thunder within

I wonder how many wishes do you have to make to realize it won't come true, how many lies do you have to make to convince that santa isn't really you.

how many councelor meetings until you can convince them your bullied, got smacked, one time you hit back, now your the new mean.

life is a joke, proove me wrong why don't ya. I'll be working hard, while your sippin Pepsi layin on your sofa. you think going to work is hard, why not try survivng. while I'm being bullied and there's dripping blood, you'll be a slob on cod that someone is reviving, in the mud.

try and stop me, I'll snap you like a pencil. while I'll be working, why don't you go get dental. think your better than me just cuz you've got views on YouTube. while you make slime, I'm making an army of those who have a broken noose.

and when I mean broken, I mean on the inside, cuz no one in societies time wants to see you cry. so come with me and I'll start a riot, we'll pass our own fire, and we'll stop being quiet.