what happens next

yes, we maybe underage but I say we can rule the world some day. so sit next to me and hold my hand, as we rise into the next chapter of our life. I've only got one year left and time as a child is running out quick. I'm not ready for the jump but hold my hand and squeeze it tight, so we can stick together and hunt. we may be the prey but I have found a way, to have ever lasting happyness till the end of our years months and nights. I've said days to much please don't let us fight. as long as it's you I think I'll be alright. but when I open my eyes your not there. drifted off a little to far and when reality hit's. you weren't there at all. I guess I created by mistake. in hopes that I would have a better day. god I feel so hopeless, but that's okay. like I said before I'll find another way.