Shadow Reaper

Sahazel and Setanta entered the room and the last one closed the door behind them. The old man frowned when he saw two people enter instead of one.

"I remember saying only one person at a time."

Sahazel and Setanta ignored him and sat in two chairs in front of him. The old man was surprised, he remembered that clearly there was only one chair before.

"Seven years ago, after fighting a primordial beast, one of my companions disappeared after leaving one of his favorite bottles, a bottle of Diva Premium Vodka"

The old man looked at Sahazel with a stunned look, he seemed to want to say something but did not stop Sahazel's talk.

"Diva Premium Vodka, the only Scottish Vodka, was a bottle valued at 1 million euros before the great catastrophe. After the catastrophe, all the samples of this Vodka mysteriously disappeared. If I remember correctly, this vodka has a triple distillate; first it is filtered on ice and then it is passed through Nordic birch charcoal. And finally, and here comes ostentation, it is filtered through sand that contains semiprecious and precious stones. This triple distillate leaves an imperceptible smell containing a mixture of coal and precious stone that only a person with an inhuman nose is able to perceive." Sahazel slowly explained the details of this peculiar alcoholic beverage.

"If it weren't for this peculiar smell, you might have been able to deceive me" Sahazel grabbed the common bottle of alcohol. "Another peculiarity of this alcohol is its packaging, Swarovski crystals. If I'm not mistaken, this package is fake".

The common bottle of alcohol in Sahazel's hand was covered in dark matter.

"I wonder if what will be revealed after I remove my dark aura will be a common bottle, or will it be a bottle of Baccarat with Swarovski crystals."

The dark matter was slowly removed, revealing a beautiful glass bottle with embedded crystals. Sahazel smiled wide at the sight of the bottle.

"Are you going to serve us? Shadow reaper" Setanta asked the old man.

"Wouldn't I be a bad host if I didn't serve my guests?" The old man returned the question to Setanta.

"That's enough," Sahazel interrupted both of them.

Setanta and the old man exchanged glances before laughing out loud. The old man took three glasses out of nowhere, he grabbed the beautiful bottle Sahazel had left on the table and filled one third of each glass.

"Setanta snapped his tongue disdainfully.

"Tch, you stingy old man" Setanta sneered down.

"I fear that a dog like you cannot taste this bottle well." The old man responded sarcastically to Setanta's accusation.

Sahazel didn't say anything and took his glass, savoring carefully the exquisite bottle.

"I see you haven't done badly over the years, my scythe," Sahazel told the old man.

"That's right, my Lord" The old man nodded. "Drink every day, while I watch my granddaughter grow up. I guess I can't ask for anything else, I can only thank you for this opportunity."

"Although you didn't make it clear in the letter, I knew you cared about your granddaughter and didn't want her to grow up without a paternal figure"

The old man nodded, he really cared about the safety of his granddaughter. He knew the danger to her if her beauty was revealed, and he had to stay by her side to protect her.

"But I guess the holidays are over" The old man stood up and a silver scythe appeared in his hand.

"You're wrong"

The old man looked at Sahazel stunned.

"Did you not come to bring me back?" he asked confusedly.

"No, in fact it is a coincidence that we met again. I suppose it's fate," Sahazel shrugged.

The old man put the scythe away and sat down again.

"What are you doing here then," he asked curiously.

"On the contrary that your old man, who only seeks to drink, we seek amusement within this academy" Setanta explained to the old drunk.

The old man looked at Sahazel, Sahazel nodded and surprise and disbelief filled the old man's face.

"Ha, haha, HAHAHA" The old man laughed like a madman. "Who would have thought that my lord and the filthy hound would leave the battlefield to seek amusement."

Sahazel and Setanta looked with interest at the old man's reaction, they didn't think they were going to end up inside Hunter Academy either.

The old man calmed down and grabbed his glass, swallowing the contents of one drink.

"Aah, how are the rest of the shadow team?" the old man asked.

"Shadow sword is in England, Shadow rider is in Italy along with Shadow beast and Shadow Sorceress is in the land of shadows" Sahazel calmly explained.

"And archer?" asked the old man when he realized that someone was missing.

Setanta's face became unnatural while Sahazel's was calm. Though Sahazel seemed calm, they could sense a terrifying dark aura gathering in the room.

"He... died" Sahazel said with difficulty, all the pressure in the room.

The old man was in shock to hear that a member of the group of shadows had died.

"Are you sure?" The old man could not accept the death of an old comrade.

