color vs personality

people always expected the worst of me, skipping class high as hell smoking weed. the truth is I'm the goodie two shoes, earning so much respect who new.

I live this way, to stand tall some day look you in the eye and call you out for all that hate. im just here to prove them all wrong. I'm not that brown junkie getting hits from the bong.

see I'm the kind of brown making so much art, watching all these people start to fall apart. just so I can hold them together,with a healing heart. yet I still go insane, whenever crime stikes I'm the only one to blame.

I built an image, an image of peace and love. while teaching all these people that brains isn't enough. building people higher then the empire State building, yet I'm the only one falling down and spilling.

try and keep myself together, make sure I don't snap. if I start to fall off the edge I will surely brake in half. gonna prove them wrong gonna make them see. that color dose not define your personality.