fire your gun and your one of them. but if we stand as one, we all will defend. I'm not saying that I'm going to cower and hide. I'm not saying your life is less than then mine. I'm just saying that we're all minorities. and instead of in the action, I'll be on the sidelines hoping.

if not by color then by heart, if not for them we we would all fall apart. we would not have strong game. so I thank you Mr. bad man for teaching about shame. while you're dropping bullets out in the streets, I'll  be in my bed writing poetry. I'll be shining down on those having a bad day. while you spread hate to our colors name.

stand still and speak your mind, how to get Justice through the power of being kind. maybe then others won't be so afraid. of us overruling another day. I know it seems hard because there is a bruise on your back, voice your complaints rather than attack. and if they fight without being provoked, then don't hesitate to choke. do this at your own will not at mine, because yet again I'm not joining this fight.