we no longer talk

after all these years, we've settled the score. 0-1, you go off and grow and I'm still stuck in the rabbit hole of love. I mean fuck how many fucking falling in love bullshit things am I going to have to right until I'm no longer convinced we were ment to be. you said no that's ok, and yet we were still friends. but since the time I told you how I feel we talked less and less and less as if it got awkward after that day ,that year,that hour ,that sentence no paragraph, I didn't even originally write it I had fucking help from someone cuz I was to chiken shit. to scared to loose you...well it's to late because you've wandered into that forest and never came back.so moral of the story fuck you but also fuck me, for opening my God damn mouth. in the world of society we wake up , eat , take a shit , get ready , work , eat , go home , take another shit maybe a piss , eat , go to bed. but with you. I wanted to wake up next to you. eat with you. ride with you in the car jamming out to what whatever, as long as it's not country, go home with you. hug you. cry with you have fun with you. but...no. I'm ok with this.