see me

how many times do I have to sit in this empty space, because it's feels like I'm wasting away. how many names will I here, until they can say it to my face. how many tears will I have to shed untill I never feel dread again. how many hours pass till I fall asleep because I'm even tortured in my dreams. how many cuts will heal into scars, to let them know I wasn't born on Mars. how many pills will I have to take, until I'm free from yesterday's mistake. how many cracks will I have to count, until I know it's ok to lounge. I wasn't born yesterday. I've heard it before. your not the first to call me a whore. it's not my fault I cannot stand without counting all stripes on my fan. don't judge me for what you can or can't see, I am not you, I am only me.