Maybe This Will Make Sense?

Where do i begin to explain the divide between perfectly fine,and committing suicide. Humans all have minds despite how much we feel they are asinine. In some places they just woke up, and my neigboor is cheating on his wife, and the librarian is the one he is going to fuck. Yet very few pay attention to the fact that every moment is a milestone. And no one told it, so it's left unspoken. And i think we all know when history repeats, we all end up dead.because we used our feelings, instead of our has no meaning, yet we try to give it those bad thoughts of death don't resurface. And i mean Fuck. even killing yourself takes courage,or maybe that just sounds weird. But don't worry, I promise that line was well writ. Ok, back on track. I was talking about when I lose my life to being drowned by the toxic thoughts that cloud my mind. If you know me you know i often call them a parasite, and sure…some moments may turn your mind to a place that's nice.but, people just seem to have a problem when they find out my happy bright light, that is my happiness is actually a lie made so no one sees the dark part of me that strives to be everything i couldn't be back way when i was a preeteen. Now living here, I have a routine, And a job so when I see something I like;I can always turn to money. That's what they want right? The top gets rich, while workers get paid with pennies.who am I to talk though, i wasn't alive in that scene.funny to see even bad things were modernized. You get paid less to work more, now you never see the family, when you get home everyone is already asleep.don't you think your wife gets lonely and horny?Yet you're busy being boring? That cock could be going so deep, yet you're usually at the office running copies. And calling people on the phone trying to sell your stock sheets. So in the future…Take a day off. I'm sure they've been collecting. Now go home and show your family what your love really means. 

Because she's a few ticks from combusting. And when she does it won't be funny when she finds out about your fling and then proceeds to take 50 percent of your things, as stated per the vows and kisses she had at your dear beloved wedding. And let me tell you the days of a good divorce is 90, so imagine our dear man and his ex wife, and his pregnant fling equipt with 2 new babies he had no idea is cooking. I mean thats what happens when you fuck withought a condom, because your convinced your dick could split the red sea. But unlike Moses your just a man fucking on the wrong day of the month. And now you have an extra mess to clean.