to break them down to digest after all. I just don't have it in me.

I'm more used to breaking myself down to kill time rather than building myself up.

Just kidding.

My heart and mind are so far apart I guess some things are lost in translation when moving from one place to another. It can't be helped. Just like air and water is continually leaving my body, so are my thoughts and feelings. No matter how essential they are to my survival, whatever is excess or cannot be processed is released into the atmosphere to disappear forever. Likely never to return.

People say that biology is beautiful.

And since biology is life, life is beautiful.

Such a flawed statement that makes zero sense regarding connection and accuracy. Biology itself is not beautiful. It is merely the science of the biotic and abiotic environment. A description and explanation. There is no beauty in that. There is only beauty in the way in which we perceive it to be. The way in which we make it seem like an art.

Even then, an art piece is nothing more than an image created using the imagination and optimism of the artist. The twisted reality to fit into the artist's own optimistic viewpoint.

At this point, I think my negative thoughts are propagating out of control like cancer. Uncontrollably multiplying and in need of something to stop it. Thankfully science has advanced far enough to tackle cancer in some form or another. However, just like cancer, in a stage as late as mine, I think it's quite difficult to cure me of this excessively negative mindset.

Thinking of the bigger picture. Since I'm part of the entire student body, you could say I'm a sad excuse for a cancer cell. I mean, I keep to myself without infecting ordinary people with my infectious negativity rooted in the truth of reality. I'm a considerate and kind cancer cell.

Perhaps I should not be talking about things like this when cancer is in truth, a fearsome disease that has caused pain for many families and individuals. I should apologise to whoever may have been offended by my thoughts. I guess my immaturity as an 18-year old student is to blame. Though it may sound like an excuse.

Making up excuses to get away with things is the speciality of youth. It is a rather handy skill I picked up recently. Seriously though, my apology is sincere as insincere as the following statements have likely made me out to be.

I guess I've reached the stage where every word of mine has been processed into a pile of shit.

Well, that should have taken quite a few long hours to go through the entire digestive tract.

Oh look, it's actually only 30 minutes that have passed. Well, that's enough since the lesson is going to end now and break is about to start. As unrealistic as this sounds, I was paying attention in class. It's just that my thoughts are obviously more entertaining than the actual contents of the class.

Or at least I wish that was the case.

Even though it is rather refreshing to have so many thoughts come to mind today, it is rather annoying that I cannot really focus on any class today. Guess tonight I'll have to spend more time reviewing and studying what was going on in class than usual...

Since at home I don't have much stimulus for thought.