Oh Great, There's More

It comes from my mouth just like its saliva. It soothes my urge to think those unalive thoughts. Sometimes I think I am going crazy, but in reality, it turns out. I'm just lazy. What the fuck am I doing here. Spinning fast on this rolling sphere. Inside this strange atmosphere. Oh my God I think I'm fucking queer. You've had a turn, now let me steer. Oh my God I just hit adheer. And no not and animal I mean my servant, he doesn't really like when I start to swerve and. Loose all control just like and Asian. Oh my God I'm a fucking discrace, and hit him on the way down. But, don't, worry. I'm coming to town. Like a fucking clown, oh my God why does your face have a frown. Dark humor dark humor. It's sticks to me just like a tumor. Dark humor dark humor, it's all based on these fucked up rumors. I often joke about being a groomer. But. In. Reality. I wish I died sooner.