more thoughts on my mind

So here i am again only to get the thoughts out of my head, because if i keep them there ill feel better off dead. Not in reality just figurativley. we go go. Its just me and these words coming out of my head. Some might be missed spelled ut thats just who i am, i have no grammar, and dont like when its fixed but sometimes its necessary. Because sometimes i dont have vocabulary. No i dont this on purpose, i do it because im dyslexic. But now thats pretty much just an excuse not to try better.

I could spell if i tried just a little bit harder. I mean its just like basic math, but i cant do basic math. Let alone advanced, but this is my one chance to impress. So yes im gonna do my very best, not to win but just pass. It my not look like it now but that an accomplishment especially for those who havent bothered to try. But today there bothering now. Today they made sound to be heard so they can spread the word of there mistake so they can try again and retake. Because like you said no one is truly advance, and everybody deserves atleast one second chance.