Extra: Valentine's Day

The day where all couples showcase their momentary happiness in having a partner has finally come round.

Valentine's Day.

Oh, rejoice! Such a glorious day! It is truly something to celebrate! I mean look at all the happy smiling faces around! All of which are going to go sour one day as they wonder why they felt so attached to their partners in the first place.

From what I've seen, most people who get together at first enjoy their partner's company so much but the more they live with them, the more they grow to hate them. People romanticise so much about "love" that they end up confusing simple enjoyment of another's company and interest in the other as love. Most of the time, I'm pretty sure they would have been better off as just friends. Actually, most people are probably better off as just being friends. As a friend, you get the benefits of enjoying their company and have the perk of being able to get to know each other well while laughing off any annoying part about him or her you may dislike. When you are attached to someone and have to spend most of your time with them, it becomes harder to dismiss the parts of them you dislike or hate.

Ah, honestly, to accept love is to accept a horrid fate of coming to hate the one you once claimed to love. It probably wasn't meant to be used in this context but indeed, "Love and hate are two sides of the same coin". If you love someone, they mean more to you, and thus, the things about them that bug you will get on all 100 billion of your nerves or however many nerves you have. Why? Cause you really care about who they are as a person of course! Look at it this way, if you saw some stranger, would you care all that much what he or she is like? Personally, I know I wouldn't. I mean, what they are like and what they do are none of my business and don't affect me whatsoever, so what should I care? Only if they are an essential and significant part of my life would I even feel the need to nitpick on what kind of person they are. Although generally, I'd say I don't care about most people in the first place so they can feel free to think and do whatever they like. I mean, I may criticise everyone in my head, but at the end of the day, I treat everyone equally and don't discriminate. I mean, if everyone in messed up in one way or another, everyone is still trash no? We should be an accepting society, led by trash, for trash!

Equality for all!

Fortunately, in my school, most students are too absorbed in studies to pay any mind to the joyous occasion that is Valentine's Day. Perhaps it's just the culture of this country I live in, but I don't hate it. In fact, prioritising studies over love is truly the economical choice if you want long-lasting benefits and not long-lasting losses due to the excessive cost of having a partner. Even worse if you purchase the "add-on" where you have a child.


How did I end up with this train of thought? I wonder that myself. I mean, I'm in my school library doing my economics homework in the standard isolated cubicle so I really should not be thinking of other things right now. I should be focused on my homework... But I could not help but notice that those "studying" around me on the second floor of the library are all either boy-girl pairs or large groups of girls and guys of almost equal ratio.

You don't have to show off your connections in the library, a place of learning, you damned normies!

I term them as just connections because, generally, none of the relationships between boys and girls is anything beyond platonic in my school. Either because no one dares to confess or people around me understand my logic which I have never shared with anyone. If so, humanity has truly evolved.

Or perhaps I'm just not observant enough to recognise the existence of couples in school since surely, it is but a fiction made for entertainment purposes such as anime.

Anyhow, my comrades in private cubicles! I congratulate you all for joining me on this venture to study till we score better in our upcoming tests and examinations as compared to all those "studying" in groups! If we can't score in sports or social situations, surely we must at least be able to score in examinations!


If I really want that, I should concentrate and finish up my economics homework so that I can study for the upcoming exams... Perhaps it would be better if I packed up and went home to study instead. It's not like my house is so noisy that I can't study there or anything.

I pack up my things and plug in my earphones before heading off. As I walk out of the library and through the canteen, I catch a glimpse of Randy and Celeste chatting away happily without even any food or drink on their table. I continue walking to pretend I didn't see them and quicken my pace to ensure that they don't realise I saw them.

Urg, I want a girlfriend.

In the end, no matter how much I rationalise how it's better to stay single, I'm still a human plagued by irrationality driven by emotions. Even though I'll probably end regretting getting into a relationship since I'm horrible at maintaining relationships, I'll still feel the urge to get a girlfriend. Maybe, I can get rid of these desires by cutting down the number of romance anime and manga I watch and read. They tend to make me wish for the impossible and override my logic and reasoning. Although... Perhaps it's a blessing that as much as I want a girlfriend, I'll probably never get one.

Haha... Ha...

I leave school and head to my isolated sanctuary, my home.