face to face walk till your sore, thinking I don't want to do this anymore. what am I thinking what did I even sign up for.they say " child this is a battle zone, welcome to war."

black and white covered by dust, we won't stop untill they've had enough. children look up to us and say, wow I want to be just like you one day.

seeing all these familiar faces, dreaming will I even make it.FIRE YOUR GUN, THE WAR HAS BEEN WON. go back home, think about all that you've done. I'm thinking " ALL I SEE IS FAMILIAR FACES, WATCH AS THE BLOOD DRIPS AND RACES."

we had a command we got the job done, they never warned us this wouldn't be fun. bombs go off YOU BETTER RUN, only to see you wake up in a coffee OH FUK WHAT HAVE I DONE.

run run run don't look back, I've had enough can't you see I almost snapped. click of the trigger ready for the next step. press against my temple, I'm sorry I couldn't save them.BANG.