no therapy

Everybody was born different and unique, some were born extraordinary, whether it be physical or mental. And no one should be given the right to take that away. I do know, not going to therapy can mess you up more especially if you need it, but in order to get it you have to want it otherwise you're going to end up damaged, or even more damage than before. And there's nothing wrong with that unless you're the damaged one. Then people won't understand your motives so they'll call you a freak show.

Taking pills only to take away that one unique thing about me. A bandaid to try and cuver up the big gash on your thigh.youll end up dead...but no one listens until its to late and they have to, but even then there to dumb founded to see the truth of reality.therapy is just another way some one can judge you and tell you what to do differently. Or give you medication to make you normal like everybody else.

What the hell happened to extraordinary, if we all become perfect there is no perfect there's just clones of clones. All the same boring thing over and over again just to satisfy the people who control money. Let me tell you a story. Of my past not so long ago but long enough. I was an ordinary everyday little girl, but as I got older mother nster, and real world reality opened its door.

I stopped smiling, i stopped being happy, so i put on a metaphorical mask of joy and put on my best fake smile, and i faked it to make it because it's a lot harder to be someone else that's not you then you think.i pretended to be someone else for 8 years just to satisfy my family so they would still love me only to find out they weren't mad.

Now this is good, yes. But if you go back, i wasted 8 years of my life because i didn't know i could've had the childhood i thought i couldn't have. But also when it comes to color that's a different thing. People are cruel jerks that are so self centered. ,but not everyone's the same just based on one assumption. You can't speak for everyone because it's just you. Unless you're given the consent by the person to be spoken for then you go. Another reason to prove your point because you think you're right, or always correct.