demon instinct

Something is coming and fast. If we demons aren't careful we won't see it coming, it'll feel like how things were in the beginning, before I was King.

My name a Satan also known as Andrew strike and I will fulfill my duty as a demon to protect my kind.

Mother of 12 daughters and  268 cousins and sisters I will set things back to the way they were before.

Pain and bloodshed is the only thing that was noun, before I came along but now that's gone. I have changed all the demons foolish ways and if those who don't listen I'll kill them with my devilish  gaze.

Cuz you simply can't defend yourself if there is no self to express. All those just fight for power and money, I stand for justice courage and Harmony.

Don't get me wrong I'll have a little fun. But only when it's the right time to feast. Some call me monster some call me a beast, but one thing is for sure I won't say no to an opportunity so Divine and so pure.

You may think it's disgusting or rather disturbing. But if I say let it be. So if I say let it die there's just no reviving.