
nobody knows where the money goes, it comes and goes but nobody knows. how is it made how does it leave, sitting here in poverty. work all day but never sleep, iced cold coffee. then I leave. this thing called economy, why the fuck is it so astonishing.

hooked liked worms. by the throat. if you stop, you will choke. replaced by another who is broke. REPLACED BY ANOTHER WHO IS BROKE. your whole damn life ment nothing, your the only one left, and now your empty. look, what it. did to me.

less ethics, more greed. try and guess who bleeds. the working class, down on their knees. and yet, no victory. where to go, where to stay. life turns, by another day. fucked by the rising sun. and yet, still, no one won.

not even the makers, they fell and burned by their own creation. by their own nation. thier bodies lay, fell to the bottom. back to start. all forgotten, can you blame them, who raised them. try and fix, another equation. but once you do, all goes belly up. your still fucked.