A new puppet

Sahazel looked at Karttikeya's body and sighed. Currently, the six-headed man was kneeling in front of Sahazel.

There was no longer any trace of the superiority and arrogance he once held. Now there remained only a soulless body with an empty gaze.

"This is the result for the lesser gods like you who try to reveal themselves" Sahazel spoke to nothingness.

"There is one thing I have always advised: never trust external forces, you can only trust your own power"

Sahazel raised his left hand and opened his palm. A blurred shadow emerged from his hand.

"Do you understand what I mean?" Sahazel looked through the shadow.

"U-U-Understood" The voice of the shadow shook.

"That's good, it looks like you still have some salvation" Sehazal nodded approvingly.

"You mean you're not going to kill me?" The shadow asked doubtfully.

"Of course not, I am not the one to decide whether or not to kill the great Karttikeya" Sahazel replied sarcastically.

Karttikeya wanted to let out a sigh of relief, but for some reason he could feel that there was something wrong with Sahazel's words.

"So who's going to judge me?"

"You really don't know? You can rest assured, he's not going to kill you for the moment."

(Who will he be? Wait, don't tell me he's...)

The shadow in Sahazel's hand shook. If the person who was to judge him was who Karttikeya thought he was, dying now was much better than dying.

"Wait, kill me!" Karttikeya begged Sahazel.

"How annoying"

Sahazel clenched his fist and Karttikeya's soul disappeared. He had not destroyed it, Sahazel had yet to hand over Karttikeya's soul to Karna.

"I doubt that you will be able to survive once I deliver you to Karna, no matter how much he is the hero of charity."

Sahazel knew from the moment that Karttikeya had killed the gods of Hindu mythology and let Karna escape, that he was going to die for sure. Considering that Karna idolized his father Surya and only acted in such a way not to bring him shame, he could not leave Karttikeya alive as that would be disrespectful to his father's deceased soul.

Sahazel thought of the 2 petitions that Karna had given him when he offered to give refuge to the surviving Hindus within his territory.

"I want to kill the traitor personally and let me serve you as a soldier"

Sahazel shook his head thinking of Karna's strange personality.

The addition of Karna to his faction was a remarkable increase of power. His solar attribute was one of the most powerful attributes in battle and his spear skills rivaled those of heroes like Achilles or Cu chulainn.

It was a pity that he did not have holes available within his shadow team for Karna, Sahazel would not have hesitated to give him one of his holes at that time. On second thought, he would not have been able to join since Karna did not possess any negative emotion.

Luckily there was still one member missing for Nephilim and Sahazel named Karna the leader.

Sahazel focused his attention on the spiritual body of Karttikeya devoid of his soul. He had destroyed the consciousness of all the soul pieces of Karttikeya within the scrolls. The present spiritual body was just an empty shell with nothing to offer, it would be a great loss for humanity if the services given by Karttikeya could no longer be obtained.

Sahazel placed his index finger on the forehead of the spiritual body and transferred chaotic energy into the interior. He finished transferring the energy and took a few steps backwards.

The empty look on Karttikeya's face had disappeared, being replaced by a sharp, dark look. Although he had gained a kind of "soul", he was still kneeling in front of Sahazel.

"Arise, my son" Sahazel commanded him.

"Yes, my lord" Karttikeya arose without hesitation. He had all 6 heads bent without daring to look Sahazel in the face and it was not out of fear, but out of respect.

"From now on you will be called Skanda-Xaoc, you have the information about what I want you to do from now on."

"Yes, my lord" Kartt- no, Skanda nodded without hesitation.

"As for my weapon, I wants you to show a..."

Inside a cell, a woman sat on top of a body as she recited incomprehensible words.

"It seems like you're having fun" A voice sounded behind the woman.

The woman was not frightened and continued to recite her spells. She rose from her body and made a jar with a green liquid appear inside.

She started circling around the body as she continued to recite the incomprehensible words. The liquid inside the jar was being spilled and she used her foot to draw different runes.

She finished drawing the runes, the final result was a circle more than 10 meters in diameter with countless runes inside.

The beautiful woman approached the body that was placed face down, you could see that all the runes ended in the center of the man's back. She bit her thumb and dropped a drop of black blood in the center of the formation.

"From Chaos you came and to Chaos you will return. Get up and get your new name."

The words were now very understandable. The drop of blood entered the body, the veins and arteries inside the body became visible and were completely black. The body trembled and stood up, and then knelt before the woman.

"Your servant is ready to perform orders." A dark voice came out of the mouth of the body.

The dark veins slowly widened, covering the whole body with darkness.

"Your past is forgotten, your present and future are the ones that matter. You were born of war and for war you will serve, I name you WarMachine"

"WarMachine thanks for receiving such an honorable name."

"Puchi" The person who was watching all this couldn't stand the laughter anymore.

WarMachine realized that someone was laughing at the honorable name his teacher had given him, he could not allow anyone to embarrass his teacher in front of him.

"Apologize!" WarMachine got up and attacked quickly.

He jumped up and attacked with his six arms toward this person's head.

The woman then paid attention to the person she had been watching from the beginning.


Dust rose from the floor, blocking the view of those present in the cell.

"I don't like to get dirty," the woman muttered.

She made a sweeping motion and dispersed the dust in the room. She could then see the outcome of the "fight" (if you could call it that) and was not at all surprised by the result.

A human body created out of darkness was stepping on WarMachine's head. WarMachine's head was so deep in the ground that no trace of it could be seen.

"Could you take your foot off my new puppet's head? I don't want it to break on the first day" The woman spoke in a flat, emotionless voice.

"I was just showing him who's boss, you don't have to worry"

The shadow removed the foot from the puppet's head and approached the woman. He lured her into his embrace and caressed her head.

"You're the boss, but you're wasting your time in a children's school while you send me running errands" The woman threw away her inexpressive façade and pouted.

"You know we haven't gone to waste time, it only bothers you that I brought Setanta instead of you" The shadow tried to appease the woman.

The woman blushed when she saw that he had quickly discovered her thoughts.

"That shitty dog could die" She whispered.

"That fucking dog is your most beloved disciple."

"Shut up!" The woman separated herself from the body of the shadow and looked at the shadow pretending to be angry.

"You're so cute that I'm sorry I didn't come with my real body"

"I wanted to ask you that, why did you come with your chaotic body?" The woman asked curiously.

"Sandalphon's orb has made Setanta lose control over his body, right now I'm suppressing it".