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and that's just because,and that's just because,and that's just because,and that's just because,and that's just because, chaos is all around. no matter where you walk or run. some people cause it just for fun. caused by mixed emotions, we're lacking serotonin.

all caused by some frustration, it's starts off like manipulation. turns into this generation, of hate and crime. yes it's ok to cry, as we stand side by side, fearing for our life. this could end, just drop the knife. no need for anger in this life time. no need to ask if you're all right, your answer was said just based off tonight. because serotonin is running real tight.

stress only causes us to fight. even talking won't make it right, so let me offer you a hug, don't worry we don't have to be best buds. you can call me a hug slut. instead of sex, I'm dishing out a shoulder to lean on.