life is a mess

oh hi hello there my name is Andrew strike. but of course you already knew that right. I'm here so I can dis you. and you dis me too. you know dissing me is pretty easy. but if you do it you'll be called a meanie. 

you know I'm kind of like Anne Frank. so fucked up in multiple ways. 1 main reason is I'm gay. I can never look at the world in a happy way. the clouds keep blocking the sun away. Which puts a frown on my face. hiding away in some place dark. is where I stand I've made my mark. hidden away in a mask. I will not breathe until my last.

you know I can relate to Hellen Keller. reading hasn't gotten any better. I can see and she is blind. but no one can see my sacrifice. I may hear the sweet sorrow of death. but thank God she has no voice left. I've gone completely blind,to the state of being nice. I can't even hear. the nice compliments said into my ear.everyday I sing a different anthom. this Goes out to the land of the...