C3: Glitch & Ashes

"You had let her die Estes!!!"

"Miya calm down" Alucard said as he tries to calm him down with the others around.

"Hold your words, Miya, Estes is still a King" Aurora said to her with majesty, as Estes has no defence for himself.

"Calm down!? How come? My best friend, my little sister is dead!"

"The healers are still not coming, they are still not here, and King Estes still haven't doing his power to Nana." Odette said as she held Miya on it's shoulders. Miya has nothing to do but cry and long for Nana.

Selena in the corner whose arms are crossed above her chest, heaves a sigh. They are all in the Celestial Palace where Nana rest's on the tomb. Kaja arrives from the room's door entrance, she raised her eyebrows to him

"You know? Your such an overreacting. Nana is just unconscious, she is not dead."

"No one can feel her heartbeat nor breathing, and what happened to her is a thing that is too phenomenal."

She furrowed an eyebrow. "What happened to her in the first place?"

They were cut off when the healers arrived on the door, Kaja and Selena gives a way for them to get in. It was Rafaela, and Angela.

"Where is Minotaur?" Kaja asked. Angela goes ahead while Rafaela is the ones who answered him

"Let us talk about it later." Then Rafaela goes forward along with the others.

They are already starting to preparing, fixing, and settling things around. Minotaur should have also been in the session of healing, but he was not around.

"Minotaur... He's with Alduos..." Selena said as she whispers underneath her breath, Kaja looked at her with confusion.

"What did you say?"

She was back to reality, and also did her gaze to Kaja. "Nothing. I said you're busted again with Rafaela" Then she grins annoyingly.

Kaja did not bother her. They both looked around as others are settling. All of the heroes who will heal Nana is around her tomb. Estes, Rafaela, Angela, and Belerick. The others were set aside, Miya, Alucard, Ruby, Queen Aurora, Princess Odette, and Lancelot.

"So, what happened to Nana?"

"Fanny said there's this butterfly." Kaja answered in a serious tone while staring at Rafaela.

Selena was stopped and held for a moment, she felt nervousness in her nerves. She remembered the butterfly that morning in the Land of Dawn.

"What is the butterfly's colour?"


"Her heart is beating" Both of their attention was caught of what Rafaela said. Miya bursted into tears of joy, and somehow a relief in her heart.

"Let's start." Estes said. He then raised his hand on the air, and casts a big circle around Nana that is the Domain of Moon God.

Rafaela faced both of her hand's palms into Nana, and she's starting with the Holy Healing.

Angela floats into the air "Papi-papi boo!" She did her Heartguard skill, and now inside Nana. Belerick casted his Nature Shield.

A moon appeared above Estes upon casting his Blessing of the Moon Goddess, he also immersed moonlight with Nana.

Things were calm, and doing healing. Until Belerick was alarmed and he looked at the others.

"There is something wrong! There is wrong!"

Angela jumps out of Nana's body, and she landed on the floor weakened so she fell into the ground.

"My s-strings are tangled up, can you help m-me with t-that?" Queen Auroa and Princess Odette quickly came to her place.

"What happened? Your the ones whose in Nana's heart" Estes asked while still helding his powers to Nana's body, same as Rafaela.

When Aurora and Odette already untangle her strings, Angela stood up in fierce and tangles Nana's body with her strings.

"Angela!" They all screamed, Angela looked to each one of them

"In Nana's heart, she is still alive inside. I do not know what happend. But I saw her image, her eyes are red, sharp claws, big teeth. She is looking monstrous, and evil. The real Nana is dead, and the one that we are trying to revive here is the atrocious one."

Belerick quickly locked Nana with his roots "Belerick can tell that Angela's telling the fact"

Nana's eyes opened, eyes glowing in mahogany red, then some parts of her body started glitching. It screamed that gives a scratch to their eardrums, then it grinned at them.

Estes and Rafaela stopped the healing in shock, Belerick tightened the roots and even Angela. Aurora helped by freezing Nana's body.

"We should kill her!" Lancelot said

"No!" Miya was about to get close to Nana but Alucard blocked her.

All was alarmed. Nana laughed demonically, evilly, and diabolically. Kaja moved forward to take action, while Lancelot is pointing his sword to Nana.

"You cannot kill the virus, it is a killer itself. HAHAHAHA!"

"What do you mean? Speak!" Odette demanded, and screamed. But you can feel the crack in her voice.

They even held with their powers more tighter to Nana. It looked each one of them, until it's gaze was locked with Selena. Nana smirked

"A virus is already spreading in this mobile game. You cannot stop it, it's more worst than a plague. This virus will kill each one of you from who you are, and your character will be possessed by the virus to be evil. You will find yourself's own destruction into an devilish, and monstrous creature. You will no longer remember who you are, you will no longer have a self to comeback. And when everyone is already infected with the virus,

"This game will END. Everything will be gone. The Land of Dawn, all of you heroes, and especially MOBILE LEGENDS."

They were all out of words, Selena transforms into her Demon form due to her uncontrollable anger.

"No! I will kill you!!!"

She was about to dash forward into Nana's place to attack her, but Kaja stopped and pulled her with his skill.

"Don't touch nor even get near on her! You will also be infected by the killer virus!"

Nana laughed, and they saw that she's starting to turn into ashes from her toes.

"What is happening!?" Alucard screwed. Nana then again laughed

"Non-meta, or weak heroes of this Dawn wouldn't take and survive the too much strong power, and evil possession of this virus. The virus is too strong, and it can be only take by those metanoia heroes."

"Where did the virus come from!?" Miya shouted at her. But Nana just grinned

The ashes that is taking her away are already in her neck, but she still maganed to say her last words.

"This is... Ending The Game, Killer Virus."

She completely turned into ashes, then the wind blown. They were all leavened in silence.