why I stand here today

Why I stand here today is not to impress, but to find out why. To find out if I really can. To accomplish what I stand as or who I really am inside.

Who we are it's not who you want to be but is what we find inside ourselves. The truth that we find is the painful truth that we have to bear so I complain if it's all we had in the end.

Be proud of what you have don't take it for granted we might not have it later. For if one cannot find love, love yourself instead. For life is just a moment live that moment to grow into something bigger. Something much more than what people expect of you

Then and truly then will you be able to accomplish life's true task, who are you on the inside, why are you here in the first place, what is your true purpose, make it your purpose play by your rules for this is the life that you live not someone else

The first step to acceptance is to accept yourself not to accept others. I'm not saying it will be easy cuz the road of head, is like a smart car riding along a Rocky Hill. We are just one out of a billion people in the world let's make it last. Let's make our journey eventful, joyous, and full of meaning we and others can understand not as a group but as a whole.

I know I may not make any sense but it's true. The key to a good existence it's not to make yourself see what other see, but it's to understand what you know and how you will comprehend that in the end.

                        -Andrew Strike