pick a side

pick a side pick a side, are you going with the darks or you rooting for the lights. take a look around why dont you open up your eyes. little kid this is called real life, you thought it was just a game you did it all because the fame. we all have opinions we all have views come on watcha gonna choose, is it gonna be red or are you gonna pick blue.

wait, hold up stop i thought this was my opinion, back off and let me just think for a second. ive got time ive got 18 years, theres no need to rush my ideas.hold up, what if i chose black or green. would you get mad because its not your idea. freedom of speech, ive got all day to vote, why do i have to choose between these two blokes.

in my defence it dosent matter what i choose ill just be voted out by these old dudes. theyve been walking this earth for like 80 years. just ready to collapse and bring us to tears. so when you ask me id choose niether, hell id rather vote a hairy ass beaver. but dont be offended by what i said, just think of this as an oportunity to be inside my head.