self-conscious believer

it's not all about a thousand eyes, it's mostly the self hate. it's not usually about what others already see, but mostly about what they will think. infecting more than one. most of the population is filth ridden with this decease decaying at our mind, saying that we'll never be good enough. " that dress doesn't fit you, better put it back. " " stop eating you pig or you'll always be fat."

a thousand words that are never actually said, but are louder and louder when repeated in our heads. " this isn't the first time I was filled up with dred." talking and talking saying I'd be better off dead.kindness never works so we start taking pills, just to then notice we're waisting our bills. expense is getting higher, at the spike of our demand. " WE ONLY WANT TO FEEL NORMAL AND..." no one ever finishes that sentence there either to high, or 6ft below.