Chapter 9: The last lesson at last

Before long, we arrive at our economics class.

The class that teaches you that it is perfectly reasonable to be selfish. It is said that it is human nature to be selfish. To be generous and benevolent is actually more of an anomaly.

Doing something kind due to genuine care and concern for others is highly suspicious and usually seen as an act with ulterior motives. Although, there are probably people who are just that innocently kind. Perhaps Seria is that sort of person. I sure hope she is.

Not that I'll interact with her much in the future. Probably. Today was likely just a coincidence.

Wait, come to think of it, how did she even find me? I was in the most secluded floor of the library, and most people don't come to the corner I'm at because of how hot it is... No, no I'm just making up more reasons to make myself feel like I'm being treasured and desired by someone.

I need to stop thinking so highly of myself. There are a bunch of reasons as to how she could have possibly found me and why she could have come to me specifically. Perhaps she saw me walking to the library from the canteen. I was in the canteen for a fair bit of time after all. Seeing that her usual company probably would not want to study or do any homework, she figured it would be best to follow me if she wanted to do any work. Also, since we are not particularly close, but not exactly strangers either, she would not feel so bad asking me for help. Although that is probably what made her a bit awkward when talking to me.

See, it all makes perfect sense.

Trying to assume ulterior motivations involving romance in a girl's actions is the surest route to disappointment. That only ever happens in anime. People don't think that hard into the things they do when they interact with others. They behave the way that their subconsciousness is telling them to act.


Perceptive guys like me are hard to find. That's likely caused by the low demand for people like me. People nowadays want people who don't think too much into things and act as things come by. Since you know, when demand is low, the supply naturally goes down.

Yay for economics!

However, as a result, most people try to become someone they are not. In order to gain popularity among those of the opposite gender. People putting on a front in their futile attempts to become famous are inferior "goods" compared to those popular people who are naturally the way they are. They fail to realise that the market is a much bigger place than that though. Each individual has different preferences. Thus, staying the way they are should actually increase the chances of them finding a natural soulmate.


Rather than becoming inferior substitutes, remaining true to themselves and being the best version of themselves would naturally invite those who are genuinely interested in that kind of person.

Something like innovation is key you know?

Theoretically speaking at least.

Assuming that economic theories can be applied to romance at all. I know nothing about romance so if you took me too seriously, I apolo- just kidding it's your own fault for believing me!


"Oi! What the heck are you doing?! Don't run straight into the enemy!"

"Shut up lah! I can take him. I'll revive in a few seconds anyway!"

"Don't burden leh!"

"You think I'm a burden? You more trash."

Tsk. What the heck is up with this useless conversation that is no different from noise? It completely broke off my train of thought.

Not that I was thinking of anything important.

Wait, where did Siera go? I look around the class and see that she rejoined her group with Celeste and company. Well, guess that's to be expected. I just hope that she naturally left without saying anything to me. Because if she did try to say "bye" or "see you later" to me, it would mean that lost in my own thoughts, I failed to reply to the kind and considerate soul who was willing to spend her time with me.

"See, I told you I could defeat him you piece of shit!"

"After getting destroyed like five times before that!"

"I still defeated him the end so don't complain, not like you could have done it any better!"

Are they seriously still fighting over the same thing? In-fighting isn't so bad to watch from the outside from time to time to remind me that being alone is far more peaceful but, sometimes when they fight or argue amongst themselves it becomes a pain for me.

The noise they make distracts me from my thoughts and at the same time have no comedic factor whatsoever. Their arguments are so dry and baseless that I can't even derive joy from them flaming each other. If they continue to act this way it'll seriously result in a negative externality.

The negative externality being me, together with the rest of the class, being unable to focus during class.

Fortunately, the class has yet to begin.

Before I start to confuse laws of economics, applying them in places they really should not be applied, I should properly listen to what the teacher has to say. If I don't, I'll probably continue explaining economic concepts inaccurately and infuriating those who love economics as a subject.

Hold on a second.

When did our teacher come into class?! I didn't even notice when she came in! Is she a freaking ninja or something? Why didn't she say anything? I look at her and realise that she is slightly annoyed yet patiently waiting for something. Right, I forgot. She is the type of teacher that does not want to shout. Be it to conserve energy or simply due to misplaced faith in us students that we will shut up and get ready for class without being told to do so directly.

Just as I noticed this, Randy casually strolled into class. He presumably just finished playing basketball with his friends. Seemed to be too sweaty to have just been eating or studying during our one-hour long break. As he enters and notices me, he walks up next to me and sits down.


"Hi... erm... should we try to get the class to settle down? Our teacher looks a little annoyed."

"By 'we' you mean me, don't you? Well, I know you would never be able to keep the class quiet anyway."


"Guys! Let's get ready for class! Ma'am is waiting already!" Randy hollered. After a second of silence, waves of complaints came in all at once.

"Oh shit okay."

"Fuck lah, I'm in the middle of a game."


The class lets out a bunch of grumbles but gets to their seats while pocketing their smartphones.

Finally, the class can begin.