time passes by so fast

where did all the time go, just yesterday it was 2019 and I was a freshman in high school. but in reality that wasn't yesterday and it is 2021 and I am a junior. I would call myself stereotypical for saying I wish we could turn back time but I would turn back time for very obvious reasons. covid f***** up my high school experience. but it was also a blessing in disguise. time passes by so fast, I was just a little person. and then you'll see me squat down behind the dumpster shooting heroin into my leg, it really depends on what path I take if I lead to that, you know if I'm having a bad day. because I went so far to escape reality. now I'm not one to judge do whatever the f*** you want, just make sure the person you're with wants to do it as well so you're not alone. but some people end up alone and that's okay some people like it and that's also okay. all I'm saying is make sure to justify your actions because if you don't you'll get in trouble then you won't have a good time stuck in reality, and there will be no escape. but why the f*** are you listening to me I'm just a teen.