C1: Virus Encounter

"It seems you have a problem?"

Selena was back to reality upon leavened staring at the lake, she saw Moskov that is also already sitting in a rock above water same as hers.

She heave a sigh. The land she is worrying about is one of the promised land of the Gods, and the Mino's Labriynth for the power of the twilight orb.

"No, I'm okay."  She answered to him then narrowed an eyebrow. "What are you doing here? Isn't today is the Marksman's training camp?"

He shrugged his shoulders then smiled towards Selena.

"Well, I guess I don't need that anymore"

"Wow, feeling a meta hero huh" Selena said teasingly, and annoyingly. "Maybe you are forgetting, Kimmy and Claude are the top banned"

"But I'm still the King of Stun." She rolled her eyes because of what Moscov said, 'this stupid guy is breezy' She said in her mind.

"And you are my Queen of Stun." Then Moscov smirked. Selena looked at him disgustingly

"Excuse me? I only have time for handsome guys. So, if you may excuse me—"

"Hey Selena and Moskov! Enough with the dating!" They both heard from a few meters afar from them.

They both saw Alucard, then Zilong waved at them a 'Hello'. They saw the others, Miya, Ruby, and Freya. They are all in the turtle lane

"Mind to help us here with the turtle!?" Freya shouted

Moscov shifted his gaze to Selena, asking, but Selena disagrees.

"Just Moscov, Freya! I have to go somewhere,"

"Selena wait—" Before Moscov could say his words, Selena immediately did her dash running away in her Demon form.

"Awww that is okay bro, you are busted again!" Zilong shouted when Moscov is already walking towards their place

"It's because you are slow, man!" Alucard's tease to him

"At least he's not a f*ck boy like you?" - Ruby

"OHHHHHH!" The three of them shouted.

On the other side, Selena entered the jungle to have a rest. She do not want to return on the Dark Abyss because Karina is still there. She still have this big anger for her sister that is bulged in her heart. And for her, she will never, ever forgive her sister.

"Alduos should have let me come with him, that bastard. Now I have nothing to do." Selena said while having the grumpy face.

Selena closed her eyes, but a few moments later—

"I heard—"

She was alarmed. She quickly arrowed her abyssal to the person whom she heard that talked, she furrowed an eyebrow.

"You heard what, Harley?" She said while her arrow is still in his place, she is not having a good feeling about him.

"I heard there is something happening to the orb" He said then gave her a meaningful grin.

"I know that you are one with the heroes who has an interest with the orb's power, I am sure Vexana already know about this, and your old sister Lesley."

Harley laughed in glorify and quickly disappeared like a bubble in front of Selena, a magic hat was only left. Selena stood up when she felt that he was behind her

"Come on, Selena. Stop faking, aren't you also?" He then again grinned and placed his hand in it's stick.

"You are just using Alduos, aren't you? You are one on the run for the twilight orb's power"

"That is not what you think!"

"You cannot fool a genius, Selena!"

He then again laughed and disappeared again in front of her, a magic hat was again left. And when she faced her back, he's there

"Why am I the one you are blaming, Harley? Maybe you are the one who did a magic to do that in the twilight orb!" Selena screamed towards him with full anger, holding herself not to transform into her Demon.

She hates the blame of this little guy. She doesn't aim anymore for the power of what the twilight orb has, until Alduos accidentally became her friend—Tho they are born as mortal enemies.

Alduos told her the story of the twilight orb, it's speciality, and it's role to the Mino's labriynth. Selena has no more evil, selfish, or greed intention to get the orb for the power. Because she already knew what will be the bad effects of tragedy that will happen if it went missing.

"Do not blame it on me, Selena. That one is a glitching, and pixelation lost. I only do magics, I am not a mechanic, nor the developer of Moonton"

"Then what do you think of me? Also a mechanic? Why am I the one you are blaming?"

Harley smirked playfully. "I just tripped of you, and wasted your time"

Selena wasn't able to control her anger anymore, she gritted her full set of white teeth and turned into her Demon form. She was about to hit Harley with her sharp claws of an attack Soul Eater, but with his escape trick, he already disappeared faster than a pop of a bubble.

"Afraid little man!" She screamed roaring her demon.

She saw something appeared in the moving bush, it comes to show Harper. Her mind was leavened a question mark. The blue little thing made it's direction out of nowhere.

Selena decided to follow and quickly did her dash Garrotte, so she can chase Harper.

Harper arrived and puffed in a bush from the bottom lane. Selena returned to her Elven form, and is now walking towards a bush where Harper puffed into smoke.

But suddenly, her eyes widened when she saw a small thing pixelating in the bush. It's slowly expanding bigger, and bigger.

"This is... This is what also happening to the twilight orb."

She set her foot slowly walking backwards, and away. She saw a blue butterfly flew in the bush, she saw how pitty and monstrous thing happened to the creature.

It glitched, then fainted a few seconds. It was again revived, but it turns out to be colour black.

She immediately run away when the butterfly is heading to her. She transform back fo her Demon, and keeps on doing her several dashes.

Thoughts, and extreme worry runs in her mind while nervousness is eating her.

"No way... The virus... It's like a plague, it is communicable, it can make you an infected, it is indestructible."