so much pain to hide. unable to take all this hurt inside. ripping all sense of saftey and love. visualy affected in need of a hug. insanity runs threw my mind. very little patients for time. ending all torture, cutting it loose, probly gonna kill myself with a noose.

soon I'll know we're I'll be. hiding away from society. walking into this unknown place, look at this dull desplay of my face. 

walking threw the door, oh no it's to late. blood splattered all over face. don't worry it's not mine it's hers, hurry up she needs help, where's the nurse.

you can't stop me, from dropping these bodies. seeing fear on your face gives me a safe space. cuts on your body I'm getting kinda  naughty. I've already started ,there's no way to stop. I'll just continue even if you call the cops.

splattered blood is what keeps me sane. call me different, do you even know my name. I don't blame you I have a lot of them, 200 dead only needed 10 of them.