"You seven are united to me by the power of the ruler, that's why I knew of Archer's death and had no doubt that you were alive," Sahazel explained to the old man.

"Do you know how he died?

"He was attacked by three monsters of celestial level, he sacrificed himself to avoid disaster" Explained Setanta.

The old man frowned. It was very rare for a single holy level monster to appear, there was nothing to say about three celestial level monsters.

"It was a trap" The old man came to that conclusion.

"We know, but we couldn't find anything. We only know that he left his daughter at her maternal grandmother's house, but when we arrived the house was destroyed without a trace of his daughter".

Silence filled the room for a few moments until the old man broke it.

"There are few individuals or organizations in the world capable of setting a trap at that level. I suppose you came to Hunter Academy because you suspect members of the council of elders."

Sahazel did not deny or admit the old man's words. Their mutual understanding was such that they did not need to communicate with words.

The old man sighed and served the alcohol again.

"Do you want an identity card too?"

"Yes, it would be annoying not to have one"

The old man pulled out two sets of papers and proceeded to ask questions.

"Name and surname."

"Setanta Lugh"

"Hey, so you're gonna use your original name."


"18 years old."

"Pfff." The old man spit out the drink he was drinking.

"Place of birth"

"Ulster, Ireland"




"Peak of Level 1"

"How shameless." The old man muttered.

"You wouldn't say the same thing to the leader," he replied, the old man fell silent and said nothing.

"I guess you haven't entered any faction so I'm done with you, put a drop of blood inside the machine and get your ID card"

Setanta cut his finger and a drop of blood fell. The drop was not normal red, it was a mixture of two colors: Black and gold.

The white card came out and Setanta received it. Now it was Sahazel's turn to answer the questions.

"Name and surname"

"Sahazel Fallen"

"Sahazel... I understand, it's a good name for you."


"18 years old."

The corner of the old man's mouth contracted, but he dared not say anything.

"Place of birth"

Sahazel was silent for a moment.

"I don't know," he replied honestly.

The old man frowned, he didn´t know what to do next.

"Write that I was born in Spain, it's not that it really matters"

"It' s okay" The old man wrote Spain.


"Mmm... If I said the whole thing we'd never end up, leave it at that I don't have"

"Level? Level 1 peak?" asked the old man.


The old man picked up the papers and approached the machine. He placed the papers in the slot. Sahazel approached and dropped a drop of his blood. If Setanta's blood was a mixture of black and gold, Sahazel's blood was completely black.

A white card with Sahazel's image came out of the machine. Sahazel took it and put it in the pocket of his uniform.

The three of them left the room, Laura and Fleur were waiting inside the room for them to leave.

"Are you finished?" Fleur asked anxiously. Hunger was going to take its toll if this went on.

Setanta nodded, Sahazel looked at Laura again before walking towards the exit.

"Aren't you hungry?" Sahazel asked Fleur.

"Yes, the reaper will take me to hell if I don't eat something." Fleur no longer bothered to pretend to have manners. She came from the suburbs and you could tell from her rough vocabulary.

The old man's eyebrows twitched and Setanta as well as Sahazel and Laura struggled to bear the laughter.

"Let's go then" Setanta and Fleur left the room.

"Wait!" Laura called Sahazel before he could leave the room.


"Will you come back?" she asked hopefully.

"I don't know what you mean." The light in Laura's eyes went out for a moment. "I guess we'll need a waitress every time we come."

Laura's face lit up, she nodded forcefully and accompanied them.

"With the white card you can only access the first floor of the Hunter cafeteria. You have one free meal a day, to access more times you have to pay with Hunter Points. The food that will be given on each floor is according to the level you have at that time," Laura explained along the way.

"Does that mean we'll have a level 1 monster meat meal every day?" Fleur asked. Resources was what this beautiful lady needed most.

"That's right, and if you go up to level 2 then you'll have level 2 monster meat, level 3 then level 3 monster meat, etc..."

"So this is another way to motivate students to level up, getting monster meat every day helps to improve the strength of the students and level up can get monster meat from more level to move forward. But how do you get so much meat?"

"In the dark forest, students can go monster hunting. When they hunt, they can get the meat and sell it for Hunter Points, they can also keep it and eat it, but they only do that when it's a beast of the same level," Laura explained.

"So level 2 Hunters hunt level 1 monsters and trade them for Hunter Points," Summarized Sahazel.

"Yes, it's a win-win option for everyone," nodded Laura.