fuck your sunshine and rainbows

society is messed up to the point of no return and that's not ok but also ok. because people say so. there's an inner circle called naive. some people venture out on there own. and some people are violently pushed out by others. and they want to go back. but the one rule is you can never go back to that circle. now some people take there time to grow up. and some grow up to fast not by choice but by accident for wandering. and they make the mistake of now being self aware. and being self aware has the consequences of knowing what's going to happen. your never safe, and happiness is just an illusion used to dull those who have wandered to far. and some day maybe today or tomorrow, your will wander into the outer circle of reality. and when your stabbed with that knife you only heal by self acceptance. Wich is also understanding why I have a rotting infected stab wound that never healed.